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Updated Jul 09, 2003 by mrbiotech

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Comment #1 Sunday, May 18, 2003 7:13 PM
woohoow o__O that looks like a mighty fine theme!!
Snowman will most certainly make a HvD theme from this one! (when I get the time, that is...)

A sure 10!
Comment #2 Sunday, May 18, 2003 11:10 PM
this is very nice. And I'm sure it will make more than one person happy!
Comment #3 Monday, May 19, 2003 12:14 AM
Well...crashed LS on switching to it....had to reload via ShellON...then it couldn't find the mzscript module....until I swapped in another version that I was already using....then it was fine.
First time I've had a close look at layercuts and the alpha blending...does look stylish...
I think the vwm at top-left lets it down when changing z-order via hotspot....when you see a half-obscured circular vwm window...just looks untidy....perhaps switch vwm graphic/s with the same hotspot function...
Comment #4 Monday, May 19, 2003 5:55 AM
I've noticed it takes a while for this theme to load. When jamptoo.dll is removed, everything seems to run smoothly. Trying to replicate the vwm problem... it does seem to flop z-order later than the surrounding orb, I'll check out the scripting. Helpful as always, thanks Jafo!
Comment #5 Monday, May 19, 2003 6:05 AM
Okeedokee- I've consulted with the buddies at and here's the fix (thanks kindly, anaintre!):

From what I understand cc3250mt.dll is required by windows in order to use the current mzscript.dll (banjo, I believe).

cc3250mt.dll is available here:
Comment #6 Monday, May 19, 2003 7:07 AM
WOW!!!! again. You are definitively on our list of best authors!
Comment #7 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 11:39 AM
Thanks DuoPixels! You've both together (jalentorn, apb) created my favorite skins, so I've got to credit you as great exemplars and influences (if we had a humbly grateful emoticon, it would go here! )
Styl-X Design
Comment #8 Thursday, May 22, 2003 6:56 AM
WOW, You arent far from the level of our top authors like treetog and alexandrie hippy enz enz (ofcourse I am forgetting a lot here)

Great job! You used photoshop for this?
great work!
Comment #9 Saturday, May 24, 2003 12:19 AM
Styl Skinner- Thanks! comment appreciated, but I think I've got an infinite way to go before I can touch their caliber . All rendered using Photoshop 6.
Comment #10 Thursday, May 29, 2003 6:22 PM
great looking theme, first litestep experience for me btw..

although i got some performance issues as dragging windows often lags and creates a white blur on the desktop... same with a friend...

loading is slow, disabling jamptoo.dll in step.rc doesn't help.... just leaves the lower right bar rendering wrong (yeah, i can guess why)

disabling the hotspots does not seem to work... keeps me switching out of games or showing the top bar when i reach a corner ;(

anyway, i got used to litestep instead of explorer and especially this theme... i'd really appreciate a version 0.002

great work otherwise

Comment #11 Friday, May 30, 2003 12:19 AM
TheQL - I believe the white-blur when dragging may be a result of Layercuts intercepting the screen-writes (for the transparency effect, drop-shadows, etc...). It also increases loading (& reloading) time. I'll keep my eyes pealed for a new Layercuts.dll version.

As for the disabling of hotspots- sounds like the scripting- mzscript-banjo requires cc3250mt.dll, which is available at , but in case that doesn't work, don't worry, v.002 is in the worx!
Shakey (the Original)
Comment #12 Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:34 PM
What a gorgeous theme. Reminds me of Doodle and his Turtle Soup themes.
Comment #13 Monday, June 23, 2003 11:08 PM
Comment #14 Monday, June 23, 2003 11:10 PM
also were can you get the wall paper can you provide a link
Comment #15 Thursday, June 26, 2003 4:15 AM
RCCCFPP, here's the link for the wall (which coincidentally was my first rejection from WinCustomize) :

Singularity v0.002 (next major update) coming up within a month or so... getting rid of tasks.dll in favor of taskbar3, adding rainmeter, simplifying the code, and decreasing load time.
Comment #16 Wednesday, July 9, 2003 9:08 AM
This kicks ass even though I don't do litestep.
Tim Ho
Comment #17 Friday, July 11, 2003 1:54 AM
had problems with it, granted I'm new to Litestep, but I put it in the themes folder, and switched themes... my computer became unuseable with my login. Fortunately I could login as an administrator and uninstall the program. Just FYI. Could've been something I did wrong.
Comment #18 Friday, July 11, 2003 12:26 PM
Tim Ho, I think I might've located the problem (*.thm file manually created incompatible with LSTS.exe). I'm gonna email this directly to you, and if it works, we'll make it a full-blown update. MAJOR THANKS!!!
Comment #19 Sunday, July 13, 2003 4:42 PM
can some1 plz send me that desktop??? thx a lot!!

p.s: greet work i love it!! LOL
Comment #20 Tuesday, July 15, 2003 2:01 AM
great theme mrbiotech...its soo off the not really a ls person...i tried it and somehow..well things aint work out..but you have madd skins and the skins always look great in detail and futuristic...great job

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