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Friend in need.

Thursday, August 1, 2013 by RedneckDude | Discussion: Community

Hey skinning community members!


Once again I have come to ask for help for a friend of ours who is in need.

We all realize that times are hard for everyone and not everyone can help. So please don't feel like I'm asking you to help if you are bad off yourselves.


I am, however asking that anyone who can, and wishes to, help Wizard1956 with a small donation, please PM him, or myself for more info.


He and his wife are both without income, any at all, and they are looking at eviction. Their rent will accrue a $30 late fee every 5th day that they're late. On day 10, the water gets cut off. They own the trailer, so even if the get evicted, they'll still have to pay lot rent until they can move the trailer. And trailer moving is expensive.

 They are very close friends of Mine and Lisa's, and we are trying to get our church to help, My inlaws are pledging some money, but in total, I need to help Wiz raise $281.00. I have asked my Pastor if we could hold a special offering, or maybe I could raffle off some of my tools, or something.


OK, all that said, I'm writing this because Wizard1956 feels badly, knowing that everyone has problems of their own, and that yall were so good to him a few winters ago. He can't bring himself to ask.


Ok guys, last time I did this I got bad comments and flack from disgruntled members. I am willing to risk that to help someone I call a best friend.

Anyone wishing to help, please do. Anyone not wishing or not able to help, please don't feel like you'll be judged if you don't. You won't.

Again, we all know that many people are in bad shape.


We all came together in the past to help Wiz, and Kona, and Uvah. I'm sure there have been more that this community has helped.


Again, please know that I'm only asking for help from those who can, and want to, and I don't mean to guilt anyone or anything like that.

Any flack can be directed at .


Please PM me or Wizard1956 if you have questions.  Post here if you just wanna tell Wiz you'll send good thoughts, or whatever you might wanna say to him.

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Reply #1 Thursday, August 1, 2013 3:19 AM

So sorry Wizard, that sucks.RND, good man.


Wizard, with all that karma, you must be doing something good for others, Always advising and such, I would be glad to help some, hope others do  if able to. Best DT1.

Reply #2 Thursday, August 1, 2013 4:18 AM

Message coming your way!

Reply #3 Thursday, August 1, 2013 7:01 AM

The Wiz is good people so.....end of this month, or rather a little after the first of September I can send some bucks. Not much as I don't have much to spare but something. PM me with an address and rock dude! All the best to you and yours.

Reply #4 Thursday, August 1, 2013 8:02 AM

PM'd you Jim, and keep your tools.

Reply #5 Thursday, August 1, 2013 9:17 AM

 Initially, I didn't want RnD to do this, as I know there will be those that will criticize him for it. Please don't. If this post offends you, please just ignore it. If you must belittle someone, I'd rather it be me, Jim doesn't deserve it. as he and Lisa are wonderful people. If you can or can't help, either way I still consider all of you here at WC my friends.  I've got a great neighbor who lets us share his internet connection or we'd already be offline but I'm not online here as much anymore as my days have been consumed by job hunting and doing small odd jobs to help with our bills. Up to now, we've managed to keep our heads above water, barely.

 Here's the situation: My unemployment ran out Dec 31st. The wife got a forced unpaid "vacation"  at a very bad time, while her employer travels Europe for a month. Too short a period to collect unemployment and just long enough to ruin us. By the time they return, we'll be two months behind on rent and electricity and on her salary, there is little chance of catching back up. My Mother has been helping us with food and gas ( and loaned me $470 to repair our car) but is on a fixed income and can't do much more than that. Our bank account is drained and I'm almost at the end of my proverbial rope. I have several good job prospects lined up but all I can do is wait, and keep trying.

 If I had to choose between being ridiculed, embarrassed or homeless, well I've been all three before and homeless would be my last choice. I know there are others in the same boat, one paycheck away from being out on the street, so believe me, I understand if this gets a negative response by some, but again, please don't shoot the messenger. If all you can send are well wishes and a "good luck", I'll take those too. 

Thanks Jim, and to everyone else for taking time to read this.

Reply #6 Thursday, August 1, 2013 10:50 AM

Thanks, DT!


