Monday, January 4, 2016 by mozler | Discussion: Personal Computing
Last night I started my machine out of hibernation to be presented with the log on screen, (normally it goes to my desktop), after logging on I had a pale blue screen and in large letters a message; ‘YOUR COMPUTER HAS BEEN UPDATED’, this was there for a few seconds before being replaced with ‘NONE OF YOUR FILES HAVE BEEN MOVED OR CHANGED, THEY ARE STILL IN THEIR ORIGINAL PLACE’ or words to that effect. My first thoughts were. Sh*t, I’ve been hijacked, especially when the your computer has been updated appeared again. Then a message appeared in the bottom right hand corner, ‘SOME OF YOUR PROGRAMS HAVE BEEN REMOVED, AS THEY ARE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM’. Sh*t again, waiting for a ransom demand. This screen was there for several minutes before I hit off switch and rebooted.
Log on screen as normal, logged in, OK, then a message, Speccy has been removed as it is not compatible with your OS. I clicked on the icon, NO SPECCY, cannot be found, Sh*t. Went to control panel, programs, no speccy. At no time did I have a message about an MS update.
Did a full security scan, no malware or virus’s
Checked my build no, Windows 10, V1511. 10586.29. then checked updates, Security update KB3116900 03/01/16. I then checked online, apparently this is the P I A November update, many people have had similar problems with the update removing so called incompatible programs, after this review, I found that CC cleaner had also gone. How many more? Perhaps I will find out over the next few days.
One interesting point, when I installed Windows 10 at the end of July/early August I was one of those who installed window blinds and Iconpackager before the warnings. I removed WB after following the threads, but didn’t remove IP because of the many problems people had had when uninstalling. It is true to say that I have had no problems with IP, except that it does not alter the folder icons. The latest Windows 10 update reset all of my icons, but did not flag IP as incompatible, I have manually changed all of those icons which I could, each time W10 sent me to IP for the Icon. I will not use IP now to blanket change my icons as I do not want to risk it, I dread to think what might have happened if the update had tried to remove IP. Is Microsoft going to determine what programs are allowed on their OS in the future?
My main concern (apart from being Pi**ed off at losing my programs) is if MS can remove programs during an update, what stealthware can it install to spy on and monitor our files at the same time, will it start to remove non DRM items, like Amazon tried with the Kindle several years ago. Even more to worry about with MS, (apart from my wife who has MS, but that is another story).
Also glad to report that no problems with WB10 after the update.
Reply #2 Monday, January 4, 2016 11:44 AM
Windows 10 removes several classes of third-party system monitors (to be replaced by their own more reliable and superior versions of them, of course). :/
More info here and elsewhere around the webs:
Reply #3 Monday, January 4, 2016 11:51 AM
RND Link
Windows 10 removed CPUZ from my rig with the same message.
Reply #4 Monday, January 4, 2016 11:54 AM
RND Link
Windows 10 removed CPUZ from my rig with the same message.
Capcibo, tovarish.
Your family shall be spared in the coming great galactic purge.
Reply #5 Monday, January 4, 2016 12:24 PM
Oh come on. Lies, all lies. Everybody knows MS would NEVER do something like this. The public backlash would be terrible, after all.
Reply #6 Monday, January 4, 2016 12:51 PM
Why would they be removed? Doesn't W10 have a "compatibility" mode?
Some nerve, I'd say...but then, who does your machine belong to?
Reply #7 Monday, January 4, 2016 1:20 PM
I've been saying for months how bad Win 10 is... and how much worse it will get, but not too many people actually believed me, dismissing my claims as conspiracy theories and paranoia. Well it now seems that some of what I was saying has come to pass, and MS is starting tgo dictate what users can and cannot do/have on their machines.
I said 3 - 4 months ago that Win 10 is the worst OS ever and that I'd never install it on any of my machines, and now I'm even more convinced. Fech waiting for Iconpackager to become compatible and change 10's butt ugly default icons, it is going nowhere near my machines.... PERIOD!!!
Reply #8 Monday, January 4, 2016 1:47 PM
To answer my own question,
So...why would they change that? Seems illogical to me.
Reply #9 Monday, January 4, 2016 1:52 PM
Not sure what the problem is, Speccy was also deleted with my install of Windows 10. I reinstalled it and it works fine. As some folks like to say, moving on.
