X-Cella ®
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X-Cella ®

Updated Feb 28, 2005 by FilkoSE

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Comment #21 Monday, February 28, 2005 9:35 AM
Thank you danilloOc
Comment #22 Monday, February 28, 2005 3:43 PM
hi i LOVE this skin, i really do... i just have to ask is there any way i can get the sounds that play when you close, maximize, etc.. can you get them to not play? i'm sorry, i really really love this skin. but is there any way to turn them off?
Comment #23 Monday, February 28, 2005 4:10 PM
Thank you akaimeridia

Go to "WB" or to "Configure WB" then in "Settings" select "Basic Settings" and scroll down to "Enhance Desktop Elements" and uncheck "Use Skin Sounds (If any)". Apply Changes. Hope this helps.
Comment #24 Monday, February 28, 2005 4:28 PM
wow thank you so much!! I LOVE THIS SKIN NOW its the greatest lol sry no offense about the sounds.. but this is great i love it )
Comment #25 Monday, February 28, 2005 4:28 PM
wow thank you so much!! I LOVE THIS SKIN NOW its the greatest lol sry no offense about the sounds.. but this is great i love it )
Pvt HippyShifty
Comment #26 Monday, February 28, 2005 6:28 PM
yeah i really like this skin. it gives a new edge on top of the other basic ones that i have seen. that show no color shading. nice job
Comment #27 Monday, February 28, 2005 11:33 PM
Thanks Pvt. HippyShifty. Enjoy.
Comment #28 Wednesday, March 2, 2005 3:48 PM
Love the skins either color is just fantastic, and I love the animations, I love the lot you mentioned re-starting between skins but to tell you I have no problems they change without a glitch. Great work so many downloads just wonder if people are rating it with their downloads at least.

Thank you for your hard work to give to us.
Comment #29 Tuesday, April 26, 2005 11:46 AM
This is an amzing skin. I like the light version better because I can see more stuff. The sounds are starting to get to me though. I went to the basic settings thing just like someone said in the above posts and it still doesnt work. when I go back to windowblinds and click on settings the box is still checked off even when I turned it off before. Any help is greatly appreciated.

edit: My bad I didnt see the apply settings from the earlier post. Thanks a lot. This truly is an amzing skin. I especially like the wallpaper.

Whenever my friends come over on my computer their like OMG dude what happened to your computer. Im like dont worry its just a skin LOL
Comment #30 Wednesday, May 4, 2005 4:16 PM
Thanks for your nice comment Lilmigz40 Enjoy.
cyber villan
Comment #31 Monday, May 30, 2005 3:46 PM
Man, this is really a neat peace of work. One of the best ever.
Comment #32 Monday, May 30, 2005 7:36 PM
Thanks cyber villan
cyber villan
Comment #33 Thursday, June 2, 2005 7:32 AM
Darn, I had a system problem and had to restore to an earlier point. When I downloaded X-Cella again, it wouldn't install in WindowBlinds. The X-Cella blue file now seems to be only for Firefox. Is it no longer availible for the non-Firefox browser?
Comment #34 Thursday, June 2, 2005 11:17 PM
The skin hasn't been changed since 022805. So if you downloaded the first one thereafter, then it's the same one with three subskins. If it doesn't download correctly, try to use right-click and "save target as" option. or contact me.
cyber villan
Comment #35 Friday, June 3, 2005 10:59 AM
Okay, I got it back now! What happened was when after I restored, I deleted some skins (including X-cella) in WindowBlinds because of strange system behavior with the themes. Somehow it wouldn't install because it was already in the WindowBlinds skin file. So I went into the Stardock WindowBlinds file in Program Files and deleted the past X-Cella files, opened the WindowBlinds program up again, and installed it using the install skin from disk option. It Worked, the neat blue theme is back again with no probs! Thanks again FilkoSE.

Maybe someone can try this if they can't get a skin to install.
Comment #36 Tuesday, October 25, 2005 6:43 PM
The skin rocks but has anyone had any problems with it skinning microsoft outlook 2003? Idid everything even went so far as to use the per application setting for outlook with no luck. it will skin the program but everything inside is not visiable. that is using X-Cella normal for internet explorer not the FF version.

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