The Elements
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The Elements

Updated Jan 24, 2008 by Seabass

Comment #1 Thursday, January 24, 2008 2:40 PM
This looks pretty cool
Is it supposed to be:
Air      |    Fire
Water |    Earth

Fire and earth don't look really firey or earthy. 

Also, usually I have windows near the center of my screen.  I like to see a little more animation around the edges where I have desktop showing. . . but that could just be me. 
Comment #2 Thursday, January 24, 2008 2:46 PM
I agree about the window in the middle of the screen
Comment #3 Thursday, January 24, 2008 3:17 PM
Reverse the fire and earth and you have it. Did an erratic fire and a more stowic earth.

See I like the reverse with space for my desktop icon and side bar. I think I might try something more like a picture frame for one of these. I also keep more space on the top and bottom for Object Dock. Its a matter of preferance I am sure.

What would you suggest for showing some more firey and earth in energy form?
Comment #4 Thursday, January 24, 2008 7:25 PM
This is awesome...i really like it...using it right now.

Beautiful colors and beautiful concept.�

5 stars from me..

Comment #5 Thursday, January 24, 2008 11:28 PM
What would you suggest for showing some more firey and earth in energy form?

Johhny Storm and Ben Grimm 

I think of lava when I think of Earth energy, not green-ish plama.  And the fire  . . it looked rocky to me; like earth.

For the record . . I couldn't come close to making anythign that looked half as good.  Thanks for sharing. 
Comment #6 Friday, January 25, 2008 8:04 AM
I gave that some thought but for these purposes of doing the four energy types I couldn't do lava and have everything else so wispy. I do think you are right about the fire though. I am going to mess with them more in the next concept.

It makes sense that Lava would be earth but I think more of fire with lava. I suppose I could have modeled up some rock doing it's thing but I didn't think people would find it as interesting.

Also thanks for the praise everyone.
Comment #7 Thursday, July 17, 2008 4:16 PM
Really cool Seabass . It would be awesome if you took the effects in this one and turned them into a cool "planet-esque" version... Like Earth as a base, then water streaming over that, then air floating over that, surrounded by fire or something... Yea, I know, completely different then this dream but I still think it would be cool . Nice Work!

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