Start 11 wishlist
Sunday, August 8, 2021 by c242 | Discussion: Start Menu Products
I hope there is none already.
- Option to show tiles without text (icons only)
- Option to automatically sort shortcuts alphabetically
- Option to colorize the white section of the Win 7 Style startmenu (for example accent color from windows)
Reply #3 Thursday, August 12, 2021 5:52 AM
Can not find anything on currently available functions, but there is a huge one I would love to see/know if it already exists.
- Replicate current Windows 10 Menu including ability to pin to any screen edge
Thanks... Dave
Reply #4 Thursday, August 12, 2021 9:12 AM
I don't know if this is feasible a setting with which one can deactivate the groupings of the open tabs in the taskbar ?.
Reply #5 Thursday, August 12, 2021 11:17 AM
The ability to access similar programs together under separate headings. Right now I have to create a folder, say Photography, add photography program short cuts to the folder then pin the folder to the Start Menu.
Reply #6 Thursday, August 12, 2021 11:28 AM
Can not find anything on currently available functions, but there is a huge one I would love to see/know if it already exists.
- Replicate current Windows 10 Menu including ability to pin to any screen edge
Thanks... Dave
I second this, the windows 10 menu also had that neat row length and height adjustment just by resizing the whole thing with a corner grab, felt really intuitive tbh.
Reply #7 Friday, August 13, 2021 4:53 AM
Yes, I love a lot of things about the current windows 10 model... like program groups, love program groups, makes life so easy, all my used office apps, all my apps that I use together, all clustered neatly for easy access... resizing, both the click tile and the menu itself, important or heavily used programs big, things I like to keep handy but rarely use small in a corner.
I do not care about or want to know what Microsoft thinks I want to see, they can suggest their crapvertisement to someone else. I want the programs I want thank you, and I do not want just a jumble of apps in a mess at the top of my menu, all i can say is windows 11 start menu is a hot mess that really sucks.
Reply #8 Friday, August 13, 2021 6:54 AM
Needs ability to have separate groups of programs as Win10. Suggestion a line between different sections ? Keeps it simple and no need for headings.
Reply #9 Friday, August 13, 2021 11:06 AM
Love the groups also but heartily disagree no need for headings... I love to have headings, and it should be easy to allow or not allow them...
Reply #10 Friday, August 13, 2021 5:41 PM
Start11 sub menus in the right hand pane, like those produced by 'Universal Applications' and 'Recent Items', are just plain ugly! They need to have something done about them, similar to sub menus produced when MS Word is pinned to the left hand pane.
The central scroll bar when viewing 'All Programs' needs some attention as well - maybe configurable foreground and background colour.
Results from the built in search function should be scrollable, not just disappear out of sight at the bottom to become inaccessible when 'Search result filtering icons' is set on. When 'Search result filtering icons' is turned off, 'See more results' produces a Windows Explorer window which is untidy - perhaps that should be scrollable as well rather than have 'See more results'.
Reply #11 Friday, August 13, 2021 7:36 PM
After setting the background picture of the taskbar, a new message comes from wechat, and the tray area flashes,
Reply #12 Sunday, August 15, 2021 1:48 PM
- Option to show tiles without text (icons only)
I second this request for an option to show icons without the text labels. Icons could slide closer together both horizontally and vertically allowing for more icons on the start menu.
Reply #13 Thursday, August 19, 2021 11:38 AM
Can not find anything on currently available functions, but there is a huge one I would love to see/know if it already exists.
- Replicate current Windows 10 Menu including ability to pin to any screen edge
I second this, the windows 10 menu also had that neat row length and height adjustment just by resizing the whole thing with a corner grab, felt really intuitive tbh.
Please please please! I really love a vertical task bar. Modern monitors are wide and not so tall, so I prefer to have it on the left and not use up precious vertical real estate.
Reply #14 Thursday, August 19, 2021 2:08 PM
I installled start11 for windows11 preciew, and find the software does not work............everything is still the same ?
Reply #15 Thursday, August 19, 2021 3:00 PM
I haven't seen this yet so I want to add it to the wish list. I'd like to see ability optionally to place a search box on the taskbar like we have in Windows 10. I find this very useful, using it frequently every day. From what I've seen in Win 11, they have removed it so that it only appears on the Start menu. Doing this increases the number of clicks by one to two every time I want to use the search box.
Reply #16 Tuesday, August 24, 2021 6:46 AM
1) Option to make the task bar smaller
2) lower value than 62% when adjusting menu transparency.
3) ability to save current settings as theme you could name.
Reply #17 Tuesday, August 24, 2021 6:51 AM
Winaero tweaker has the ability to move task bar. But it doesn't play nice with start11. But for the time being if you can put up with windows 11 start menu you can have either on bottom left or right or top. I use it to make the task bar smaller. As long as I keep the start bar on the bottom it plays well with Start11.
Reply #18 Tuesday, August 24, 2021 8:25 AM
Start menu jumplist need to have a nice slide animation like how it was in windows 7. Start 8/10 and now 11 all just opens instantly. Its very jarring especially now with the smooth animations windows 11 introduced. The start menu opening animation also seems a little janky. Might need to look into smoothing it out more. on a 144hrz screen the default start menu opens buttery smooth, but start 11 is very laggy with the animation. Almost like its 60hrz.
Picture for reference to show the feature that needs animation.
Also a side note. Start 11 ignores Windows FX start menu animations.
Reply #19 Tuesday, August 24, 2021 8:49 AM
Winaero tweaker has the ability to move task bar. But it doesn't play nice with start11. But for the time being if you can put up with windows 11 start menu you can have either on bottom left or right or top. I use it to make the task bar smaller. As long as I keep the start bar on the bottom it plays well with Start11.
Thanks. If Start11 doesn't add this, I may end up doing Winaero instead, I can probably live with the rest of the Windows 11 start menu. But hopefully this capability will be in Start11 as well.
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Reply #1 Sunday, August 8, 2021 11:28 AM
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