COPD- what a bitch!
Tuesday, November 7, 2017 by Uvah | Discussion: Community
So on Friday my adopted daughter called the ambulance at my request because I had gone down to the local deli for breakfast. By the time I got back upstairs I could barely breathe and damn near collapsed. This had been going on for about a week, shortness of breath and coughing up some mucous. Turns out I had contracted pneumonia. Treated in the ER at Chester County and after examining by the doc I was admitted. Had a bronchoscopy done yesterday and the doctor found a growth on my right lung as well as fluid around my heart. My hearts in good shape but the pneumonia hid a surprise. A mass on my lung that in all probability is cancer. Yup...big C had my name on it. Funny thing was it didn't scare me. The end results won't be in for a couple of days yet. I'll know then the severity of it and what course of action to take.
Right now I'm on a host of meds that include amoxicillin-clavulanate, azithromycin, albuterol sulfate, prednisone and guaifenesin. Damned if I know what all that means. I do know however that a complete 360 as far as life style is in order. More exercise, which I wasn't getting much of, lazy sucker that I are. Eating a whole better than I have been and in general turning things around. One thing the doctors say I do have in my favor and that's presence of mind. I refuse to stress over it as that would be counterproductive. Now I'm gonna go pig out. I'm hungry.
Reply #2 Tuesday, November 7, 2017 4:08 PM
Well, certainly wait for the biopsy results...they will determine the better treatment.
No matter what the outcome of that, Ross...I'm unhappy you're ill, and do hope you'll recover well.
You're a fighter, so keep fighting. As Churchill said, "If you're going through hell, keep going." And, "Never,never,never, never give up."
Reply #3 Tuesday, November 7, 2017 4:17 PM
Now don't you get sick too. I've been hearing a couple of you guys and girls have had health problems lately and when I see this kind of thread I don't want to look. I know I'm a bit younger then most of you at 52, but I've known you guys a long time and it saddens me to hear this. So do what the Doctors tell you and get better.
Reply #4 Tuesday, November 7, 2017 4:56 PM
All good advice, Ross. Keep us updated please!
Reply #5 Tuesday, November 7, 2017 5:53 PM
Bummer Ross, going through very similar crap but with the throat. Keep us informed and bestest thoughts to you.
Reply #7 Tuesday, November 7, 2017 6:24 PM
Very sorry to hear this news Ross. Didn't sound like you had a Biopsy but maybe you did. Doc would sure know better then me as I only know what I know from 12 years ago with my wife. To know 100% and also the stage they had to take a bit of a Lymph Node(s) from her neck.
As Doc also said fight it. you can beat this whatever it is.
Reply #8 Tuesday, November 7, 2017 6:54 PM
Echoing others in saying never give up. Doesn't matter what the doctors say. Keep your head up and know we're all here for you. Keep us posted on what's going on.
Reply #9 Tuesday, November 7, 2017 8:05 PM
God bless ya Ross....just keep all positive thoughts my friend.... 8 years ago they found a tumor on my lung they told me it was stage 3 lung cancer and gave me 30 months to live im like fuck that crap im not dying of this shit screw that, so here i am still renewing all my stardock subscriptions and having a blast downloading all my blinds and into my music big time im still playing my drums in a band so ya see its all positive thinking nothing but positive thoughts thats was does it! and just had my yearly ct scan and its all clear!! didnt mean to bore you with my crap but i believe this saved me and wanted to share...god bless...
Ed.. (jaroepz)
Reply #10 Tuesday, November 7, 2017 9:38 PM
Really sorry to hear that Ross. That's a lot to happen. Here's hoping you come through in flying colors.
Reply #11 Tuesday, November 7, 2017 9:43 PM
After 50 years plus of smoking I have some breathing issues and may have COPD. I quit the smokes almost 12 years ago but my breathing isn't as good as I'd like. I keep coughing up muck and suffer shortness of breath on occasion. At last check in with my doctor I was cleared of any growths on my lungs or emphysema, so I'm not too worried about cancer, etc. However, I should go and get checked again to find out why I have all this muck on my chest and what to do about it.
I know that doing more exercise would help, and I'm looking into that with my doctor and a physiotherapist. I need to be able to do low impact exercises that are kind to my poor old arthritic bones, but exercises that help to improve my cardio-vascular and lung capacity.
Anyhow, Ross, I know how you feel and hope you are on the mend. Get well soon my friend.
Oh, and quitting the smokes was the best thing I ever did for my health... and wallet. Before I quit I had to stop several times when mowing the lawns, and my breathing was quite laboured most of the time. Now I can mow the lawns in one go and my breathing has improved considerably. So yeah, I mightn't be 100% just yet, but I'm definitely much better off for quitting.
Reply #12 Wednesday, November 8, 2017 10:58 AM
Filled all my scripts today. Was a nice walk to the pharmacy and worth it too because the cost of some of these meds is way up there. Doc put me wise to a new pharmacy that just opened up and I paid next to nothing with my insurance. Now I gots to find what kind of trouble I can get into. Maybe go downstairs and eye all the lady lawyers leaving the courthouse at lunchtime. Or maybe just go out for a walk. I dunno...
Reply #13 Wednesday, November 8, 2017 11:44 AM
Filled all my scripts today. Was a nice walk to the pharmacy and worth it too because the cost of some of these meds is way up there. Doc put me wise to a new pharmacy that just opened up and I paid next to nothing with my insurance. Now I gots to find what kind of trouble I can get into. Maybe go downstairs and eye all the lady lawyers leaving the courthouse at lunchtime. Or maybe just go out for a walk. I dunno...

Just try a nice walk Ross.
Reply #14 Wednesday, November 8, 2017 7:56 PM
Now I gots to find what kind of trouble I can get into. Maybe go downstairs and eye all the lady lawyers leaving the courthouse at lunchtime. Or maybe just go out for a walk. I dunno...
Or kill two birds with one stone.... take a walk over to the courthouse.
Reply #15 Thursday, November 9, 2017 10:31 AM
If the cost of Rxs matters (and it does to everyone...just type in names of meds and check), I recommend this site:
Reply #16 Thursday, November 9, 2017 10:45 AM
Oh damm Ross, I hope you get well soon bud your in my prayers
Reply #17 Thursday, November 9, 2017 4:02 PM
If the cost of Rxs matters (and it does to everyone...just type in names of meds and check), I recommend this site:
Many thanks Doc. I'll check it out.
Update: Almost anyway. My medicare kicked in and the cost of the RXs was way less than I expected, $25.00 for everything. Ya can't beat that kind of savings.
Reply #18 Friday, November 10, 2017 7:00 AM
Hoping for the best possible outcome for you...
Reply #19 Friday, November 10, 2017 9:18 AM
There more treatment options these days. If the docs don't mention it ask about immuno-therapy. There may also be clinical trials in your area. Best wishes.
Reply #20 Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10:39 AM
Hi Ross. I'm sure other people here would like to know what is going on. It's been a full week and from all my past experiences one is usually is called in 3 or 4 days of the results of their biopsy.
Hear anything yet?
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Reply #1 Tuesday, November 7, 2017 3:41 PM
Saddened to hear this Ross, I hope things work out for the better for you.