Thoughts And Prayers Needed Again!!!!

Cancer Sucks!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019 by RedneckDude | Discussion: Community


Guys, it is with a sad heart that I tell you our old friend Jimbo has come down with cancer.    


He has announced it on Facebook, I know a lot of us hang out there.  For the ones that don't, I thought you should know.


Jimbo could use all the prayers and well wishes he can get at this time.  Things don't look so good.

I spoke with Jimbo on the phone the day after his FB post. He seemed pretty upbeat, which is a good thing.  The cancer has gotten to his bones and liver.


Please send prayers, karma, good wishes, whatever.   We love ya, Jimbo!

Reply #1 Tuesday, May 14, 2019 11:50 AM

Wow. Don't know him but always hate it when others are down. Hope the best for recovery.

Reply #2 Tuesday, May 14, 2019 12:39 PM

Thoughts and prayers his way for sure.

Reply #3 Tuesday, May 14, 2019 12:39 PM

Plenty of prayers to Jimbo and family. 

Reply #4 Tuesday, May 14, 2019 4:17 PM

From me as well. All there is.

Reply #5 Tuesday, May 14, 2019 5:05 PM

Sad to read another WCer has come down with an illness.  Hopefully treatment and a positive outlook will help you defeat it, Jimbo.

My thoughts are with you.

Reply #6 Tuesday, May 14, 2019 7:30 PM

Prayers are sent.

Reply #7 Sunday, May 19, 2019 8:46 AM

Yeah....cancer does suck...

but they can do lots for us these days... fight the good wishes, good vibes...karma, prayers, the lot..coming your way....  keep smiling....       ...every day we cast a shadow is a good one...   

Reply #8 Sunday, May 19, 2019 10:54 PM

My Hope and Prayers are with you.

Reply #9 Saturday, June 8, 2019 11:56 AM

All the best to him. Arnoud

Reply #10 Tuesday, June 18, 2019 1:21 PM

A lot depends on the type of cancer he has. LOTS of new drugs lately. When I was diagnosed it was already stage four. I did chemo about every other year and it was never more than a partial remission but it kept me alive. Finally, in 2012 there was a new drug that got me to a complete remission and I've been there ever since. No. it's not a cure, but I'M STILL HERE!!!  Never give up hope!

Reply #11 Tuesday, June 18, 2019 3:25 PM

Jimbo sorry. Though thing that cancer. Keep your spirits up best you can it does help. Bless you and I will ask my wife to look down on you for comfort. 

Reply #12 Wednesday, June 19, 2019 2:05 AM

Jim is a great guy and a very good friend, I am very sorry to hear this bad news... but science makes miracles now days, praying and hoping for the best for Jim!      

Reply #13 Saturday, June 22, 2019 6:03 AM

My heart and prayers to Jim and his family.

Reply #14 Saturday, June 22, 2019 6:33 AM


A lot depends on the type of cancer he has. LOTS of new drugs lately. When I was diagnosed it was already stage four. I did chemo about every other year and it was never more than a partial remission but it kept me alive. Finally, in 2012 there was a new drug that got me to a complete remission and I've been there ever since. No. it's not a cure, but I'M STILL HERE!!!  Never give up hope!

Without being too nosy. What was the type of cancer you fought? PM if its easier that way.

Reply #15 Sunday, June 23, 2019 10:11 PM

Lymphoma, whitch is bad about recurring. Been through chemo 6 times. Just had more surgery last october. They thougt it was back again. It wasn't this time. Yayyy!!! 

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