Thank Goodness It's All Over And Things Can Go Back To Normal

Barack Obama wins the US Election.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 by starkers | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Well the fat lady has sung and the US Predidential Election 2008 is finally over.  Congratulations to Barack Obama and commissurations to John McCain, who was gracious in defeat and asked the American people to support Obama's Presidency. 

Good on you John McCain.

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Reply #1 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 2:59 AM

Congratulations America, I think you chose the right man this time. I hope he works out well for you.

As a side note: It's strange that I find the U.S. elections more interesting than the elections in my own country (U.K.). That's because history has shown that whoever we vote for here, they are all as bad as each other and they are all a complete waste of space. I hope WE vote for change next time and get someone who actually GIVES a damn to run OUR country.

Reply #2 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 5:11 AM

Congrats to the US of A for electing their new President.

I'm sure some won't be enthused....but many are .....particularly outside the US where it was/is a popular outcome.

I never thought I'd live to see the day [the 24 series doesn't count]....

Reply #3 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 5:51 AM

Well guys...I for one am glad to see Obama won...and I really hope he can/will bring about some chanage. Now...I just hope he can survive his term without some goober taking a shot at him.

Island Dog
Reply #4 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 6:49 AM

Terrible day for America indeed, but hopefully we can get back to normal. 


Reply #5 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 6:59 AM

Terrible day for America indeed,

Hopefully you were able to enjoy the specialness of last night for a brief moment. I feel proud of the USA today and it has been a long time since.

Reply #6 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 7:46 AM

Well guys...I for one am glad to see Obama won...and I really hope he can/will bring about some chanage. Now...I just hope he can survive his term without some goober taking a shot at him.

My thoughts exactly Giz. All it takes is one psycho. And with all the ignorant racist videos I've seen on YouTube recently with US citizens calling Obama the "N-word" - I wouldn't be surprised if some nutjob tried to end his life. Still a lot of hate over there...

There's been some polls and pretend-elections over here in Denmark, about 90% supports Obama, so it's fair to say we're quite happy about the result in this part of Europe.

Reply #7 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 8:06 AM

Normal is a relative term.I just hope America finally regains it's sense of direction.This dog has been chasing it's tail for far too long.

Reply #8 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 8:09 AM

I'd like to congratulate the American system and the voters. In that sense we truly won. Historic numbers got out and voted, proving that the individual still has the power in this country.

Fuzzy Logic
Reply #9 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 8:09 AM

Burrrack Obarmurrr...

Let's hope he's not as senseless as the last president

Reply #10 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 8:20 AM

Terrible day for America indeed, but hopefully we can get back to normal.


Enough, I.D. We've all had enough of the divisiveness, blame and anger. We accomplish more united than divided.

Time to be an American, not a Republican or Democrat. No sour grapes, because there's enough champagne for all of us who can celebrate the passing of the torch of freedom to a new generation of the most precious of all places in this world: "...America Our Home Sweet Home...".

And we're not alone in our celebration. So let's not whine and be small...time to grow and unite.

Why not get behind the wagon and push? Let's get on with it!

Reply #11 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 8:21 AM

Reguardless of the outcome, it's amazing to think of the voter turn out. Good to finally see a lack of apathy for a change. Also, it's truly amazing to think that just over 40 years ago black people couldn't even vote in this country, now one is president elect.

Reply #12 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 8:37 AM

Terrible day for America indeed, but hopefully we can get back to normal.

Cheer up, ID, it won't be anywhere as bad as you might think...  he may very well surprise you as being a truly great president.

Now I just hope that people can put aside any party politics and prejudices to truly get behind him to help rebuild the nation as a whole so that people can put their lives and homes, businesses and livelyhoods back together again.

Now...I just hope he can survive his term without some goober taking a shot at him.

I sincerely hope that never happens, it would truly be a sad day, not only for the US, but the whole World.

Island Dog
Reply #13 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 8:38 AM

Why not get behind the wagon and push? Let's get on with it!

I don't remember that being said over the last 4 years. 

Just remember, you aren't hearing conservatives scream about how they are leaving the country.


Reply #14 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 8:38 AM

Congratulations America, I think you chose the right man this time. I hope he works out well for you.

As a side note: It's strange that I find the U.S. elections more interesting than the elections in my own country (U.K.). That's because history has shown that whoever we vote for here, they are all as bad as each other and they are all a complete waste of space. I hope WE vote for change next time and get someone who actually GIVES a damn to run OUR country.


yeah i'm with you boxxi i'm english and i have to admit i cant think of a PM whos actually given a damn but we aren't gonna get that for a while anyway cos all the current leaders of the main parties (labour, tories and lib dems) are crap

Reply #15 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 8:40 AM

ID what have you got against obama anyway?

Reply #16 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 8:42 AM

Upon hearing the outcome, I felt relief. Now, I don't know if it is because this is all done for 4 yrs, or for the president elect. I was amazed at what was supposed to be a close race, turn into a landslide.

Thank you John McCain for being so gracious. I wish others of your party had as much dignity as you.

Now, let us see where we go. I for one, am hoping for a quick turn job is at stake!

Reply #17 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 9:28 AM

ID what have you got against obama anyway?


phsx2, I think you're begging to turn this into another ugly liberal versus conservative thread. Let's not go down that road in this one. The issues that ID and many others on these boards have with Democrats are well-documented elsewhere.


I'd just like to say here that I agree with many of the posters in that yesterday's election in America was a victory for our form of representative democracy because there was an estimated 67% voter turnout, which is hardly 100%, but it is historic nonetheless, and that should make everyone feel good.



Reply #18 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 9:31 AM

Island Dog
Why not get behind the wagon and push? Let's get on with it!

I don't remember that being said over the last 4 years. 

Just remember, you aren't hearing conservatives scream about how they are leaving the country.



C'mon I.D. Let's push together! We....all of us ..... want you here and please help! Conservative voices are just as important as anyone else's!

Let's put some partay in party and rejoice that someone who can reach across the aisle and wants to do that is at the helm.

And I thought John McCain's speech was a graceful and dignified one also.

The rejoicing in our democracy is genuine....from all over the world. This is a good thing. For all of us!

Reply #19 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 9:36 AM

Thank Goodness It's All Over And Things Can Go Back To Normal

First off someone has to explain what normal is.

Starkers, you want to take a try at it?



Reply #20 Wednesday, November 5, 2008 9:42 AM

I don't remember that being said over the last 4 years.

Probably because our goals weren't GW's. He had his own agenda and we didn't fit into it. "Maybe"now we can start working together again as a country...we'll see.

Good to finally see a lack of apathy for a change.

Well GH33da,,,I think that apathy still was just that this president represented a group of people that understandly didn't care about voting for a white president. History has been let's see how it plays out. Hopefully for the best. 

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