Bad karma's around...
Monday, August 18, 2008 by Snowman | Discussion: Community
This must stop!!
If you have any issues with a skin you've downloaded, please make the artist aware of it either as comment or an email/PM in a polite way.
If you have any issues with a/any artist, please keep it to yourself or at least in private.
When entering this site, please hang any negative karma outside the door. It's not welcome here!
Remember, negativity breeds negativity. Give a negativ comment, then expect a negative response.
If you have any issues with a/any artist, and decides that you wanna bash him/her by badmouthing him/her in comments on a skin the artist has uploaded - forget it!
Doing so will get your posting priveleges removed, for a period of time. Keep it up and you will eventually be banned/exiled from the site - regardless of your status with Stardock/WC (Customer/subscriber).
Having baught a Stardock product or payed for extended access to WinCustomize - or even having been so fortunate to have been promoted to highest userlevel (Master) - doesn't grand you the right to be content/style/quality police!!
The only ones who police what's going public or not are the admins/moderators - no one else!
So in short, keep your comments polite, tactful and constructive if critisism, even if you dislike the skin/artist.
If you absolutely HAVE to bash a skin/artist please do it in private.
(Yeah I know, that doesn't make you look cool to your friends/followers/pets/relatives, but it keeps the site clean and happy.)
If you cannot/will not live by this then, please live by the old saying "If you have nothing good to say - say nothing".
Please keep WinCustomize a happy site

Reply #3 Monday, August 18, 2008 12:59 PM
Although I agree with most of this post.. this statement me.. is absurd.
Heres the reality folks, people don't get better by telling them GREAT SKIN!!..GOOD WORK!!
They get better via realistic criticism, sometimes it hurts, in the long run, it does help.
Having the abilty to only say 'nice, good' things is the best way to foster mediochrity.
To be told how to comment, what you can and cannot say.. is almost socialist and in essence censorship.
This stems from being told year after year how CRAP my work was...Yeah, it hurt, hurt bad, but in the end , They were right, it was crap and I'm better for it.
I'm not saying going around calling peoples work is crap is ok, it's not but to say if you dont have something

Also I seem to remember being stalked and hounded and harrassed and flamed by a certain someone for months and months for NO reason.. until FINALLY something was done about it after several complaints.
Where were the site police then?
Reply #4 Monday, August 18, 2008 1:11 PM
Heres the reality folks, people don't get better by telling them GREAT SKIN!!..GOOD WORK!!
They get better via realistic criticism, sometimes it hurts, in the long run, it does help.
Having the abilty to only say 'nice, good' things is the best way to foster mediochrity.
To be told how to comment, what you can and cannot say.. is almost socialist and in essence censorship.
I agree on this. But
As long as its done in a nice and helpful way.

Reply #5 Monday, August 18, 2008 1:12 PM
Pointing out skin or character flaws, issues, and concerns in a polite, well-thought out manner is. Posting your opinion in the same manner is also acceptable
I believe that Snowy was focusing not on the negative content but on the negative delivery. There is a difference.

Reply #6 Monday, August 18, 2008 1:13 PM
Heres the reality folks, people don't get better by telling them GREAT SKIN!!..GOOD WORK!!
They get better via realistic criticism, sometimes it hurts, in the long run, it does help.
Having the abilty to only say 'nice, good' things is the best way to foster mediochrity.
To be told how to comment, what you can and cannot say.. is almost socialist.
I have uploaded work that wasn't up to par(judging from the downloads)but you always get the same flock of comments like great work, good job, nice. For crying out load folks, tell us what is wrong with darn thing so it can be fixed. Of course like Snowman said you don't have get sh*tty about it.
Reply #7 Monday, August 18, 2008 1:14 PM
Reply #8 Monday, August 18, 2008 1:17 PM
The negativity I would assume that Snowman is talking about is just the comments like "this sucks" and other recent flame wars.
Reply #9 Monday, August 18, 2008 1:20 PM
Although I agree with most of this post.. this statement me.. is absurd.
I believe you've taken that portion out of context
If you absolutely HAVE to bash a skin/artist please do it in private.
If you cannot/will not live by this then, please live by the old saying
Reply #10 Monday, August 18, 2008 1:21 PM
Reply #11 Monday, August 18, 2008 1:22 PM
But if you post a clear comment on why you think a skin has failed in some way . . you have done your part. Move along. If the artist is receptive and asks for more feedback . . continue. If not . . no need to ever try to help again.
Arguing with an idiot may confuse who is who.

Reply #13 Monday, August 18, 2008 1:23 PM
Heres the reality folks, people don't get better by telling them GREAT SKIN!!..GOOD WORK!!
They get better via realistic criticism, sometimes it hurts, in the long run, it does help.
That's fine. Snowman simply said "Do it politely and in private communication" and that's what's called CIVILITY.
Right on snowman....I've said the same thing, and try to practice it.
Reply #14 Monday, August 18, 2008 1:33 PM
What if everyone every couple of days everyone updated their skins to be at the top of page one..? What if everyone took images from other themes, threw them together badly and called it their 'work' This may not mean anything to a lot of people but to th epeople that DO their own work, are honest in their appraoch, it IS something.. in fact it's quite a big deal.
I don't think you see us going into everyones submissions and trashing them do you, no..and you won't because were better than that and have more important things in our lives like helping out in the forums, mentoring, putting together quality skins....but at some point, no matter how much it is frowned upon you feel obligated to call it like it is.
If we are SO wrong about this, if we are elitist for calling a spade a spade then I guess we are just that.
This whole thing is personally wearing on me and if I'm way off on this please let me know.
Last I'll say on that subject..excuse me if I go too far in my beliefs.
Reply #15 Monday, August 18, 2008 2:44 PM
Looks like the original concepts and values of skinning that were once upheld have gone out the window in favor of kissing the ass of the almighty dollar. It's that way every where you turn in todays world though isn't it. Good luck to you guys that try to make a living at this and actually CARE still.
Reply #16 Monday, August 18, 2008 5:09 PM

But anyways.
I'm all for trying to keep things nice around here. Hell, I myself act much nicer toward people here than I have on other sites in the past, just because of the community I saw in place when I first found WC. That's not to say I would run around the internet acting like an asshole. But other places if I had seen people commenting with such obvious stupidity or cries for attention as I have seen in some posts on here, I would have replied with much obvious sarcasm or just pointed out their stupidity/patheticness to them blatantly.
I know that's not really what the post was about but again
If people can't take negative comments, when they are given in a constructive and or civil way, without having a fit and flying off the handle about them, then maybe they shouldn't be posting in the first place.

Reply #17 Monday, August 18, 2008 5:19 PM
It wasn't a post but a string of comments on a WB upload, which seems to have been deleted from the main gallery at this point.
Reply #18 Monday, August 18, 2008 5:26 PM
But who's on first, what's on second, I don't know's on third......

Hi Zu! Love your comments. There really is a HUGE diff between negative comments and negative delivery. In the latter case, it never arrives.

Reply #19 Monday, August 18, 2008 5:31 PM
I figured that from the previous replies. I was using the term "posts" loosely to cover comments/posts/threads. Thanks for trying to clarify though.

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Reply #1 Monday, August 18, 2008 12:35 PM