Iconpackager for Windows 10 ???
Sunday, February 21, 2016 by christianbearslyclark | Discussion: OS Customization
ADMIN EDIT : IconPackager 10 is now available from www.iconzone.com and supports Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
I am very sure that some people have been asking in the past ..........
...... BUT .... would Stardock be Updating Iconpackager for Windows 10?
I really HATE Windows icons since day one LOL
Plus I want to use the icons to match with my Windowblinds 10 themes.
Reply #2 Sunday, February 21, 2016 10:32 PM
They never even did it for Windows 8, so I doubt it will ever be updated.
Reply #3 Monday, February 22, 2016 9:28 AM
Would complete the circle for me if icon customization were to die - that's what brought me here 15 years ago.
Reply #4 Monday, February 22, 2016 11:15 AM
Last I looked, IconPackager is no longer a component of ObjectDesktop... not for Win 10 or any flavour of Windows.. Sadly, it appears to have fallen by the wayside to include other, newer apps such as Start8/10, etc.
And like many, I can't stand Windows 10 icons. They are butt ugly and there is no way on this Earth I'd move over to the worst, ugliest OS in Microsoft history without an icon replacement app to kill off those Fisher Price rejects. There are other reasons I won't move over to 10, like privacy concerns, but those nasty looking icons are a major factor. I mean, other concerns aside, what's the point of dressing up the UI and not being able to replace those gaudy, non-matching icons with something more befitting the desired theme, colour scheme? For me it'd be complete waste of time setting up a great desktop theme, only to be confronted with those default system icons that'd clash and stick out like dogs balls
Nope, I have alternatives in mind.
Reply #5 Monday, February 22, 2016 12:10 PM
IP works great on my Win 8 machines. Even the live folders display properly. I must be the only one. Yay Me!
Reply #6 Monday, February 22, 2016 12:30 PM
The problem with IconPackager is it might work on your PC, but if you have to uninstall you will run into problems.
Reply #8 Monday, February 22, 2016 12:46 PM
The problem with IconPackager is it might work on your PC, but if you have to uninstall you will run into problems.
I've not had a problem uninstalling on Win 8.1, just the opposite, in fact. I understand that the issue arises with Win 10, an uninstalling an incompatible IP can bork one's machine. In any event, it's not an issue that'll affect me.
Reply #9 Monday, February 22, 2016 12:59 PM
There are other reasons I won't move over to 10, like privacy concerns
to an extent you are correct. However you have the option to turn off all those things and it's not that hard. Problem is we all read and hear about all those concerns but not much mention as to how easy it is to turn them off. Do they have back doors who knows. But really, is there any true privacy anywhere.
Reply #10 Tuesday, February 23, 2016 12:32 AM
There are other reasons I won't move over to 10, like privacy concerns
to an extent you are correct. However you have the option to turn off all those things and it's not that hard. Problem is we all read and hear about all those concerns but not much mention as to how easy it is to turn them off. Do they have back doors who knows. But really, is there any true privacy anywhere.
Nope, given this latest debacle with Apple being forced by the court to unlock a phone for the FBI, I have little to no faith in tech companies being able to deny any 'interested parties' access to whatever collected/stored data they may have.... and then there's the hackers worldwide who would see it a challenge to break into MS' data banks for 'useful' information. Yup, this latest FBI development has opened an entirel new can of worms, and with this 'core data collection, Microsoft is playing right into the hands of vested interests intent on amassing even greater power.... and remember, in this technological age, information is power.
Oh, and before anyone comments about the glare bouncing off my tinfoil hat, take a good, honest, long look at how tech companies have been in a race to collect data on huge scales. I don't know the statistics, but it's far, far more than 20 years ago. Heck, it's far, far worse than just a couple of years ago.... with Google being at the forefront of data collection and storage. Believe me, the time is coming when government, law enforcement agencies and others will have digital access to your entire life, from your favourite breakfast cereal right down to when you last took a dump amd what brand toilet paper you used. Okay, maybe that's exaggerated, but sometime soon, it will come to pass that little or nothing of our lives will be private.
1984 + The Jetsons anybody?
Reply #11 Tuesday, February 23, 2016 12:44 AM
That might be one of the reasons, it is offered as a free update....to spy.
Reply #12 Tuesday, February 23, 2016 5:06 AM
That might be one of the reasons, it is offered as a free update....to spy.
