What would you like to be skinnable in WindowBlinds that is not currently?
Monday, October 5, 2009 by Neil Banfield | Discussion: WindowBlinds
I have started this thread to get feedback from skin authors who would like to see a specific thing skinnable that is not currently skinnable, or not skinnable in the way they would like it to be.
Please post specifics, so "Allow all colours to be changed" is not good feedback. "Allow me to change the text colour on control X" is.
So please be very specific in your requests stating what part, what you would like to be able to do and most importantly why.
Pictures would be especially helpful.
Reply #2 Monday, October 5, 2009 9:59 AM
I would like to beable to see Office and MSIE 8 as skinable much like firefox has it themes.
Reply #3 Monday, October 5, 2009 10:57 AM
I would like to be able to skin dark backgrounds on everything. No more hard-coded white... or any other colours. The Win7 Explorer sidebar, Calculator, MSpaint and Wordpad are huge offenders.
Just make it possible to make truly dark themes.
Reply #4 Monday, October 5, 2009 11:15 AM
Just make it possible to make truly dark themes.
I am sorry to say that will never happen.
If an app has hardcoded a background colour into itself then chances are it has also hardcoded other things assuming that background colour.
Reply #5 Monday, October 5, 2009 11:44 AM
I would like to be able to skin the file transformation animation in Vista. I don't have Win 7 yet, but have it ordered for when it comes out on Oct 22, at which time I'm sure I will have more "wants".
Reply #6 Monday, October 5, 2009 11:50 AM
I would like to see the ability to move the Vista/7 details pane to the top so I don't have to hack my files for that ability.
Reply #7 Monday, October 5, 2009 11:56 AM
That has been implemented for a while.
If an app has hardcoded a background colour into itself then chances are it has also hardcoded other things assuming that background colour.
I understand 3rd party apps we have little control over I am more interested in getting explorer fully skinned... so...how about for a start.. at least the left nav\folders and right Preview pane at least. Having a bright white area of an explorer window basically ruins every dark theme unless they are hidden, in which case navigation is hindered. Translucency in those panes would be a godsend too.
Neil I am going to add a Win 7 version to my current WIP, I haven't even finished XP yet, let alone Vista... so.. I will be adding a lot to this thread I imagine but nothing for a week or two.
Thanks for taking the initiative to listen mate
Reply #8 Monday, October 5, 2009 1:19 PM
The current beta build of WB7 is Fantastic! I see loads of improved features and I love the new interface. So Thanks for the updates!
As far as feedback, I have been a long time Object Desktop Ultimate subscriber and I will always be. With WB7 feedback, two of my programs have the same bug that has not been fixed with whatever WB version I use. Internet Download Manager and Teamviewer never get properly skinned. The popup window border (IDM) changes to clear after i apply any skin. I know these are 3rd party apps and the devs might not have much control over these, but the standard interface with the Aero skin applied looks as if all the windows are skinnable and look normal. Meaning, no extra buttons or things like this. The windows that are not being skinned are the download progress popup Interent Download Manager window (seems to be an error with the minimize button that screws up the whole skin on that window) and the main Teamviewer window. Both programs have the same skinning error as the outer window borders come up transparent and do not skin. Both programs I use and have been using for a long time and would love to see them somehow get skinned.If anyone can look into this and test these programs I would appreciate it.
Dunno, one of my scripts is breaking the pics I posted, here is the direct link.
Sorry Bout that.
Thanks and keep up the Great Work!
[Edit by Admin: Removed images as they were breaking the page. Please be careful what you paste into a comment box]
Reply #9 Monday, October 5, 2009 1:40 PM
My wishlist..... I would like to be able to change the color of the font within Windowblinds instead of doing it in SkinStudio.
Reply #10 Monday, October 5, 2009 2:01 PM
It would be nice to see Internet Explorer gets skinned. At this time only the title-bar gets skinned, the bars bellow the title-bar are still the default vista.
Reply #11 Monday, October 5, 2009 2:41 PM
Ditto on that......the one and only reason I still have IE7 istalled. IE8 doesn't get skinned
Reply #12 Monday, October 5, 2009 3:55 PM
Another vote for IE8 skinning.
