What is that program called?
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 by g52 | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Thanks for any responses.
Reply #2 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:44 AM
Good Ol' Free version
Awesome $20 version.
For the good ol' free version, you get only one dock. But it still rocks, with tons of unprecedented features.
For the better ol' $20 version, you get what you've shown above [tabbed docks], system tray support, ability to add a gazatrillion docks, ability to color docks and flyout menus.
Reply #3 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:45 AM
There are two versions... free and plus.
With free version you can have just one dock( the thing in your picture). With plus many.
Reply #5 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 11:22 AM
That sucks. Objectdock is a terrible piece of software compared to Rocketdock. I just wanted the tabs...
Reply #6 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 11:33 AM
Reply #7 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 11:43 AM
Comes ObjectDock
I am in no way affliated with Stardock.


Reply #8 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 11:52 AM

Reply #9 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 12:10 PM
I'm astonished, awed, surprised, [insert synonym here]

g52, please do check out this excellent post.
There are many kinds of people, with different kind of opinions about what should be free, and what should cost. Some people, like me, advocate open source stuff, while having no enmity with shareware. If I like something, and I think I need it, I buy it where I can.
If I find an equally good alternative that is free, I compare them.
Just as Messiah said, Objectdock is very good. You know, you can't compare ObjectDock Plus with RocketDock. Try comparing the free version of OD with RocketDock, and please highlight and post any features that RocketDock has which ObjectDock's free version doesn't have.
Also, please consider that when you want apples, you pay for them. When you want to breathe, you don't pay for the oxygen because God is kind enough to keep it free.
When you want new hardware, you buy it. When you want to play video games, you pay for them. When you want Photoshop, you pay for it. Same goes with Microsoft Office.Why should ObjectDock be any different?
Have you ever tried to rant on the forums of software giants such as EA/Microsoft/Apple? What you're doing is telling a company that their software sucks because it has to be paid for. And that shows you can't pay for what you want.
Stardock has many employees, who need money to live. If Stardock makes freeware only, they won't get much income and ObjectDock and such excellent desktop apps will die forever.
It's simple. Nobody is forcing you to buy ObjectDock. Don't tell us it sucks if you don't want to buy it.
The best things in life are hard to find. Go search Google for alternatives

Reply #10 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 12:43 PM
You what what??
And thats based on what exactly?
I tried rocketdock and Yz. They dont come close to objectdock.
So stop whining like a little girl and take it somewhere else.
Terrible piece of software my arse.

Reply #11 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 1:04 PM
Use Rocketdock and some of your crayons and draw you some tabs.

You asked what program you needed,then bad-mouth the software when you find out it costs a measly $20.Waaambulance call please!

Reply #12 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 1:16 PM
i wish i had thought of that! that's too funny!
Reply #13 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 2:33 PM
First off Objectdock is laggy. Rocketdock is smooth as silk. No it's not my computer that is slow, before one of you fanboys pull out that card.
Secondly Objectdock takes up twice the memory to run compared to Rocketdock. Again it's not my computer.
Lastly, all this Stardock crap is just bloatware. Any serious PC person knows this. I have friends that know more about computers than anyone here on the site. Some of the shit they can do and the knowledge they have...it'll blow your mind. They too even think Stardock is bloatware.
And don't you lemmings understand you can do half of the stuff Stardock makes for free? You don't need windowblinds to change the theme of your desktop. You don't need objectdock to have a dock. You don't need...
I tried the objectdock freeware version and it sucked. It just absolutely sucked. And to charge you $20 for a tab function? WTF? Almost everything else Objectdock plus offers can be done for free with rocketdock:
Here is what they charge you $20 extra for plus:
A listing of some Plus Exclusives:
# Tabbed Docks for the ultimate in stylish organization! - Only decent feature.
# Create as many docks as you'd like! - Why have more then one dock? It doesn't make sense. The point is to eliminate clutter, not create it.
# Show your system tray icons in your dock - My icons are fine where they are. Why would I want to change this so I have to click an extra time to see them?
# Special taskbar options - Free with rocketdock.
# Task grouping - Who cares?
# Colorize backgrounds to your liking in a single click - Do they know what skins are?
# More mouseover effects - Who cares?
# Automatically hide your dock for maximized applications - Free with rocketdock.
So, says fanboy in response...why are you posting here then? To ask a question smartass.
Reply #14 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 2:53 PM
# Tabbed Docks for the ultimate in stylish organization! - Only decent feature.
Thank you, we like it very much.
# Create as many docks as you'd like! - Why have more then one dock? It doesn't make sense. The point is to eliminate clutter, not create it.
This is due to personal preferences. I myself have more than one dock running as my art applications take up one whole dock all on it's own. I have it resized the second art dock down to a small dock on my second screen on the left wall and it stays neatly out of the way.
# Show your system tray icons in your dock - My icons are fine where they are. Why would I want to change this so I have to click an extra time to see them?
With the taskbar hidden this allows for much more functionality. On one of the work machines here I have two docks again. One at the bottom of the screen that has my dock, running tasks with thumbnail preview, and at the top a much smaller dock running my systray icons all skinned to look nice.
# Special taskbar options - Free with rocketdock.
Which options are you comparing to what other options?
# Task grouping - Who cares?
Many of our customers use this tool. I would say then that thousands of people care.
# Colorize backgrounds to your liking in a single click - Do they know what skins are?
I don't understand what your question is here. It comes with many skins built right in, many more are available for download. Several of these skins are not just for changing colors but the whole style and look as well.
# More mouseover effects - Who cares?
Once again, thousands. Possibly more considering I walked through a Best Buy the otherday to see the free version of Object Dock installed on the display laptops with animated icons. Aparently Object helps computer sales.
Keep in mind this includes file folder launching with custom docks, weather reports doing a 5 day forecast up to the minute from Accuweather.com and even more.
# Automatically hide your dock for maximized applications - Free with rocketdock.
That is good for RocketDock as it is a wonderful utility.
I hope this helped. If you have further concerns you can look up more information here:
As a side note refrain from using foul language in the forums.
Reply #15 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:05 PM

For my part i'd have to say to the OP, take your tabless rocketdock, your entitlement and your filthy mouth and bugger off down the road with it.

Reply #16 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:32 PM
and dude, if objectdock or windowblinds slow your system down, your system has issues.
Reply #17 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:34 PM
I think I was just insulted...ok,get them friends to give you tabbed docks if they are so pc godlike.(for free)

Reply #18 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:38 PM

Reply #19 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:42 PM
Snidely Whiplash and I.R are right. If your friends are so good, try asking them next time you've got a question. And please do ask your Holy/Sacred TechGods to point us to the right direction.
We are all such a bunch of arrogant,wannabe brats who can't even spell teknolawji.
Reply #20 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:42 PM
Here's my desktop...running 7 tabs and 2 side docks. In my Widgets tab there are about 60 links... OBDesktop has 26...Utilities has 32...Apps has 17....Games has 12....Internet has 8....Main has 3. On my 2 side docks which are hidden there are 12 each. Where's the clutter on the desktop? The only thing you see are the tabs. Oh...and my pc is fast as hell! No lag whatsoever!

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Reply #1 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:40 AM
Comes ObjectDock
I am in no way affliated with Stardock.