iTunes for DX
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iTunes for DX

Updated Jun 16, 2004 by _Martin_

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Comment #1 Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:11 AM

This is Awesome! Seems to work with no problems. FINALLY someone was able to develop an interface for the song ratings. Thank you.
Comment #2 Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:42 AM
I would love this if it was more tiny. But hey, it works. Installed iTunes just to test it.
Comment #3 Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:15 AM
Why iTunes .Why not WinAmp (
But this is great Martin.
Comment #4 Wednesday, June 16, 2004 11:00 AM
I'd agree...this is a great concept and a wonderful idea, but I'm a WinAMP kinda guy.
Comment #5 Wednesday, June 16, 2004 11:48 AM
Carl: This is only the sample - there will be a much smaller final object.

As for WinAmp - well it does have a SDK
Comment #6 Wednesday, June 16, 2004 12:32 PM
Well, can You show the Cover with Winamp ?
Comment #7 Wednesday, June 16, 2004 1:13 PM
Can you rip CDs at full speed for free with WinAmp?
Comment #8 Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:00 PM
With a crack/keygen... YEA!
Comment #9 Wednesday, June 16, 2004 4:50 PM
hmmm. No problems on my laptop. My desktop however, is having some problems. Seems to be an issue w/ synchronizing the currently played song and the playlist. Seems to be a problem with using Shuffle.

Also, the theme stops if you remove any of the elements (equalizer etc).

I'd like to be able to adjust the size of the album art w/ standard windows sizing.
Comment #10 Thursday, June 17, 2004 2:06 AM
iTunes is a great mp3 player. Great look, great feel, and a ton of options. I convirted from Winamp after 5 years of use and never looked back.
Comment #11 Thursday, June 17, 2004 4:18 AM
Yep - there is an issue with Party Shuffle when you move to another item manually. I'm aware of this.
Comment #12 Thursday, June 17, 2004 5:29 AM
hmmmm. Often unable to create ActiveX object iTunes. When running iTunes already it does not connect to the application. Normal messages of the objects, as "Need playlist object.. " when pressing "Pause" when no song is playing is annoying. When it works it is GREAT.
Comment #13 Thursday, June 17, 2004 8:46 AM
Which version of iTunes are you running? It works just fine here using iTunes 4.6 wheter the app is running or not.
Comment #14 Thursday, June 17, 2004 11:11 PM
Carl: This is only the sample - there will be a much smaller final object.

As for WinAmp - well it does have a SDK
by JourneyMan _Martin_ - 6/16/2004 11:48:44 AM


Man, you make me want to take off from school and become a coder just so I can do the things you do with DX. I can get my business off the ground if I knew some more C++ and VB script
Comment #15 Friday, June 18, 2004 3:37 AM
joe - believe me you don't need to be a scripting genius. I just have the basics, persistance and years of screwing around with DesktopX. Check out the article on how to get going on things like this:
Super Vegito
Comment #16 Friday, June 18, 2004 1:53 PM
this theme is very buggy

Comment #17 Saturday, June 19, 2004 9:08 AM
It's not a full theme - it's a sample which is WORK IN PROGRESS.

Saying something is "very buggy" is not very constructive. If there are particular things you are having problems with then it helps to mention them.
Comment #18 Wednesday, June 23, 2004 1:03 PM
When will you bless us w/ an update??
Comment #19 Thursday, June 24, 2004 11:56 PM
thanks for the link Martin
Comment #20 Monday, October 11, 2004 4:29 PM
man. this looks like the best theme i've ever seen
where can i get it

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