Hope and Change!
Someone had to say it.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 by vStyler | Discussion: Community
How's it workin for ya 3 years later?
Anyone better off?... that's a good one !
here's the good news.. Nov. 2012 isn't so far off... and I for one will look back on the 4 lost years of my life, and realize..
....I can finally breath again.
So... lastly, I am willing to go out on a limb, and a year ahead, predict.. , no, guarantee... a massive conservative victory...
......If I'm wrong... I'm sure a few of you will be back to remind me I posted this.
The Free Market will reign again.
Hope and change.. is.. coming.
Reply #3 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:23 PM
And here I was thinking hope and change referred to my hope that "He's started a radical skin named "Change"!". lol.
Reply #4 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:28 PM
Not sure what that meant Uvah, but your right about one thing.. The status quo.. most def. sucks.
anyways, lets hear all the positive hopeful, changed success stories from all of you waving the banner 3 years ago.
Better healthcare? Nope, More money in the bank? Nope, Houses worth more now? Nope, Gitmo gone? Nope, more racial equality? Nope
are your children better off? Nope, less anxiety about your futures? Nope, More faith in the Govt? Nope, Nation less divided? Nope. is ur 401K healthier? Nope....and oh yes.. Gas prices?
Truth is, all of these, and these are just a few off the top of my head, are worse now, than 3 years ago, for me, and everyone I know, friends, family, colleagues.... and If i remember correctly, 3 years.. ago, It's just what I said, right here. It doesn't make me smart... just right.
Bring on 2012!
Reply #5 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:31 PM
I have started a radical new skin doc.. but its called ________
Reply #6 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:42 PM
ya know John, you could always move back from where you came from if you're so disenchanted.
I think this post is really more to the liking of the JU forums. that's where you can whine and complain how the faults of everything is the fault of the present administration, which is pure BS.
Reply #7 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:47 PM
I think this post is really more to the liking of the JU forums. that's where you can whine and complain how the faults of everything is the fault of the present administration, which is pure BS.
Actually, I cannot move back, for reasons of my own, I have been here 25 years, and I love this country, Im not disenchanted with the USA, I'm disenchanted with its current state, and I for one am not going to sit around idly when I have a breath left inside me and a voice that can be heard.
Anyway...last I knew this is an open community forum, those not wanting to read, or participate, don't have to, I never said its ALL the fault of the current admin... you said that.
I asked if your better off now, is THIS COUNTRY, better off now? it's a simple question, yes or no would suffice.....answer, no it damn well isn't.
If it is hard for some folks to digest my words, then so be it.. sometimes the truth hurts...but sometimes, admitting we were wrong, and looking, honestly, in a different direction... goes a long way to healing that hurt.
Bush caused some problems too, I'm not denying that one bit, set the ball rolling. 3 and a half years ago!
There ya go, I admitted it. I wonder if anyone on the other side could be so brave.
Reply #8 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:56 PM
The important thing to remember (well I think it's important) is that when a discussion is started about elections or anything political is that the persons we associate with the discussions, those in office or those seeking to replace them are all Politicians. They all belong to the 'Good Old Boys Club'. I find it hard to believe that any one of them is willing to make any real changes. The voters may think they are voting for a person they feel can and will make a change but that person will always do what their 'party' dictates to them.
Just my opinion.
Reply #9 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:58 PM
Herman Cain isn't a politician John, nor is he a member of the rich old white guys club.
I do believe he is a damn fine human being too.
Don't be surprised if soon he starts gaining some traction.
Anyway, I'm not attacking anyone here, just asking some simple, and I think, relevant questions of those who in the summer of 2000 were tooting the Hope and Change horn\mantra.. just like I said I would.. if things turned out like I had predicted.. back then.
Reply #10 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:02 PM
anyways, lets hear all the positive hopeful, changed success stories from all of you waving the banner 3 years ago.
