How's that "change" working for ya?

Looking for some insights

Friday, August 13, 2010 by Lantec | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

I'm looking for the US citizens (illegal aliens are OK too) that want to share their story of how things have "changed" for them in the last 19 months.....

Mine....I guess the biggest thing for me is that at the end of May I closed a business I started in 1990. I did everything I could to protect the 10 employees I had. It's hard having to tell someone that they'll just have to find some other way to shelter and feed their family. The worst of it came when I had to let go my can imagine how good family relations were after that. I tried to take advantage of the "stimulus" but since I wasn't in banking or car sales and I didn't have union labor I was pretty much shit-outta-luck.

So......with my savings gone and my business closed I'm pretty much starting over. I'm going to keep plugging away because I only know how to work. I can't see collecting unemployment even if it means bagging groceries like I did at 15. What keeps me up at night is wondering if I can manage to make enough to pay my family's part of the overwhelming national debt.

Feel free to add your story of "Change you can believe in"

ps....I believe.....I really believe



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Reply #1 Friday, August 13, 2010 9:44 AM

Not sure yet. He's still cleaning up after the last guy.

Island Dog
Reply #2 Friday, August 13, 2010 9:59 AM

Not sure how spending the U.S. into un-payable debt is "cleaning up". 

Reply #3 Friday, August 13, 2010 10:06 AM

he may not be perfect but he's a damned sight better than the alternative. it's amazing how people are so concerned about debt now and they weren't during reagan or either bush. it's going to take more than a couple years to clean up after 8 years of terrible policies. i imagine there will be quite a few beck, hannity, palin, coulture, bachman, malkin, savage, drudge, breitbart, o'keefe, and limbaugh fans in here to say how horrible things according to faux news, tho.

Reply #4 Friday, August 13, 2010 10:11 AM

He's still cleaning up after the last guy.

really? you believe that? 19 months in and it's still someone else's fault

how is passing healthcare reform "cleaning up"

is the climate bill part of the cleaning process?

maybe it was the "Don't ask - don't tell" legislation

wait...I was the Childhood Obesity legislation that was aimed at creating jobs in the private sector


get a grip


edit: sorry for the retort....I'm actually, REALLY looking for "Change" stories (good or bad)

I might write a book

it's going to take more than a couple years to clean up after 8 years of terrible policies

WHY? What requires years? The bill for all his legislation doesn't come due until after he;'s out of office so WHY?

Reply #5 Friday, August 13, 2010 10:27 AM

wow, lantec. you actually believe anyone can be elected to any office and wave a wand and everything be fine and dandy?

Reply #6 Friday, August 13, 2010 10:36 AM

My change story:  no change at all.  I am retired military and classified as 100% disabled and not allowed to be employed. 

Reply #7 Friday, August 13, 2010 10:39 AM

Wow Pas...your almost as good as Gibbs.....avoid answering the question by asking another one. "I" DON'T believe you can wave a magic wand to fix everything but I DO believe that the current administration/congress DOES believe that if you throw money at it will fix itself.


Reply #8 Friday, August 13, 2010 10:46 AM

I guess it's time to invade another country. War's good for the economy, right?

Reply #9 Friday, August 13, 2010 10:46 AM

lantec, the current administration is trying to right the ship. you may or may not agree with the methods used but the methods used by the previous administration obviously didn't work. i have not agreed with everything done thus far but i do support a majority of them. btw, gibbs is a jerk. i've said that all along.

Reply #10 Friday, August 13, 2010 10:55 AM

As for me; nearly everything costs more, I've had to take a pay cut at my main job and I've lost some hours at my second job. We're more strapped than we've ever been. But even through this, God has shown us that He can provide in some amazing ways.

I guess in a way, the poor economy has strengthened our faith.

Reply #11 Friday, August 13, 2010 11:18 AM

Thanks Lightstar & Bryan.

Pas, how bout the original have things changed for you?


I guess it's time to invade another country.


Reply #12 Friday, August 13, 2010 11:39 AM

I'm a senior in college and I received $5,000 less financial assistance from the government this year.......for no reason other than "those grants have been discontinued." Every one of my friends received less financial assistance this year, so we're all forced to take out more high interest loans that we can work on paying off over the next 20 years. I'm just glad this is my last year.....

