My Desktop Lately
Thursday, January 12, 2023 by redskittlesonly | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Customizing the look and feel of your Windows desktop can be a fun and easy way to make your computer feel like your own. One way to do this is by using Start11, WindowBlinds 11, and Fences 4. In this post, we'll go over how I use these products to personalize my desktop.
First, Start11. This program allows you to customize the look and functionality of the Windows Start menu. With Start11, you can change styles, colors, transparency, shortcut links, rounded or squared corners, and even add your own custom shortcuts. Try it for free here.
I like using the more familiar start menu which is a combo of the Win 7 style and the more modern look ("Modern style" to be exact).
Next, let's talk about WindowBlinds 11. This program allows you to change the appearance of the windows on your desktop. With WindowBlinds, you can change the color and style of the window borders, add a custom background to your windows, and even use skins to change the overall look of your windows. Try it for free here.
For WindowBlinds, I like something more slick/modern looking, so I have been running Eva.
Finally, let's talk about Fences 4. This program allows you to organize your desktop by grouping shortcuts and files into "fences" that you can move and resize as needed. With Fences, you can create multiple fences to keep your desktop organized and clutter-free. Try it for free here.
I like to use just a few important fences to organize the programs I toggle through the most. The folder portal is one of my favorite features with Fences.
Here's a quick snapshot of my desktop this month:
March 2020 Desktop Screenshots
Sunday, March 1, 2020 by DrJBHL | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Hey! March already!
Post 'em if you have them!
Looking forward to the great desktops and new skins!
2008 Community Wallpaper
Saturday, May 3, 2008 by Matchbook | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
That was about 4 years ago. Many skinners have since either quit, lost interest, moved onto greener pastures or just got bored. New ones have emerged and shown great promise, so I feel it's time for another community wall, akin to 2004's, just newer.
What do you think?
I've made a very suitable background for it but I shant post it until I know others are interested in getting in on this.

Let me know if you're keen on the idea.
Check out the old one
Cutoff for new tags in effect
I will now finish this long overdue little project.
Thanks, everyone, for your submissions and subsequent patience in waiting for this.

Much love!

Adobe Provides Beta Lightroom App.
Monday, January 9, 2006 by Patriots | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Don't know if anyone has posted this yet. So, thought I would. Adobe provides Public Beta of Lightroom Application for Photographers.
The new application is designed to meet the workflow requirements of professional digital photographers and complement the abilities of Photoshop.
Check it out

Weekly Widget Report
Weekly Widget Wonder Week to Week
Thursday, December 8, 2005 by Andrew Powell | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Recently I recieved permission from the site administrators to compile and make a weekly post regarding new widgets each week for Kapsules. It was suggested however, that users here (and elsewhere) might take more interest if this report of sorts was for every widget enabling application out there.
I feel that this is a great way to highlight each program and get the word out on new widgets for each. Afterall, the widgets really make the app. Please feel free to lend your suggestions, but keep in mind that this is intended to be a summary of widgets.
What I had in mind:
- A 'section' for Kapsules, AveDesk, Konfabulator and DesktopX
- Preview screenshots for each widget (hosted at imageshack of course, or directly linked with permission)
- Short description of the widget
- Current widget rating (if applicable)
To that end, and since I really dont use any other widget app other than Kapsules, I will have to rely on you - the user - to let me know what new widgets you would like showcased for the week. I have setup an email address with gmail (because its good at trapping spam) specifically for people to email me details on widgets for the report.
Please feel free to send a short description if you like, but make sure to include a link where the download can be found. For instance, a link to the widget's card on, the information page on for DesktopX widgets, or even a forum post here on AquaSoft. If the demand is there for Dashboard widget's I would be happy to include those as well.
I'm relying on your input and suggestions for the report, so please help a brutha out
Episode III is out on DVD
Monday, October 31, 2005 by Island Dog | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
I am so excited that Episode III will be released on DVD. I thought it would be a great time to list some Star Wars inspired skins.
Lightsaber -
Lightsaber Dark Side -
Star Wars Cursors -
Star Wars -
Star Wars Icons -
Lightsaber -
Star Wars -
Technical Writer Needed
Multiplicity Manual
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 by KarmaGirl | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Stardock has a contract job open for a technical writer. The work would consist of writing a very straight forward user manual for Multiplicity Pro. This Manual will be about 16 printed pages, and will need to be written for the "common user" to understand. The work is currently only for the manual, but there may be more work available in the future, which will be done on a per project basis.
If anyone is interested in this position, please send a technical writing sample to:
How can they miss DesktopX
A "widget war" article that neglects Stardock (again)
Thursday, May 19, 2005 by ZubaZ | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Mike Elgan disects the history of Apple's Dashboard but his version goes MS Active desktop --> Konfabulator --> Dashboard.