Better healthcare? Nope, More money in the bank? Nope, Houses worth more now? Nope, Gitmo gone? Nope, more racial equality? Nope
are your children better off? Nope, less anxiety about your futures? Nope, More faith in the Govt? Nope, Nation less divided? Nope. is ur 401K healthier? Nope....and oh yes.. Gas prices?
Truth is, in all of these, and these are just a few off the top of my head, are worse now, than 3 years ago, for me, and everyone I know, friends, family, colleagues.... and If i remember correctly, 3 years.. ago, It's just what I said, right here. It doesn't make me smart... just right.
Bring on 2012!
John, I 100% agree with what you said...you had the guts to say it here...and I laud you for that. I will add this to your comments:
I am so disappointed with the current administration in our country...in all of my 65 years of being on this planet, I cannot remember a time that our country's people have been hurting so much...me included. For the first time in my life, I have been severely by our failing economy. I have to decide whether to eat or whether to get my meds filled...most months, I don't have enough for both.
I apologize if I have offended anyone...that was not my intent. I am just venting my frustrations...
Reply #11 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:04 PM
vStyler, lets not leave out the Women wanting a chance at running the country. Actually with the way things have gone over the past years, there is no way you would be able to convince me that the next President won't be a Woman. I like the word 'Conspiracy'
Reply #12 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:11 PM
when you try to feed them BS and call it chocolate pudding, well....
John, you've made an inference that a conservative sweep will cure all our ills. Where the conservatives are the ones that have lead us to the current state of our country. like I mentioned, so much BS.
YES, we are better off than we were three years ago, I'm sorry that you're not (seriously) but I don't know what an administration change would actually do for you, same-o, same-o.
what pisses me off more than anything is how special interests control way too many aspects of out lives. I don't get any benefits from special interests, do you?
You're correct this is a an open community forum but along Southwest policy lines. when it becomes less family oriented the post gets locked and people start getting PM's from mods.
Reply #13 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:11 PM
Thanks Jazzy, Your exactly the type of voice that hasn't been heard, that has been overlooked, a grain of sand to them, a real, human being, having troubles.. to me.
Yes John, I am not opposed to any woman running for office, Man, Woman, tall, short, skinny, heavy...black, white or purple, matter not to me.
What DOES matter is we get back to what made this country what it once was, LESS govt. LESS spending becuase 4 more years of this.. I believe will put a nail in our coffin, for good.
We are 14 trillion, TRILLION.. dollars in debt.. it has to STOP.... NOW.
Reply #14 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:14 PM
Then Greg, vote against special interests. Can anyone say Solyndra? FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS squandered... gone... at your expense... by this admin.
.. and.. how are we better off... this is the dialog I wanted to start.. jazzy certainly isnt.. I am not, nor anyone I know..
how are you\we better off?
Show me some concrete numbers..
No reason for anyone to close this thread unless, it's an open and honest discussion about the state of our own lives. Completely family oriented and relevant imo.
All depends on who is voted in.. now doesn't it. ANYONE who will cut spending, reduce the size of Govt. and get out of the way of the private sector (in a sensible way) will do LOTS for me.
Reply #15 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:16 PM
The women just might do a better job of it. The right one just might have the balls to kick all the right asses. This I would love to see.
Reply #16 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:20 PM
do we really have so much short term memory loss. the financial meltdown occurred at the end of the previous administrations watch when "those" guys got caught with the hands in the cookie jar.
anywho, I'm voting for the current administration next round again. It may not be the best but he sure beats the other team's entries hands down.
Reply #17 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:22 PM
You will get no argument from me on that John.
I just don't see if happening with the current political process, no matter whom the candidates are. This is what has probably caused many civilizations to crash and disappear through out history, the outright inbred greed of the system.
Reply #18 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:23 PM
guys like chris dodd and barney frank u mean?
Annnnyway.. lets see some figures about how any sector of this countries economy is any better off due to this Admin's policies. The time for blaming an ancient administration is over.. this is Obama's economy now.. he owns it.
Reply #19 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:27 PM
The average democratic 'civilization' has a lifespan of about 200 years.. we are overdue a downfall.
