So What's a Slug?
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 by starkers | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
It's an evicted snail.
And what's a snail?
It's a slug with a backpack.
Reply #3 Tuesday, October 10, 2017 10:21 AM
Speaking of's snake season over here....
Lo and behold...a brownie managed to get into a house via a cat flap.....
For the uninitiated...a 'brownie' is the world's second most deadly snake...
Reply #4 Tuesday, October 10, 2017 10:45 AM
Used to have fun with rattlesnakes and black widow spiders in the Mojave Desert in California! You sometimes wake up in the morning and there they are!
Reply #5 Tuesday, October 10, 2017 10:57 AM
So What's a Slug?
Something that gives you a Black Eye.
Reply #6 Tuesday, October 10, 2017 11:19 AM
So What's a Slug ?
What they dig out of your flesh after a gunfight.
Reply #8 Tuesday, October 10, 2017 7:30 PM
So What's a Slug ?
What they dig out of your flesh after a gunfight.

Also, what you don't want to get caught using in a coin-operated vending machine.
Reply #10 Tuesday, October 10, 2017 11:41 PM
That can't be don't get evicted from a backpack...

Um! A home is where you keep all yer stuff... and yer can get evicted'
Similarly, a backpack is where you keep all yer stuff.... and it can be stolen, which if you're a homeowner it pretty much amounts to the same thing.
Speaking of's snake season over here....
Lo and behold...a brownie managed to get into a house via a cat flap.....
For the uninitiated...a 'brownie' is the world's second most deadly snake...

Yeah, I worry about our dogs going outside, and at this time of year with brownies and other snakes about I rather they didn't... but they have to pee somewhere, right! My dog, Buddy, is the alpha male and even bosses his father [Steve's dog] about. But the biggest worry is that he thinks he's the great black hunter - being he's black - and goes after geckos, lizards, moths and huntsmen spiders, etc. It just worries me that he might spot a brownie in the yard and go after it like he does other critters.
As for the brownie being the world's second most deadly snake, many think it is number one. Whereas the Taipan is more venomous, it is more reclusive and tends to shy away from people more... thus less bites. However, the Eastern brown, which is more prevalent and more aggressive, is more prone to bite, often several times when disturbed, and therefore considered Australia's most deadly snake dues to its greater numbers and proximity to built-up, populated areas.
Reply #11 Tuesday, October 10, 2017 11:44 PM
And snails are more likely to shoplift than slugs... cos they got somewhere to stash the proceeds
Reply #12 Wednesday, October 11, 2017 1:36 AM
So Mrs snail bursts into the room at the knock shop and catches her husband humping a female slug. She berates him heavily and then he asks: "How on earth did you ever find me?
"Easy, I followed the snail trail."
Reply #13 Wednesday, October 11, 2017 5:10 AM
It was a few days until the big race but the snail still wanted to race. All of the numbers were taken so an "S" was painted on its car. The snail didn't do to well, it kept getting lapped. As the race was winding down the snail started to pick up its pace and started lapping cars.
The crowd stood up as one and shouted "Look at that "S" car go!"
Reply #14 Wednesday, October 11, 2017 9:06 AM
That can't be don't get evicted from a backpack...

Um! A home is where you keep all yer stuff... and yer can get evicted'
Similarly, a backpack is where you keep all yer stuff.... and it can be stolen, which if you're a homeowner it pretty much amounts to the same thing.
Speaking of's snake season over here....
Lo and behold...a brownie managed to get into a house via a cat flap.....
For the uninitiated...a 'brownie' is the world's second most deadly snake...

Yeah, I worry about our dogs going outside, and at this time of year with brownies and other snakes about I rather they didn't... but they have to pee somewhere, right! My dog, Buddy, is the alpha male and even bosses his father [Steve's dog] about. But the biggest worry is that he thinks he's the great black hunter - being he's black - and goes after geckos, lizards, moths and huntsmen spiders, etc. It just worries me that he might spot a brownie in the yard and go after it like he does other critters.
As for the brownie being the world's second most deadly snake, many think it is number one. Whereas the Taipan is more venomous, it is more reclusive and tends to shy away from people more... thus less bites. However, the Eastern brown, which is more prevalent and more aggressive, is more prone to bite, often several times when disturbed, and therefore considered Australia's most deadly snake dues to its greater numbers and proximity to built-up, populated areas.
Statistics say that the Belcher’s Sea Snake is the most venomous snake known in the world, only a few milligrams of its venom is strong enough to kill 1000 people! However, less than 1/4 of bites will contain venom, and they are relatively docile. Fisherman are usually the victims of these snakes, as they encounter the species when they pull nets from the ocean. They are found throughout waters off South East Asia and Northern Australia. But you can keep them over there.
Reply #15 Wednesday, October 11, 2017 9:38 AM
What about the sloppiest poisonous predator. A Komodo dragon drips bacteria laden saliva from it's mouth. All it needs do is bite once then chill while the bacteria slowly kills the prey. Found in Indonesia its the largest lizard weighing in at approximately 150 pounds and nearly ten feet long in some cases. This sucker can take down a water buffalo with one bite.
Reply #16 Wednesday, October 11, 2017 10:06 AM
Statistics say that the Belcher’s Sea Snake is the most venomous snake known in the world
Yes, you are quite correct. In fact there are several sea snakes with venom more toxic than a Taipan or an Eastern Brown. Jafo and I should have stipulated 'land' snakes when speaking of the deadliest.
What about the sloppiest poisonous predator. A Komodo dragon drips bacteria laden saliva from it's mouth. All it needs do is bite once then chill while the bacteria slowly kills the prey. Found in Indonesia its the largest lizard weighing in at approximately 150 pounds and nearly ten feet long in some cases. This sucker can take down a water buffalo with one bite.
Yup, the Comodo Dragon is often forgetten as a one of the most deadly predators. I saw a documentary on them a few years ago and was mighty glad that I was in my living room many miles removed from them. Apparently, while they often seem quite slow and sluggish [pun intended] the Comodo Dragon can pretty much outrun most track athletes over varying distances when hungry or angry or both.
Reply #18 Wednesday, October 11, 2017 9:10 PM
It was a few days until the big race but the snail still wanted to race. All of the numbers were taken so an "S" was painted on its car. The snail didn't do to well, it kept getting lapped. As the race was winding down the snail started to pick up its pace and started lapping cars.
The crowd stood up as one and shouted "Look at that "S" car go!"

Reply #19 Wednesday, October 11, 2017 10:35 PM
All it needs do is bite once then chill while the bacteria slowly kills the prey.
Thing about the Inland Taipan is that it doesn't need to bite to release the's just a scratch will do.
Thing is, encounters between humans and Taipans are not that common, so bites/ being envenomed are somewhat rare... well compared to a brownie, that is. I've seen both in the wild, and to be honest, they don't look much different from each other.
Reply #20 Thursday, October 12, 2017 11:09 PM
A slug, a tortoise and a hare have a race.
The slug comes in dead last, as is to be expected
However, he is awarded 1st prize.
He was the only one who could prove he didn't take any shortcuts
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Reply #1 Tuesday, October 10, 2017 9:19 AM
That can't be don't get evicted from a backpack...