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File Size: .88MB
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Updated Aug 08, 2003 by Shadowplayed

Comment #1 Tuesday, August 5, 2003 5:35 AM
expect a shellwm skin update soon. either today or tomarrow.
Comment #2 Wednesday, November 5, 2003 7:31 AM
It did no work with my computer.I received an error stating "Check Box File:Can't load first shortcut image. Button.png" and then LsBox.dll issued Error:Exception during module initialization. I am sorry I could not use it.
Peter Apple
Comment #3 Friday, June 2, 2006 6:12 PM
I have not downloaded this to date, however, I see big potential izn it. I'd like to see it a little more mac like, maybe with the mac bar at the top with Finder, path etc.? Also with a doc at the bottom would look wicked. If you add those things or bulk it out in a similar fashion I'll give it a shot.

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