What is the WindowBlinds 11 Development Status?
To whom it may concern.
Friday, March 4, 2022 by neone6 | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Time passes quickly.
Windows 11 has been out for a while now and we are a bit into 2022 now and it's been a while since we heard of any progress/development status when it comes to WindowBlinds & SkinStudio 11...
Plain and simply: What is the WindowBlinds 11 Development Status as of now and is there an Estimated time for when we can see at least a BETA?
-The (Few) Skinners and supporters really need to hear from Stardock/Wincustomize on this topic SOON as not knowing more than it's supposed to be coming Sometime 2022 is starting to hurt the App/Brand/skinners/supporters & buyers.
This is the way I perceive it.
Reply #2 Friday, March 4, 2022 7:23 PM
You don't have to "scream" (Bold letters) all the time. -I'm sure the message gets through anyways
Reply #4 Saturday, March 5, 2022 10:38 AM
Time passes quickly.
Windows 11 has been out for a while now and we are a bit into 2022 now and it's been a while since we heard of any progress/development status when it comes to WindowBlinds & SkinStudio 11...
Plain and simply: What is the WindowBlinds 11 Development Status as of now and is there an Estimated time for when we can see at least a BETA?
-The (Few) Skinners and supporters really need to hear from Stardock/Wincustomize on this topic SOON as not knowing more than it's supposed to be coming Sometime 2022 is starting to hurt the App/Brand/skinners/supporters & buyers.
This is the way I perceive it.

Totally Agree neone6.
I just hope the damage is not already done. I have never skinned myself ,i have purchased many though, WB has always been my go to Program, always been a Die Hard Fan of WB, but even i have looked elsewhere. If a member like me feels it has been too long, maybe other users have already quit and moved on too. Never to return to the brand.
Reply #5 Monday, March 7, 2022 2:11 PM
One would think that SOMEONE from "staff" would give some sort of clarification on the subject. (My post)
Reply #9 Monday, March 7, 2022 8:28 PM
For a while now, I thought it would be cool if stardock kind of integrated in a developers journal in regards to their projects. I understand not having exact time frames fits into the equation but it would be nice to have some sort of insight into what is in the works. For example, I have theorized that start 11 version 1.2 would be needed to begin work on windowblinds 11. But, that is coming from me. I think people want to hear from an actual developer if that is the case or not. I think a little direction may help here rather than providing time frames that may not yet be known.
Reply #10 Monday, March 7, 2022 8:34 PM
I think Stardock is more into it's Gaming Software. They no longer seem that excited about customization software. ( Just a personal observation ) . I have also observed an overwhelming number of posts concerning customer issues with FENCES. I've often thought they should just scrap it altogether or start all over from the ground up. I have often pondered the possibility that I may have to retire from IconPackage creation as well. Without a compatible package builder for Windows 11 it doesn't seem likely that I will be able to continue. Many things to think about.
-- Ace --
Reply #11 Monday, March 7, 2022 8:54 PM
I think Stardock is more into it's Gaming Software.
I do understand having excitement for gaming software. Especially, now that Microsoft cares about PC gaming again. I have noticed that Galactic Civilization 3 is now on xbox game pass. It may be wise if they continue the trend and move more games there as well. More money means more ability to create.
As far customization software goes. It seems like a lot of work has gone into start 11 which is good. But, Fences 4 seemed to end development early. I really like Fences myself, but have to agree that it does need more work. I do have to wonder that if stardock is not making much money off other customization software other then start 11. I do have a curiosity that if tactics were changed and customization software were put on the Microsoft store if that would be a game changer. Microsoft seems eager to improve its store after all.
Reply #12 Tuesday, March 8, 2022 7:21 AM
-I wonder if someone from Stardock even read this...
Reply #13 Tuesday, March 8, 2022 10:09 AM
-I wonder if someone from Stardock even read this...
Edit: And contrary to popular beliefs, I still think that 2023 in an old thread is no typo.
Reply #14 Tuesday, March 8, 2022 12:18 PM
Come on Stardock, give us something. If it is likely to be the end of this year or on to 2023 so be it, we are all paid up members and deserve a bit more than Silence.
Reply #16 Tuesday, March 8, 2022 1:25 PM
I myself use Start11. Everything else just has too many problems.
As for complaining about a timeframe for Windowblinds 11.
It's been this way forever when a new major version of Windows is released. You already know the answer.. it will be done when it's done.
Reply #17 Tuesday, March 8, 2022 1:34 PM
I myself use Start11. Everything else just has too many problems.
As for complaining about a timeframe for Windowblinds 11.
It's been this way forever when a new major version of Windows is released. You already know the answer.. it will be done when it's done.
I too have been around as long as you Phoon, and I understand what you're saying, but it doesn't mean I have to like it, granted, nothing has/will change, but, we can still keep asking.
Reply #18 Tuesday, March 8, 2022 1:52 PM
The answer could be as simple as: "We don't know!" I could live with that. But nothing is close to... oh, well...
Reply #19 Tuesday, March 8, 2022 3:05 PM
The answer could be as simple as: "We don't know!"
And rather accurate.
We have a basic roadmap for all the products but it is often subject to what MS does with Windows - especially when Win10 and 11 will compete against themselves for the foreseeable future.
Sean Drohan
Stardock Support Manager
Reply #20 Tuesday, March 8, 2022 3:11 PM
Thank you, Sean! Not what we all was hoping for, I guess, but very understandable considering the development status of Windows 11.
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Reply #1 Friday, March 4, 2022 5:19 PM
Windowblinds and Curtains ?
the longtime customers as well that is not in order that neither Windowblinds or Curtains work with Windows 11, I have also long given up Fences to use for years again and again problems not to speak of other Stardock programs I have always defended Stardock when users in other forums have called this software junk, but expect the man always renewed every 12 months for the Updates that does not exist. I have several hundred programs on the computer that work, because many there have been updates shortly after the appearance of Windows 11.