Thanks you Frankie!


Thank you Tom, tools are replaceable...friends aren'!


Ross, don't set yourself back. We know you're just getting on your feet and realize things are tight. You're a good guy!


Wiz, I can handle any and all criticism, no worries. Been there, done that.

With the passing of your father in law, and 2 of your 13+ year old cats, and then looking at eviction, amongst other things you know I know of, you guys deserve a break.

It breaks my heart to see you like this and to know that there are landlords out there who have the policies that yours does. Some people only care about money, it seems. Turning your water off is just twisting the knife.

So don't you and Tater worry about negativity on this thread, so far there is none, and I have faith in this community to think there won't be much.


Lisa'a parents will pitch in a little as well.



Reply #7 Thursday, August 1, 2013 11:06 AM

Negatives..........I thought film was retired and cameras are all digital now.  Oh, never mind.  

I will keep you and your wife in my prayers Randy.   

Reply #8 Thursday, August 1, 2013 11:21 AM

..........I thought film was retired and cameras are all digital now.
Don't tell my 20 year old Pentax that, it still thinks it is a usable camera and my phone still knows it's a phone, not a camera.

Reply #9 Thursday, August 1, 2013 11:37 AM

Pentax are prone to kiniption fits. Wouldn't want it to bounce its lens out. lol

Reply #10 Thursday, August 1, 2013 1:17 PM

Sent you a PM Jim.

Reply #11 Thursday, August 1, 2013 2:56 PM

I know there are others in the same boat, one paycheck away from being out on the street,

I'm there but would never criticize someone else for it. I hear about things like this and wish there was a way we could help each other, as goofy as that sounds. I'm going through my own mess and am grateful for everyday that passes and my internet is still up. I hope things turn around for you and your wife soon...very soon. Let her know I see all of her FB posts and the good vibes she is always sending out to everyone. I'll be sending my own good thoughts and positive energy your way.

Reply #12 Thursday, August 1, 2013 3:05 PM

I'll be sending my own good thoughts and positive energy your way.
Thanks, Noah. I'll pass this along to my wife, whom I somehow managed to get hooked on FB. (Better her than me, lol) 

 I can only hope better days are ahead for all of us, thanks for stopping by.

Reply #13 Thursday, August 1, 2013 3:23 PM

Randy...I wish I could do more. I know you know that, too.

You, Noah and Steve are way overdue for some good luck and good things to happen for you.

All of you are in my thoughts daily. 

It will get better...don't ever give up. Too many folks are rooting for all of you.

Reply #14 Thursday, August 1, 2013 3:48 PM

Hope you feel good about yourself RND, wish I had friends that caring, good man.Hell, wish I just had a friend ,lol.


Smile Wizard, a little relief, even if short term. We are all pulling for a longterm ,good ending also.

Reply #15 Thursday, August 1, 2013 4:30 PM

Hope you feel good about yourself RND,

Brian, this isn't about me. It does feel good to help a friend, but we are all doing that, I just did the asking, no biggie.


Bless all of you!  Money isn't everything, good wishes and moral support count as well. So, if you can't send one, send the


I want no credit for any of this. Wiz is all our friend, not just mine.


You guys, the WC Community, deserve the credit.


Picture removed due to negativity.


This means a lot to me, and this community means a lot to me too. All of you. Even Zubaz. 

Reply #16 Thursday, August 1, 2013 4:30 PM

wish I had friends that caring

I'm betting you do. Here at WC. 

Reply #17 Thursday, August 1, 2013 4:42 PM

Randy, my thoughts are with you and your wife. There are times I never knew how some things worked out but they did. Hopefully this situation will work out for the both of you.

Reply #18 Thursday, August 1, 2013 6:08 PM

wish I just had a friend
You have more than you know. (put me on that list)

Reply #19 Thursday, August 1, 2013 6:55 PM

Cool wall by the way. Nice idea.

Reply #20 Thursday, August 1, 2013 7:07 PM

Old idea. There is a gadget in the gallery as well, you click the names they take you to that person's site. Trouble is, some of those peeps are no longer here.



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