Thing is, I don't think even Microsoft realises just how its data collection methods are going ti revolutionise law enorcement and government snooping. As Apple recently discovered, governments and law enforcement agenies WILL get their desired/requested information. In fact, that court decision has set a very dangerous precedent.... with numerous implications and variations yet to hit the fan.
Strangely, I recall somebody in another WC thread saying that judges will fight fiercely to uphold various parts of the US Constitution, the 1st, 2nd and 5th Amendments in particular. Well with that ruling for the FBI against Apple, it all went out the window, didn't it! Things in the USA won't change over night, but they will change, with more and more power and influence going to government and its agencies over time. Yup, that court decision is a landmark one that'll redefine how the powers that be can and will operate. You all [along with the rest of the world] will wanna hope and pray that meglomaniac Donald Trump isn't the next White House resident. God help the American people, and the free world, because he is one lunatic who would exploit a bad situation and take it to extremes for his own personal gain and amusement.
Yeah, yet another thread has gone off OT. as does often happen around here, given the wide range of interests and the diversity of the members group, and I do apologise for my part in that. Also, my comments are not political or politically motivated, but rather they are my personal thoughts relating to my obvservations of the above-named personality....and of various events of significance of late.
Reply #13 Tuesday, February 23, 2016 7:47 AM
Lets not turn this into another Windows 10 paranoia hate thread. The question about IconPackager was asked and answered.
Reply #14 Tuesday, February 23, 2016 12:27 PM
Lets not turn this into another Windows 10 paranoia hate thread. The question about IconPackager was asked and answered.
The topic off-shoot isn't/wasn't about Windows 10, perse. There's a whole lot of things going on in the world pertaining to tech developments, and Windows 10 is a small yet significant part of that, not that I'm paranoid or anything, but the awful icons are a very much a part of why I don't like or want to install it.
Frankly, I hope that Stardock does update Iconpackager for Win 10. It would be one step that could perhaps see me considering 10 on a standalone machine to evaluate more closely.
Reply #15 Wednesday, February 24, 2016 5:15 AM
Let's see, Microsoft now has the ability to remote connect to your PC, without asking for your authorization first, and retrieve any documents THEY think are necessary to 'reproduce an issue'.
And you call me 'paranoid' because something like this freaks me out? This should freak out *all of us*!
Funny how Microsoft talks about 'privacy teams', 'matter experts', etc, but doesn't even consider the obvious first step of asking for YOUR permission BEFORE accessing YOUR personal data.
The Register - How to get a grip on your files, data that Windows 10 phones home to Microsoft.
"If your system reports back strange crashes that Microsoft techies can't get their heads around, they can request extra data from your machine, which Windows 10 will hand over under remote control if management approves. This extra information can include some of your files so the engineers can recreate the exact crash in their labs using your data and apps. Microsofties can also run diagnostic tools on your system to gather more evidence. Here's Microsoft's explanation of the process:
Before more info is gathered, Microsoft’s privacy governance team, including privacy and other subject matter experts, must approve the diagnostics request made by a Microsoft engineer. If the request is approved, Microsoft engineers can use the following capabilities to get the information:
- Ability to run a limited, pre-approved list of Microsoft certified diagnostic tools, such as msinfo32.exe, powercfg.exe, and dxdiag.exe.
- Ability to get registry keys.
- Ability to gather user content, such as documents, if they might have been the trigger for the issue."
Reply #16 Wednesday, February 24, 2016 5:35 AM
Lets not turn this into another Windows 10 paranoia hate thread. The question about IconPackager was asked and answered.
how was it answered?
have you just officially confirmed that IconPackager has been abandoned? (de facto it has been abandoned long ago anyways)
Reply #17 Wednesday, February 24, 2016 2:49 PM
Lets not turn this into another Windows 10 paranoia hate thread. The question about IconPackager was asked and answered.
how was it answered?
have you just officially confirmed that IconPackager has been abandoned? (de facto it has been abandoned long ago anyways)
Reply #18 Wednesday, February 24, 2016 2:55 PM
I found this for changing icons in Win 10 http://www.intowindows.com/change-windows-10-icons-with-customizergod
Reply #20 Wednesday, February 24, 2016 5:25 PM
I just thought I'd throw this out there for the Win 10 people. As things look I really don't think there will be an IP 10. There are alternatives out there and this is one of them. As the OS's get more complicated the only way to change the look is with patches.
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Reply #1 Sunday, February 21, 2016 9:08 PM
It's in a deep, dark, secret development hole. That's assuming they are actually working on it. Personally, I'm not terribly optimistic. Hope they prove me wrong.