Can't download anything
Saturday, April 10, 2010 by Arc9 | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
After downloading two screensavers yesterday I can't download anything any more. Every time I try downloading I get this annoying message:
Thank you for trying out! We hope you have enjoyed the skins, themes, and wallpapers available here.
As an active user of who has downloaded a large amount of free content from our site, we ask that you help support WinCustomize through the purchase of either a WinCustomize Subscription or by registering a Stardock product.
WinCustomize subscribers not only get unlimited download capabilities, but also receive the WinCustomize SkinBrowser and more goodies.
To purchase a Stardock product, visit
If you are already a subscriber or Stardock customer, and have used a different email address to make your puchases, you may need to cross reference your purchase account with your account at WinCustomize to obtain your extended access. Click here to cross reference your accounts.
We thank you for visiting WinCustomize and hope you are able to continue enjoying the site.
Simply said, I will not subscribe, ever, never, in the near future, and there's no way it's gonna happen.
SOOOOOO how do I download things I want to download then?
Reply #2 Saturday, April 10, 2010 5:24 AM
Did you buy any Stardock products? if not.
non-buyers are limited at how much they can download and once you reach the limit your done
but you can buy any Stardock Product or wincustomize sub and get unlimited downloads for a year
HINT Icon Packager is on sale NOW for $4.95 reg. $9.95
go to and sing up for free
hope this info helps
Reply #3 Saturday, April 10, 2010 11:31 AM
You can't download anything if you can't login like most of us are having.
Reply #4 Saturday, April 10, 2010 11:45 AM
SOOOOOO how do I download things I want to download then?
Simply don't.
Reply #5 Saturday, April 10, 2010 12:50 PM
The answer is within the question and you know it, shame that in life one must pay for things, and work to get the money to do so too.
If you are unwilling to buy a single Stardock program or a Wincustomize subscription or even upload something other folk find visually appealing then once your download limit is reached it is byebye - " I will not subscribe, ever, never, in the near future, and there's no way it's gonna happen." With that attitude who cares about you?
Reply #6 Sunday, April 11, 2010 5:36 AM
I don't have a credit card or anything to buy anything, so no. And what do you mean by "with that attitude"? I'm just making it clear i'm never gonna buy anything.
Reply #7 Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:02 AM
Reply #8 Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:24 AM
Does that mean I should upload things? I've had a few wallpapers I made that I thought about uploading...
Reply #9 Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:34 AM
SOOOOOO how do I download things I want to download then?
Simply don't.
Last Seen
Today, 6:22 AM
Member Since
Dec 6, 2009
Citizen (1)
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Visitor (2)
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Bytes Downloaded
222 mb
Let me see if I've got this right:
You're allowed to make a Post on the Forums (free). You've been a Visitor since 12/09 (free). You've downloaded 222 megabytes of other people's work (free). You've contributed/submitted 0 megabytes to this site.
You're now complaining that you can't take more of other people's work for free without supporting the site that hosts it and expect that such a privilege be extended to you for exactly what reason? Oh yes... for telling us that you'll never subscribe so you'll never help support this site.
Buh-bye. Watch out for that doorknob.
Reply #11 Sunday, April 11, 2010 8:35 AM
Snowy....the attitude riled me. Usually I'm a happy camper, but this site needs to have folks who'll help carry the load. Crying about having a limit to "free" (which is clearly posted) doesn't buy the bacon. I won't apologize for saying so. If someone sees the "Sorry, you've reached the limit" sign and asks about it...well that's one thing. Telling everyone off by saying "I'll never subscribe" is quite another.
btw... submitting walls is nice, but it won't buy a free ticket. There's no "Entitlement" until you buy some.
Reply #12 Sunday, April 11, 2010 12:13 PM
Unless things have changes, whatever catagory you upload to, you get unlimited downloads. But of course, things could have changed but thats how it was/used to be.
Reply #13 Monday, April 12, 2010 7:36 PM
So if i upload to a category I get unlimited downloads to it?
How would I go about making a screensaver then?
Reply #14 Monday, April 12, 2010 7:57 PM
I never knew that.
And surprised no one has actually mentioned this yet, but it's actually quite simple as they have mentioned...but to be quite blunt, TANSTAFL.
I have to agree with Doc at this point...clearly this person has absolutely no intentions on actually pulling his weight and helping out with the costs of running this site that he so clearly wants to leech from with the "gimme gimme gimme now, and for free" attitude, then so be it. You get what you pay for.
Reply #16 Monday, April 12, 2010 8:39 PM
I don't think you need a credit card....debit would work, or paypal tied into a bank account.
Reply #18 Monday, April 12, 2010 9:09 PM
If you went into a shop and asked..." I will never pay for your products, ever, never, in the near future, and there's no way it's gonna happen, so how do I get them?"
The answer will be "You won't."
Ever, never.
Reply #19 Tuesday, April 13, 2010 3:53 PM
You have a point there.
Well, in that case would anyone know a similar site that's as reliable or almost as reliable as this?
You know, not full of viruses disguised as screensavers?
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Reply #1 Saturday, April 10, 2010 4:50 AM
All you do is sign in,top right hand corner and you can continue to download.