Is your world safe from terrorism....

Sunday, December 21, 2008 by superman | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Dear friends

The title depicts what I mean to say.... Are you protected from the ever growing threat of terrorism...

No, It hasn't caused a fear in me. Its an evil and everything evil are destined to be detroyed...


Well, my answer to my question is perhaps no..

With more than 50 blasts this year, 2008 has been the worst for India.... the govt has just awaken after the Mumbai blasts..lets see what happens....

The simple reason that Pak is so close and people there are so poor and ignorant and religiously blind that they cant see the real motive of those who infuse zihad in them..

And what about your vicinity.. Is it free?

Can you guess what were the reasons for blasts in India...

To slow down its economic implant a feeling of insecurity among foreign investors and MNCs that India is not safe..

But trust me each of us will become a troop...and save our country and visitors.....


What are their income sources....

Most probably ..drugs.. and donations from Arab nations..


Well Now its ur turn to say.......


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Reply #1 Sunday, December 21, 2008 5:14 AM

Seriously, I'm not going to waste my time worrying about it, we do what we do, when we need to do it, and in the meantime, take security precautions.. it's all that can be done.

 I'm not being ignorant, but I'm a citizen, just how vigilant should I be, before actually becoming a vigilante?

This isn't Deathwish, and I'm not Charlie Bronson

I trust in our armed forces, and that's about all I can do.

Do you know what REAL terrorism is? it's somebody like, for example, a Political Leader, with the sole goal of control [whoa, it rythmes] under the guise of "forewarning".. who constantly keeps his people living in fear, in terror, by not letting them forget just how much danger they're possibly in.. that.. is terrorism, keeping folks controlled with the "threat" of terror.. and that begins at home.

Reply #2 Sunday, December 21, 2008 6:17 AM

My opinion on terrorism is that it comes from apathy and religion.

The apathy aspect is when people put so much trust in a government that they never question its action or hold its representatives accountable for the actions they take...."supposedly" for the "good" of they're citizens. The citizens more or less become sheep/mindless puppets and financial slaves of that government.

The religion aspect of it is that more people have died in this world because of some nut jobs religion or god than for any other reason. And unless less credibility is given to these religions it will continue. I think the late great George Carlin said it best...--> The clip is geared more towards catholics...which I was...until I reached the age of reason. But other religions are equally looney...for starters...72 virgins?...guess that god is a pimp.

Both of those things are very hard to get rid of...I'd say religion more than apathy...and because of that you will "never" rid the world of terrorism. And America's grand liberation of Iraqi people from terrorism was engineered by a religious fanatic that thought he would accomplish getting rid of terrorism by liberating the innocent Iraqi people. And soon he will have accomplished it...they'll all be dead. Mission accomplished George! But yet...terrorism has increased....go figure!?

Do I feel safer? Not at all! And the thing that amazes me the that the majority of the people don't want's the heads of government and the rich that start all this crap.

Reply #3 Sunday, December 21, 2008 7:37 AM

stems from poverty, ignorance & brainwashing.....'s been a bad year for your country this year hemanherecomes...can only hope that the future one days holds some sanity for the world...

Reply #4 Sunday, December 21, 2008 7:43 AM

I think that:

1. One should be aware of things that don't seem right (i.e. luggage, packages etc. that are abandoned).

2. People acting suspiciously or bizarrely should be noticed.

3. We should get at the roots of terrorism: Ignored people....their hunger, health and education...and do something about it.


Together with those things, Tailsgirl is right on the money. WG is correct about finding and correcting fanaticism. Fanaticism generally happens when those seeds are cast on fertile ground....much like Messianic beliefs occur in oppressed populaces.

The seed has to take root and flourish and it must be nurtured by those who profit by it. They are the ones must be convinced that this is not "the way to go" by education...gentle or harsh. Unfortunately (because it's so simple), nothing is gained by violence in any of it's forms. The Mahatma was so very correct in this thinking.

There are, however, some exceptions to this: Overwhelming Evil (i.e. Hitler) could never have been responded to with nonviolence.

This is a very complex issue and the definitions of what is "political" resistance and where it ends and where "terrorism" begins are not simple.

In general, I find that "Doing unto others...", trying to be gentle, caring and loving work. There are, however situations that demand active and lethal defence.

The idea, I believe is to act in time to prevent the necessity for "letahal action", to make life good for all

G-d's creatures but not to forget you are entitled to the same.

Reply #5 Sunday, December 21, 2008 7:55 AM

The simple reason that Pak is so close and people there are so poor and ignorant and religiously blind that they cant see the real motive of those who infuse zihad in them..


Let people think for themselves please. They don't need you telling them what they should believe. See the problem? You are wrong, they are wrong, he is wrong, she is wrong, you are all wrong. Why? Becuase noone has proved anything to be true yet out of 1000's of religions.

I'll stick with the constant of mystery rather than fill the blanks for profit, fear and power.

 To answer the original question of am I safe from terrorism? Yup! 100% because I don't change my life accordingly. The chances of me being injured in a terrorist attack are less than me going to the moon. I fear my wife, not a bunch of religous fanatics.

