Vista Sidebar
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Vista Sidebar

Updated Mar 22, 2007 by kennkh

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Comment #1 Thursday, December 28, 2006 4:31 AM
that weather widget is good. a suggestion - make it into a widget on it's own

... thier RC1 images would look good on it too
Comment #2 Friday, December 29, 2006 5:26 PM
I really like this. But please make one for the Right Side.

I got it now, so disregard please.
Comment #3 Friday, December 29, 2006 5:57 PM
vampireUK, yeah I like the RC1 weather images too, but I can't find them anywhere. If I ever get them, I'll switch out the images and upload the weather widget on its own.

Rhoss1, you should be able to switch the dock to the right side by clicking on the right pointing arrow at the top of the bar and dragging the entire thing to the right edge. Just make sure to follow the directions in the description and move the expanded weather and calendar, otherwise they will be off the screen.
Comment #4 Saturday, December 30, 2006 10:53 PM
Citizen kennkh .. I have the RC1 weather images ... email them to you ?
Comment #5 Sunday, December 31, 2006 4:16 PM
Got them, thanks
Comment #6 Wednesday, January 24, 2007 5:42 PM
Looking good


- I figured out a couple behaviors on my desktop regarding the controls. If I click the control background the z-order moves it in front when the sidebar is both on the left and right side of the screen. When I do that I can't access the controls and have to reload the sidebar.

- On the right side the background, plus, and minus controls appear to not be locked down and can be dragged around.

- The close button on the clock selector can be dragged around.

- I looked at the properties in builder and they are all locked so I don't know what's up with that. I'll keep looking into it.
Comment #7 Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:06 PM
Ok, I figured out what I was doing wrong. I wasn't looking at the right controls.

All the above objects that were supposed to be locked down aren't, so you might want to lock em.

Even if the background is locked the z-order still raises it above the controls you want to get at. I don't know how you link the controls to the background so that the controls are always above the background. I don't know enough about desktopX yet.

Anyhow, I hope that bit of bug-hunting helps.
Comment #8 Wednesday, January 24, 2007 8:25 PM
SirBedwyr, thanks for your comments and for finding all those bugs. I think I've fixed them all and will upload the fixed version a little later tonight.
Comment #9 Thursday, January 25, 2007 12:17 AM

I found one more that's more of a tweak I made for myself. I added a - 20 factor to the "start button" so that it would appear above my task bar and I locked it down. A thought:

What about an enable/disable control for the vista start button in case someone is using a task-bar and doesn't want two buttons at once? I think it's pretty cool but if there was one feature on the bar that might want a toggle that could be it. You could make the blank area look like a circle where it normally goes. Click to turn it back on. What do you think? Just an idea.
Comment #10 Monday, March 12, 2007 4:37 PM
man I think your version of this vista sidebar is the greatest. Looks great and works great. I would like to ask if the slideshow code could be edited so that as your viewing the slideshow and you see an image you like, you could "left click" on the slideshow image and have it set as your wallpapaer?
Thanks in advance....

Comment #11 Monday, March 12, 2007 5:07 PM
Koradin, thanks for your comments. Thats a good idea, but I've looked through some of the wallpaper changers on the site, and it seems like its pretty difficult to add such a simple functionality. It doesn't look like the changers really change your wallpaper either, rather they paste a resized image over your background. If I can find a more elegant way to change the background, I will include it in a future update though I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you, since I'm not that smart. Sorry but for now you'll have to bear with trudging through the display properties window

SirBedwyr, I missed your post, sorry. I figure there isn't much of a difference between a grey circle or the Vista logo, since they'd both take up the same amount of space. If theres really a demand for a blanked out logo, I'll include it in the future since its not that hard to do. I just don't like updating this thing since its pretty big and takes a while to upload on my slow connection.
Comment #12 Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:45 PM
How do I install sidebar? Please�
Comment #13 Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:02 PM
ildfisk, you must have Stardock's DesktopX installed. When it is, just double click on the file and it should open.
Comment #14 Friday, March 16, 2007 7:23 PM
Need a little help here, I can't see any pciture frame object for the sidebar. Also is it possible to omit some of the windows, like th clock selector. Everytime I start windows the clock selector window always pops out.

Thank you very much

Ok I was able to remove the clock choose by editing the script, thanks for the infor you've posted in your other link!

Here's one last question, please the picture I've posted, based on the screen shot it seems mine doesn't function correctly. Also I don't have any idea how to use it, ehehe.

Thanks again!
Comment #15 Saturday, March 17, 2007 12:52 AM
After some searching I think it's an RSS reader, how do I create an RSS feed for this?

Comment #16 Saturday, March 17, 2007 4:33 AM
Chonji, the picture frame is the small box underneath the clock (it has a palm leaf in my screenshot). To make it work, drag your picture files or a folder of pictures onto it.

That is indeed an RSS reader. It looks a little funny in your screenshot because the Wincustomize RSS uses some extra format tags that I don't know how to get rid of. To add your own RSS feed, put the rss link (e.g. for Slashdot, into the "Feed Link" box. Put the name of the feed (it can be whatever you want) into the "Feed Title" box. Then push the arrow next to "Add Feed". That should add your feed into the reader.

Hope that helps. If you have any problems, let me know.

Oh and I know its pretty annoying that the windows keeps popping up on a restart. I've been meaning to upload a minor update that fixes it, but I just haven't gotten around to it. It'll probably be up in a few days or so.
Comment #17 Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:50 AM
Thats ok! Thanks so much for the reply!
Comment #18 Sunday, March 25, 2007 9:23 AM
Hi Guys, My picture viewer stopped working its just a black box. It worked fine before, don,t know what I did wrong.I'm unable to add any pictures to it. Don,t know how to fix. P.S this is the best looking side bar I've seen.Can someone please give me instructions. Thanks
Comment #19 Sunday, March 25, 2007 3:37 PM
Chauncy22, you can try resetting the picture framer settings, though this involves messing with your registry. If you feel comfortable doing this, here's how:

1. Close DesktopX and the sidebar.
2. Open the start menu and select Run
3. Type regedit into the box that pops up and press enter.
4. In the Window that pops up, navigate to the
     My Computer->HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->Stardock->DesktopX->Widget folder.
5. In the Widget folder, there should be a folder called PicFramer. Delete this folder.
6. Start up the sidebar and the picture frame settings should now be reset.

Hope this works. If it doesn't, let me know, though I'm not sure how else to fix the problem.

Also if anyone has problems with the RSS feeder, you can reset its settings the same way, but by deleting the Brncofan7 folder instead of the Picframer folder.
Comment #20 Tuesday, March 27, 2007 9:10 AM
Hey kennkh, good job with the sidebar. The only question I have is, how do we disable the extra windows (clock, weather, and rss) from popping up during startup? I only want the side bar to show at startup, not the extra stuff. Thanks!

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