Homeseer Activex Object
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Homeseer Activex Object

Updated Jun 20, 2004 by dethnite

Jamie Macdonald
Comment #1 Thursday, June 24, 2004 7:55 AM
I allways thought a light switch controlling a light would be better (use the switch and the lights activate correspondingly)

Thanks though ...Make me think of doing the home automation thing
Comment #2 Thursday, June 24, 2004 4:16 PM
I thought about using switches, that is what I use on my touchpad web pages, but these took up less space. Sooner or later I will do something with switches. I am in the process of trying to find an easier way to configure these without having to edit the scripts.
Jamie Macdonald
Comment #3 Friday, June 25, 2004 3:45 AM
K cool ...I look forward to it ...When i get paid at the end of month im going to sort at least the software card and lightswitch/lamp so i can utilize this myself and maybe learn how to play too ...Thanks dethnite
Comment #4 Monday, September 27, 2004 8:48 AM
Couldn't get the HomeSeer link to work.

Pyramid36 (
Comment #5 Monday, November 1, 2004 5:23 PM
The link has been fixed. Had a comman right after it. Thanks.
Comment #6 Monday, November 1, 2004 5:23 PM
Comma, not comman.

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