If I fly I go through hell anywyas as my last name is Oman. Yeah, might as well be named Saddam. so I am incononvenienced a bit, no big deal.

Reply #6 Sunday, December 21, 2008 8:16 AM

I fear my wife, not a bunch of religous fanatics.

Now there's a touch of reality. As for the travel thing...profiling is yet another form of violence.

Why can't we treat others as we wish to be treated...all others.

@ sydneysiders : We must have been typing the same thing at the same time. Thank you sidney for your thoughts...and hopes.

Reply #7 Sunday, December 21, 2008 8:25 AM

Be kind and carry a big GUN.  I feel safe from terrorism but not from the random drive by shooting in our streets.  Hence the big GUN.

Reply #8 Sunday, December 21, 2008 8:34 AM

I guess I forgot to say thanksgiving for a decent neighborhood. 


Reply #9 Sunday, December 21, 2008 9:25 AM

OK I got everything......

**I  agree  with Sidneysiders

**WOM I need a big GUN to be kind......for  the moment  i can carry  only this  hope somone posts a gun..


**As always I dont agree with NT Uncle becoz we need to tell ignorant people against all these...

the one terrorist who has been arrested after mumbai attacks is just 4th failed!


**And its true its all politics...







Reply #10 Sunday, December 21, 2008 9:28 AM

And I hav no more brain and  my anti- Uncle  I  never  established  terrorism with any of 1000s religions...

ok bye hav a nice day hehehe


Reply #11 Sunday, December 21, 2008 9:38 AM

**As always I dont agree with NT Uncle becoz we need to tell ignorant people against all these...


Disagreeing is part of getting along. However, you put it in a tone that is really scary.

You will never convince me to worship your god. Ever. Now according to you the only course of action is to eliminate me as evil. Do I have this right so far?


Reply #12 Sunday, December 21, 2008 10:02 AM

You will never convince me to worship your god. Ever. Now according to you the only course of action is to eliminate me as evil. Do I have this right so far?

(Master) NT has been deleted?

Doc waves to NT and requests he stick around, no matter who's G-d....G-d loves REALLY good skinners like NT.

P.S. I don't think they're giving you a hard time with your family name, NT....they're saying "Oh Man! There goes NT! Check him for great, new skins!"

Reply #13 Sunday, December 21, 2008 10:04 AM

Religion has been the single biggest killer of humans in history.  All "in the name of god."  Who gave anyone the authority to decide another person's god was not the right one?  Not god.  As humans, we are so weak, we feel there has to be some higher power, there has to be something bigger.  Why?  We are so smart, yet so naive.

Reply #14 Sunday, December 21, 2008 10:13 AM

m1...yes religion has been the greatest non-disease related killer of mankind....but not really...I think it's the urge to change or force change on anyone who disagrees with one.

I think most basic to all of it is the thought "I can win" or "My way is the right way and I can prove it".

Since religion is such a massive force in society (cohesive)'s going to loom large for the forseeable future.

Reply #15 Sunday, December 21, 2008 10:19 AM

Get used to it, it will be the scurge of the 21st century, it..isn't...going away.

Reply #16 Sunday, December 21, 2008 10:20 AM

Night Train

**As always I dont agree with NT Uncle becoz we need to tell ignorant people against all these...

Disagreeing is part of getting along. However, you put it in a tone that is really scary.

You will never convince me to worship your god. Ever. Now according
to you the only course of action is to eliminate me as evil. Do I have
this right so far?



Hey NT uncle.... that "As always I dont agree with NT Uncle" and that UR my anit-uncle was just jokes.....

But I am delighted for the first time I scared u... usually u used to scare me..

And I am not here to spread my parental religion ...

my only religion is humanism... i celebrate all festivals i know and i can

and i pray before all 'artificial homes' of Almighty...


And I regret if u or ur feelings got hurt by me. Would u believe just as I see ur reply in my mobile I rushed to turn the laptop on to write that do not take it personally....

So sorry and please cheers! u will be intact with all ur dignity......




Reply #17 Sunday, December 21, 2008 10:24 AM

Just For NT Uncle

Reply #18 Sunday, December 21, 2008 10:36 AM

No harm done, it's just when you end thoughts with ...... you leave alot open for.......

Reply #19 Sunday, December 21, 2008 10:38 AM

P.S. I don't think they're giving you a hard time with your family name, NT....they're saying "Oh Man! There goes NT! Check him for great, new skins!"


It's usually me going... Oh..Man, here we go again. I wear easy off pants to save trouble. They got abig hoot out of the Sponge Bob Boxers I wore a couple of flights ago.

Reply #20 Sunday, December 21, 2008 11:00 AM

Get used to it, it will be the scurge of the 21st century, it..isn't...going away.

Ain't that the truth. Plain and simple. No....not until we lose that "I can win" mentality. Then'll be that which gets us to the stars. If we don't suicide first.

Sponge Bob Boxers

Another sleepless night. . Thanx, bro.

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