Zuckerberg. ..you are a bully

Thursday, February 18, 2021 by Jafo | Discussion: Everything Else

....and you will lose.

The Australian Government will set the precedent.

You may have to make do with being filthy rich.... instead of obscenely rich.

It's time for an actually Responsible and Accountable Social Medium to replace this petty childish brat's.

Pay for your use of news media, particularly as you profiteer from it with embedded advertising, and don't demonstrate just how much of a vindictive arse you are by blocking sites dealing with personal health crises such as suicide support.

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Reply #1 Thursday, February 18, 2021 4:39 AM

Actually applauded.   

"The moves are a response to proposed legislation that would force social media platforms to pay Australian news organizations for links shared on its sites." - NPR 

News media set up pay walls and sell subscriptions to pay their staff for their work. Why shouldn't face book pay for those stories, as well? Don't they sell enough advertising and supposedly depersonalized information on its users to pay those news media for their product? 

Reply #2 Thursday, February 18, 2021 8:25 AM

This is one time I must agree with jafo. Suckberger is worse than a bully. I hope the Australian Government sticks it to him because the US regime is in bed with the asswipe.

Reply #3 Thursday, February 18, 2021 2:20 PM

Reply #4 Thursday, February 18, 2021 6:43 PM

Fuckerberg, Gates, Cook, Dorsey - sure, let's trust the future of mankind to those dweebs.  What could possibly go wrong?

Reply #5 Thursday, February 18, 2021 8:46 PM

So...datamining people's info and on-selling it to targeted advertising only makes squillions of dollars...so can't possibly afford to pay to use a News Service...so....pulls the plug on Australian News outlets....

Fine...ego is King.

But while you're at it...don't forget to also delete any and all Australian Government pages out of sheer spite.

Who really cares you disable essential services...you know...in an on-going pandemic...and for a country with the worst bushfire prevalence...in...wait-for-it....the middle of bushfire season.

What a considerate arsehole.

"I'm gonna take my bat and ball and go home - so there!"

I'm looking forward to the backlash....from the rest of the planet...

Australia has one thing in common with the US [a lot of things really] and that's we don't negotiate with extortionists/terrorists.


Reply #6 Thursday, February 18, 2021 8:49 PM

Google tried it on earlier [same issue] and instead is talking with the Govt.

Clearly Google is a more responsible entity than Facebook...


Reply #7 Thursday, February 18, 2021 8:53 PM

I never liked or trusted Facebook, not after I was bombarded with ads and emails asking if I knew this or that person.  I think my account is still there but I've not bothered going back for about 10 years, nor will I.  Moreover, nor will I do business with online traders when they force visitors to sign in via Facebook.  

So many places online these days have a button so you can like them on Facebook.  Well fuck that, I want nothing to do with that or anything else Facebook related.  For mine, Zuckerberg is worse than a bully with an obscene amount of money, he's fechen worse than a banker.

Reply #8 Thursday, February 18, 2021 9:08 PM

Clearly Google is a more responsible entity than Facebook

Perhaps not as childish, but hardly more responsible.

Reply #9 Friday, February 19, 2021 9:00 PM


Quoting Jafo,

Clearly Google is a more responsible entity than Facebook

Perhaps not as childish, but hardly more responsible.

Agreed!! Both are tarred with the same brush and neither is trustworthy when it comes to the harvesting, use of and storing of folks personal data.  Both use your personal data and surfing habits to target you with advertising.... and for me that is totally unacceptable.  I don't give a stuff if their 'services' are supposedly free [the excuse that both companies use to bombard users with unwelcomed, unwanted advertising] I don't want to be confronted with any kind of advertising online and use an ad-blocker to filter it out. 

Reply #10 Saturday, February 20, 2021 9:00 AM

Never joined it...

never used it...

never regretted it...

Reply #11 Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:51 PM


Never joined it...

never used it...

never regretted it...

I went to Facebook just the once to sign up after a relative suggested that it would be a great way to keep in touch.  What happened after that really pissed me off.... hundreds and hundreds of emails and no signs of that abating until I emailed back to demand the cease and desist.  It slowed for a while but I think a word from Microsoft over my email account being unnecessarily bombarded may have ended it.

Anyhow, several years have passed since then and I'm glad to be out of it, never to return.

Reply #12 Monday, February 22, 2021 6:34 AM

In general I think the centralisation of the internet has been a massive misstep.

Reply #13 Monday, February 22, 2021 2:15 PM

Social Fixer to the rescue. No Facebook without it, no ads. As a side note, I never get mails from facebook except I use a new hardware to log on. The settings and tools are not meant for lazy people. 


Reply #14 Monday, February 22, 2021 2:43 PM

I don't get any emails from Facebook either, never have. 

Reply #15 Monday, February 22, 2021 8:37 PM


In general I think the centralisation of the internet has been a massive misstep.
im sorry I don’t understand can you clarify. How was it centralised

Reply #16 Monday, February 22, 2021 8:39 PM

Social Fixer to the rescue. No Facebook without it, no ads. As a side note, I never get mails from facebook except I use a new hardware to log on. The settings and tools are not meant for lazy people. 

mocospace I think is that. Haven’t been on there in 5 years.

Reply #17 Monday, February 22, 2021 9:12 PM

So...datamining people's info and on-selling it to targeted advertising only makes squillions of dollars...so can't possibly afford to pay to use a News Service...so....pulls the plug on Australian News outlets....

Fine...ego is King.

I wholeheartedly agree!   In fact, isn't there anything that can be done to "wall off" FB at the Aussie & NZ virtual borders?   If Zuckerberg wants to be a dick, prevent him from making any $$ from it's citizens?

Reply #18 Monday, February 22, 2021 9:49 PM

The settings and tools are not meant for lazy people.

Um, that's not necessarily so for first timers who do not know where to look for such settings, tools and filters.  It was my first and only time on Facebook, but before I could go back to tweak things my inbox was filling up faster than I could empty it.... over 700 emails in just hours... and more of the same the next day.


I don't get any emails from Facebook either, never have.

Most people don't, but according to some people I've spoken with since then, they also got bombarded within hours of joining with hundreds of emails asking if they knew this or that person.... and then there was the Facebook generated spam advertising various things as well.   It seems, then, that some folk are singled out for the spam and others aren't.

In any event, Zuckerberg is an egotistical bully whose greed knows no bounds, and if he does not want to play by our rules then he can piss off and DCB [don't come back]

Reply #19 Monday, February 22, 2021 10:12 PM


If Zuckerberg wants to be a dick,


Reply #20 Tuesday, February 23, 2021 7:34 AM

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