Reply #10 Monday, January 4, 2016 1:52 PM
An upgrade to Windows 10 removes any and all incompatible software. It removed 2 different programs when I upgraded, Speccy being one of them. But the weird thing is that I installed the software again, and they work fine.
Reply #12 Monday, January 4, 2016 2:55 PM
An upgrade to Windows 10 removes any and all incompatible software. It removed 2 different programs when I upgraded, Speccy being one of them. But the weird thing is that I installed the software again, and they work fine.
My guess is they're using the same technique to determine compatibility that they've used for their "upgrade compatibility tests" - the little tools that you download from them to see if a new version of Windows will run on your machine. I've always found those tools to be hit-and-miss, for any version of Windows, for both hardware and software. MS can indeed be a tad presumptuous and overreach, nothing new there.
Reply #13 Monday, January 4, 2016 3:12 PM
It means it did not find any applications that it needed to remove. Did you have Speccy installed? Maybe SlimDrivers too? If not, it just means you had nothing that Windows 10 did not like.
Reply #15 Monday, January 4, 2016 5:51 PM
Got mine too but no biggie. CCleaner still there though.
Reply #16 Monday, January 4, 2016 6:48 PM
I'm flat out afraid to upgrade from WIN 7 .... But I have some old art programs that I cannot RE-upload and I DON'T want to lose them.
All backed up tho if Windows does it without my OK....... I have WIN 10 on my laptop and there is a lot of things doing weird things..
Reply #17 Tuesday, January 5, 2016 1:29 AM
I read on Yahoo today that MS claims to have Win 10 running on 200 million devices, but one has to wonder: is that because it's 'free', came pre-installed on a new device, or because MS won't take no for an answer and forced the upgrade... er, downgrade through covert and devious means via Windows Update?
Luckily, my HP 2-in 1 didn't 'qualify' for the downgrade - something to do with an invalid product key, despite my copy being activated and legitimised by MS itself - yet Windows Update kept trying to push Win 10 on me regardless, downloading it on 4 separate occasions but failing to install it each time. So glad I installed GWX Panel to end the constant nagging to get/install the POS.... not that it could install, but it was counting against my monthly quota with 4 downloads and MS' version of file sharing.
Oh yeah, and I did read in an article someplace that Win 10 could not delete or disable some programs, ones that are hooked into startup and/or the boot sequence, and thus it was unable to upgrade the existing OS. The resulting [apparently standard] message read that the product key was invalid, and that the advice from MS was/is to reset Windows to its original settings, then run Windows Update to download the necessary files to enable 10's download and installation... advice I was only too willing to ignore entirely.
I have WIN 10 on my laptop and there is a lot of things doing weird things..
Yeah, and as Win 10 evolves more towoards MS' final goal, it'll do lots more 'weird' things... read shit that'll control and compromise users while benefitting MS and perhaps gov't, the NSA and other agencies. As it is, MS is trying to dictate what programs users can install/keep, and while some reinstall them, how many 'average' users would actually do that? More to the point, how long is MS going to tolerate that before tightening things up to prevent the re-installation of 'non-preferred' programs?
Reply #18 Tuesday, January 5, 2016 7:12 AM
I know why W10 is so quirky. Think about it...all the past versions of Windows were numbered and all the even numbers were crap. 95 was good...98 was so so...XP was good (number 5)...Vista was a disaster (number 6)...W7 was/is very good (number 7)...W8 was garbage but the update to 8.1 saved it (number 8) now we get to number 9 but wait...there is no number 9...only 10 and its quirky to say the least. So there it is...even versions are garbage while the odds have it. Go figure.
Reply #20 Tuesday, January 5, 2016 8:42 AM
I know why W10 is so quirky. Think about it...all the past versions of Windows were numbered and all the even numbers were crap. 95 was good...98 was so so...XP was good (number 5)...Vista was a disaster (number 6)...W7 was/is very good (number 7)...W8 was garbage but the update to 8.1 saved it (number 8) now we get to number 9 but wait...there is no number 9...only 10 and its quirky to say the least. So there it is...even versions are garbage while the odds have it. Go figure.
That's NQR was 95 [OS version 4.0] that 'invented' the BSOD ....and the biggest fail of all was Win Me ... [version 4.9]. XP was version 5.1 ....
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Reply #1 Monday, January 4, 2016 10:37 AM