Stardock DeviantArt Group

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Friday, February 5, 2010 by JukEboXAuDiO | Discussion: Community

The latest awesomeness from DeviantArt has given us the Groups ability. I started one called Stardockers for those who have a DeviantArt account I encourage you to join up and submit your latest submissions. I am looking for help to make it better and to help manage it. I also thought it would be a great place to show scraps or betas of skins and such.

Check it out and tell me what you think.

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Reply #1 Friday, February 5, 2010 5:38 PM

I applaud your effort....and while I'd join in a heartbeat (and I'm really not trying to be a wet blanket), I'm not sure you can use Stardock's name on it...or WinCustomize's.

Not trying to be a lawyer (G-d forbid), but I wonder if it's a possible infringement issue.

I hope Jafo drops by to share his thoughts...

Reply #2 Friday, February 5, 2010 10:26 PM

(and I'm really not trying to be a wet blanket)

Reply #3 Saturday, February 6, 2010 8:54 AM

Not trying to be a lawyer (G-d forbid), but I wonder if it's a possible infringement issue.

I hope Jafo drops by to share his thoughts...

Yes, it is somewhat.

Using the name 'Stardock' implies official approval/association with the company.

I'd certainly suggest formal consent should be sought prior to its use.

Similarly I think it would be less than 'ideal' to invite people to post works which may have been rejected on/by and yet still use the name by association.

On a different note, most long-time members on will already be on too.  The sites' origins were both contemporary and similar....

Reply #4 Saturday, February 6, 2010 11:58 AM

WEll I am not trying to cause and issue, I just was looking for a Stardock group and there wasn't one so I made one. Gonna take me to court for that? I would be happy to make stardock staff officers in the group. I can't do this alone. Your saying you dont' want the fandom? seriously is it that big a problem?

Reply #5 Saturday, February 6, 2010 12:32 PM

What I have found is that when I make a decision to do something on my own, unless it just pretains to me, all kinds of things happen, and usually not what I had intened. 

Just my personal feeling here but it may have been good to coordinate your effort with Stardock or member is the community prior to setting it in mottion.

Reply #6 Saturday, February 6, 2010 1:21 PM

The point isn't your intention, which was good. The point is what you can use for a name and what you can't....I personally have no dog in this.

Look, I'm not a lawyer (thank G-d)....just alerting you that Stardock might not be happy you made the unilateral decision to use it's name. That's it in a nutshell. Do what you want, but if you get a less than happy response from Stardock, don't say, "Why didn't anyone say anything?"

Philly's point is a good one: When you have an idea to start a group somewhere using someone else's name, put up a Forum Post asking if there's a potential problem or better ask the people whose name you're using. That would be the polite thing to do, imo.

Reply #7 Saturday, February 6, 2010 2:15 PM

Two ways I see this. First that it's too bad that people have to worry about that type of thing but sadly they do. It's a valid concern. Stardock and WC are name brands so you just can't use those names without permission. I'm sure that your intentions are good.

The second thing is, I don't mean to insult you by this, it's rather pointless. Anybody that would join is already in a "group" here at WC. I think that most of the skinners and most of the posters here view WC as their primary place to be and DA as a kind of side place to go. Why would they do a WC thing outside of WC at DA?

Try Skinnalicious:  There you'll find WC'ers so to speak. Good people there.




Reply #8 Saturday, February 6, 2010 2:18 PM

Fine. Disbanding group now. JukEboXAuDiO fails again.

Reply #9 Saturday, February 6, 2010 2:43 PM

Fine. Disbanding group now

Guess it wasn't that important huh? It's just a it something else and let people know about it if your really serious...or not.

Reply #10 Saturday, February 6, 2010 3:13 PM

Call it Desktoppers

Reply #11 Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:03 PM

I can't rename the group. Like I said its a BETA program. But I also can't delete the group. So if Stardock wants to work with me I can give the group to them. Its up to them.

Reply #12 Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:13 PM

DeviantArt won't let you change the name or delete the group?  That sounds really strange.

Reply #13 Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:20 PM

JukEboXAuDiO fails again.

You aren't offering anything  that they can't get or don't already have here. 