Reply #13 Friday, August 13, 2010 11:42 AM

Like LightStar I am retired military but without a disability.  Doesn't make much difference though, not a lot of jobs for people over 60. 

Yeah prices of some stuff have gone up but others have gone done.  The only thing that will cause a change for me in the near future is death.  Not a joke here, I share costs of a big house with four other people, three of us are retired and over 60 so a death of one of us will cause a big change.  The other 'kid' is only 52 and still working. 

Been around long enough to know that Governments, not matter what political party is in charge, will pretty much screw things up at the end of the day.  It's up to the rest of us to pick up the pieces and get things working again so the cycle can continue.  We are pretty good at that, just too bad we can't break the cycle.

There are always lessons to learn in life, probably the most important is to never lose control to someone else over your own life.

Another one of lifes lessons is if you take the fork in the road that the politician suggests more than likely the bridge has been washed out.

Reply #14 Friday, August 13, 2010 1:49 PM

Lantec, I think you're just starting to personally feel the impact of the recession personally, while the rest of us have been feeling it for quite some time now.  Here's an article regarding our county from November 2008.

Nineteen months is not enough time for the kind of change necessary to take place, when the reasons for the pain we're experiencing right now have been in place since the 1980s, when we ceased being a manufacturing economy and, instead, became a service economy.

Reply #15 Friday, August 13, 2010 2:09 PM

All you need to do is look around to see many changes, especially here in southern Ga., since it's where I live. . Plants closed, company's closed, homes foreclosed, downtown is shutdown pretty much. . No jobs, but lots of crime. . Sometimes my cats have more to eat, than I, but really gets me is "where's the changes and hopefully, when did it start"? Dad Burn It, reckon It started without a lot of people. . Good luck, and we'll keep digging for ya!


Island Dog
Reply #16 Friday, August 13, 2010 2:16 PM

 i imagine there will be quite a few beck, hannity, palin, coulture, bachman, malkin, savage, drudge, breitbart, o'keefe, and limbaugh fans in here to say how horrible things according to faux news, tho.

You don't need those people to see the reality of what's going on out there.  That's the easy way of sticking your head in the sand and blaming "faux news".  You might want to look into Journolist why you are at it.

Barney Frank is more responsible for the economy than "8 years" of Bush.



Reply #17 Friday, August 13, 2010 2:25 PM

Lantec, the depreciation in the dollar due to our debts was incurred over 8 years of Bush tax cuts (which forced us to borrow from the Chinese just to pay for the day to day operation of our own country!), one unnecessary war for oil and vanity (which took our eyes off the real enemy long enough for them to regroup, costing us even more money in that arguably necessary police action), and an unregulated wall street/housing gambling "casino" run amok.

It took 8 years to take us from the surpluses at the end of the Clinton years to debts that were beyond our wildest a time of prosperity mind you.

It's going to take years, if not decades, to undo that damage.

Over the past two years, the only reason anyone was spending any money at all on anything was there remained a glimmer of hope (because of the measured, prudent, and stabilizing policies of the current administration) that kept us just shy of worldwide catastrophe.  If the insanity of the Bush years had continued under McCain, no one would have been able to spend any money on anything at all, and there's a damn good chance that your company might have gone out of business a lot sooner than it did.  

I'm sorry for the tough turn things have taken for you, but for anyone to believe that any one man can undo the wholesale worldwide raping and pillaging of the Bush years in so short a time is quite patently absurd. 

But all that aside, as a fellow businessman, I sincerely wish the best of luck to you, yours, and whatever your next entrepreneurial venture may be.


Reply #18 Friday, August 13, 2010 2:27 PM

Island Dog

Barney Frank is more responsible for the economy than "8 years" of Bush.

No, Barney is ALSO responsible.  But to argue that Bush is less so defies the facts, history, and just plain logic.  

Reply #19 Friday, August 13, 2010 2:29 PM

 ... the reasons for the pain we're experiencing right now have been in place since the 1980s, when we ceased being a manufacturing economy and, instead, became a service economy.


 macro-economic award of the day goes to you!

Reply #20 Friday, August 13, 2010 2:36 PM

I think you're just starting to personally feel the impact

  - you think wrong


while the rest of us

I have no response that'll make a dent here because that's the typical mindset of the left.

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