The good news is, while yes, I agree the current line up of candidates is less than impressive, as long as they repeal the big jobkiller (Obamacarenot), make real steps to reducing regulations, spending and size of govt. We do NOT have to fail.
I, for one.. as long as I can survive one more year....am an optimist
This was after 2 years.. of hope and change... its worse now.. of course.
You can vote for more of this...
Avg.. Retail price/gallon gas in U.S. |
$1.83 |
$3.44 |
84% |
1 |
Crude oil, European Brent (barrel) |
$43..48 |
$99..02 |
127.7% |
2 |
Crude oil, West TX Inter. (barrel) |
$38..74 |
$91..38 |
135.9% |
2 |
Gold: London (per troy oz.) |
$853.25 |
$1,369.50 |
60.5% |
2 |
Corn, No.2 yellow, Central IL |
$3.56 |
$6.33 |
78.1% |
2 |
Soybeans, No. 1 yellow, IL |
$9.66 |
$13..75 |
42.3% |
2 |
Sugar, cane, raw, world, lb. Fob |
$13..37 |
$35..39 |
164.7% |
2 |
Unemployment rate, non-farm, overall |
7.6% |
9.4% |
23.7% |
3 |
Unemployment rate, blacks |
12.6% |
15.8% |
25.4% |
3 |
Number of unemployed |
11,616,000 |
14,485,000 |
24.7% |
3 |
Number of fed. Employees |
2,779,000 |
2,840,000 |
2.2% |
3 |
Real median household income |
$50,112 |
$49,777 |
-0.7% |
4 |
Number of food stamp recipients |
31,983,716 |
43,200,878 |
35.1% |
5 |
Number of unemployment benefit recipients |
7,526,598 |
9,193,838 |
22.2% |
6 |
Number of long-term unemployed |
2,600,000 |
6,400,000 |
146.2% |
3 |
Poverty rate, individuals |
13.2% |
14.3% |
8.3% |
4 |
People in poverty in U.S. |
39,800,000 |
43,600,000 |
9.5% |
4 |
U.S.. Rank in Economic Freedom World Rankings |
5 |
9 |
n/a |
10 |
Present Situation Index |
29.9 |
23.5 |
-21.4% |
11 |
Failed banks |
140 |
164 |
17.1% |
12 |
U.S.. Dollar versus Japanese yen exchange rate |
89.76 |
82.03 |
-8.6% |
2 |
U.S.. Money supply, M1, in billions |
1,575.1 |
1,865.7 |
18.4% |
13 |
U.S.. Money supply, M2, in billions |
8,310.9 |
8,852.3 |
6.5% |
13 |
National debt, in trillions |
$10..627 |
$14..052 |
32.2% |
14 |
(1) U.S. Energy Information Administration; (2) Wall Street Journal; (3) Bureau of Labor Statistics; (4) Census Bureau; (5) USDA; (6) U.S. Dept. Of Labor;
(7) FHFA; (8) Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller; (9) RealtyTrac; (10) Heritage Foundation and WSJ; (11) The Conference Board; (12) FDIC;
(13) Federal Reserve; (14) U.S. Treasury
Reply #20 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:52 PM
terrible, these guys should go to jail but then again so should the investment brokers/bankers that tanked the economy.
how are we better off? well, I got a hip replaced last year so I'm getting around much better, I started drawing SS and now have an income, my son (age 10) gets a SS monthly stipend until he's 18 hopefully to pay for a college education, my wife just got a 5% raise, we changed from att to t-mobile saving $10/mo and our property taxes only went up $5.00 this year. Better off is a relative term and based on perspective.
All depends on who is voted in.. now doesn't it.
you have no opinion based on any of the rhetoric, that doesn't sound like you.
I love it when people pull out statistics to suit their arguments. do you have some statistics showing these numbers at the end of the Clinton and Bush era administrations.
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Reply #1 Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:18 PM
November 2012 is coming and Hope says it'll be one thing. Change says it'll be another thing. Well...I hope Hope and Change are right 'cause the status quo really sucks!