With the interest you seem to have in games, a group based on that wouldn't be a bad idea. Game icons, wallpapers. There are a lot of gamers here and on Impulse. Offering content, a place for WIP's, and even taking requests on just gaming stuff would be cool. As much as I am not into games, I always enjoy a challenge when it comes to a new icon. Hell, I might even join for that.


Reply #14 Sunday, February 7, 2010 10:32 PM

DeviantArt won't let you change the name or delete the group? That sounds really strange.

DA policy is that you can deactivate accounts and such but not delete them. I think in this case, someone such as Jafo, with JukeBox Audios permission (or not) could contact DA and have it deactivated or possible even 'removed' from view. I'm not sure.

Reply #15 Monday, February 8, 2010 5:27 AM

I doubt you'd lost a legal battle over the use of that name on a group on a random website. As long as you're not trying to make money off the brand it's extremely unlikely that there would be any legal action from anywhere. There are groups on pretty much every social site with groups named Audilovers, Lady Gaga's girlfriends, Microsofthaters, Applelovers, bananacakeleague or whatever...


Using the name 'Stardock' implies official approval/association with the company.

Geeesh, I guess Ferrari and every other popular big company have a huge amount of approved/affiliated fangroups on sites like facebook then...

If Stardock REALLY think it's a threat to their reputation I'll make darn sure to never mention the company or brandnames to anyone, just to save them from the risk of someone believing there's some approval/association with me... Maybe it's safest to stop buying/using the software too, that should entirely eliminate the risk of anyone thinking I have anything to do with the company.

Reply #16 Monday, February 8, 2010 6:06 AM

If Stardock REALLY think it's a threat to their reputation I'll make darn sure to never mention the company or brandnames to anyone, just to save them from the risk of someone believing there's some approval/association with me... Maybe it's safest to stop buying/using the software too, that should entirely eliminate the risk of anyone thinking I have anything to do with the company.

C'mon, Mick... that wasn't the point at all. 

Good to see you, though.

Reply #17 Monday, February 8, 2010 6:23 AM


C'mon, Mick... that wasn't the point at all. 

Ok, that bit is probably a mile or two over the top... I uh... well.. Guess I'll hang my head in shame for 3 seconds...

My point still stands though, arguing over a group named 'stardockers' is ridiculous. It also makes me want to do stupid things like creating hundreds of groups everywhere called various stardockish things (Good thing I have self-control ).

Good to see you, though.

It's good to be here, I hope I can manage some posts that does not include whining every now and then.

Reply #18 Monday, February 8, 2010 6:31 AM

I doubt you'd lost a legal battle over the use of that name on a group on a random website. As long as you're not trying to make money off the brand it's extremely unlikely that there would be any legal action from anywhere.

Example of 'legally' OK....'Fans of Stardock'.

Example of 'legally' not OK 'Stardockians'.

Question.  Does 'Applelovers' refer to the computer company or perhaps the FIRST [true] user of the Trade Name [see Beatles]?

Please don't try to confuse the issue.....particularly with examples such as Ferrari.  Even 'Ferrari Owners' Club' is accepted as 'Ferrari' is a descriptor of the group's car of choice....whereas 'Stardockians' will ONLY technically refer to those people employed by Stardock.

This is not about threats to reputation, it is about obtaining permission and authority to use a Registered name.

Reply #19 Monday, February 8, 2010 7:03 AM

Ok, that bit is probably a mile or two over the top... I uh... well.. Guess I'll hang my head in shame for 3 seconds...

Must be the Surstromming 


Reply #20 Monday, February 8, 2010 7:19 AM

Please don't try to confuse the issue.....particularly with examples such as Ferrari.  Even 'Ferrari Owners' Club' is accepted as 'Ferrari' is a descriptor of the group's car of choice....whereas 'Stardockians' will ONLY technically refer to those people employed by Stardock.

Ok, even if I do accept that Stardock isn't a product, and it's different from Ferrari that way. It's more like Sony, Nokia or Microsoft, who also have hundreds of unaffiliated groups on facebook. With very little effort I can find thousands of unaffiliated social groups named after companies, and as such I'd have to say that simply using the company name will not automatically imply affiliation.

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