Would very much like to see full proper glass skinning (skinning the aero glass stream) instead of only the borders. msstyle hackers do this with their skins, one would hope that Stardock could use their expertise to go one better...
Reply #13 Monday, October 5, 2009 4:03 PM
I would like to be able to change the colour of the text ("Folders") on the folders bar in the Vista Explorer.
Reply #14 Monday, October 5, 2009 4:10 PM
How about this?
When you tell WB to apply a different skin to an app, that app also gets the skin's colors. Or, if you make an exception for an app, that app gets the default colors instead of the skin colors.
Reply #15 Monday, October 5, 2009 4:21 PM
-Change size, color of folder bar font
-Explorer tree view (left pane) background able to have color changed.
-Would be nice if there was a way around the command bar text on explorer to not use "Window background" color.
-IE8 Doesnt seem to skin with current WB. At least not entirely.
-I actually would like some "redundancy" in SKS its self. Specifically Id like it if im in the start menu section of SKS for example, then EVERYTHING that can apply to that area is listed in there, regardless of whether or not it is in another section of the editor already. I find myself having to jump around alot in the editor for some areas.
-Doubt you can do this since its probably all Mozilla but better Firefox skinning support.
Reply #16 Monday, October 5, 2009 4:29 PM
ditto on ie8. i would like to see the all programs button (in the startmenu) to possbily have animation available for vista.
i would like to see the folders bar in vista to lose the blue font. (make it changeable)
i would like to skin and or remove the graphics with the flash animation in the explorer_info_vst bar. and in the control panel.
i would like to see a higher frame rate for userpane and startmenu button animations (i know i have brought this up before, but there IS a frame limit, as vista has a pixel height limit, and once you go over a certain amount of frames you get white pixelations around the animation) I still want to see a max frame limit for these, so we know how far we can go. this would save hours of work.
i would like the task arrow background to be skinned.
currently in vista, the minimized window buttons stretch, making it hard to do normal buttons. I would like them to maintain the size they are made to and not stretch. They stretch because the min_window_caption follows the height guide of the titlebar, so the min_window_caption need to have their own height, and this would stop the minimized window buttons from stretching out of shape and proportion.
i find the blur round edge values in perpixel frames very annoying and not even sure what purpose it serves.
thanks for this post, i hope my list is useful to you.
Reply #18 Monday, October 5, 2009 4:58 PM
some of this has already been said....
IE8 Tabs are not skinnable.
The background area on the favorites menu in explorer is not skinnable (see #1), so when you try to skin the favorites menu, it looks like crap. I've noticed that many skinners just leave this section white because of this issue.
The text on the buttons for the Command Bar is not changable (see #2). I'd love to at least be able to lose the shadow on the text.
The text color on the folders menu button needs to be changable (see #3).
I would like to have ALL the states for the start button capable of being animated, not just the mouseover.
A seperate image for the start button for the vertical taskbar (see #4), so we can center it or not, depending on the blind.
The user picture background isnt skinnable (see #5), I usually just get rid of it because it will not match.
The flashing button for the vertical taskbar needs a seperate image.
The text color settings for the pressed, disabled and mouseover states on the Toolbar Style Menubar Button are mixed up in SKS6 and SKS7.
Color Burn and Color Dodge would be nice to have in the blending options for layers.
It would be nice to be able to move the Start Menu Log Off Buttons independantly from the Search Bar on the Start Menu.
The Search Icon in the Start Menu Search Bar will not stay centered in the search bar if the bottom section of the Start Menu is too tall (see #6).
Reply #19 Monday, October 5, 2009 5:29 PM
it's been reading *******CHANGE ME****** since version 6.0
Reply #20 Monday, October 5, 2009 6:07 PM
Currently, the text for headerbars and buttons can be recolored, but they use the window text color for certain apps like Firefox (buttons) and Thunderbird (headerbar). It would be nice if the text color settings for these things would stay consistent with the skinners settings.
BTW- thanks for this thread. It's a great idea!
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Reply #1 Monday, October 5, 2009 9:44 AM
be able to have a background on the All programs list that isn't just a solid colour (this may already be there but i haven't looked hard at skin studio yet)