WindowBlinds skins directory
Saturday, March 14, 2015 by Jaroepz | Discussion: WindowBlinds
Hello all..
Was wondering if anybody can help me with this one i am interested in changing the default C:\Users\Public\Documents\Stardock\WindowBlinds
directory to my second drive say like E:\Software\Graphics\Stardock\WindowBlinds I moved the whole contents to new directory including the system files that are there also,i also changed the path in the registry in all 4 places to reflect the new directory but something is a little screwy with the graphics i know its just not right!! i do not see where in settings it has a place to move the directory like iconpackager does.. so i was was trying to cheat (LOL) but it didnt work.. my intent was to keep my icons, dreams, tiles, windowblinds, and cursorfx, in one spot on second drive and point all the programs to that directory. i am using a multi boot system win 8.1 pro win 7 ultimate win vista ultimate win XP professional ( i know your thinking what the hell is wrong with this guy) i want to use these op systems in real time cause i have win 3.1 for workgroups win95 and win98 win millennium and win 2000 running in virtual machine 2004....was just hoping someone got this to work any help is much appreciated... Thanks for listening to this rant ..... i couldn't see asking anybody else but you guys and girls here cause this place is the BEST.. thanks again
Reply #2 Saturday, March 14, 2015 9:29 PM
Sure would be a nice feature for them to add though.
I second the motion!
Reply #3 Saturday, March 14, 2015 9:53 PM
This is the easy one guys it allows you to move your icon collection to where you want and i also just got windowblinds to work with out no rigs or crappy hacks.. real easy i missed the obvious this is GREAT real happy with this!!
so now iconpackager windowblinds and dreamscapes work perfect from the directory i want... now my collection of the above can stay safe on a spare drive and be accessed from 1 location for all op systems so its a breeze to keep all blinds dreams icons ect. synced with all op systems!
Reply #5 Sunday, March 15, 2015 9:48 AM
Jaroepz, I am certain that option doesn't exist for Windowlinds.
Reply #6 Sunday, March 15, 2015 10:26 AM
The option does not,(i never said it was an option tho) wish it was that easy... but that don't mean it can't be done right? it works great i can give you the changes if you would like RedneckDude pm me if ya want...
thanks Ed..
Reply #7 Sunday, March 15, 2015 11:49 AM
Jaroepz, I am certain that option doesn't exist for Windowlinds.
That's right, it doesn't.
The option does not,(i never said it was an option tho) wish it was that easy... but that don't mean it can't be done right? it works great i can give you the changes if you would like RedneckDude pm me if ya want...
thanks Ed..

Thing is, just because it can be done, doesn't mean it should be... thinking about the terms of use/license agreement. It is a feature I've asked for in the past so that both OSes in a dual boot situation could access the skins library from a spare partition, but Neil Banfield, the lead developer said he was reluctant to do so due to the OSes applying the skins differently, and thus the default folder in Public Documents remained.
However, there would be no such conflict with a single boot machine and it could be done much like Iconpackager does it, so yes, it is a much desired/needed feature, epecially for those with smaller SSD drives, such as myself. I have a tablet with a 120gb SSD, and by the time the OS and programs have taken their space, not to mention the recovery partition, there's little room left for skins. I have a 128gb memory card where they could go instead, IF WB had the 'change directory option.
Reply #8 Sunday, March 15, 2015 12:02 PM
but Neil Banfield, the lead developer said he was reluctant to do so due to the OSes applying the skins differently, and thus the default folder in Public Documents remained.
I see good point didn't think of that,but anyway still works great and im happy
However, there would be no such conflict with a single boot machine and it could be done much like Iconpackager does it, so yes, it is a much desired/needed feature, epecially for those with smaller SSD drives, such as myself. I have a tablet with a 120gb SSD, and by the time the OS and programs have taken their space, not to mention the recovery partition, there's little room left for skins. I have a 128gb memory card where they could go instead, IF WB had the 'change directory option.
your right again,would be a great option!!
thanks starkers...
Reply #9 Sunday, March 15, 2015 2:33 PM
Having a lot of blinds it would be nice to use this as a option to clear space on "C".
I could move some out of the "C" folder (I keep a copy on "D" and on one of my portable drives), but if I needed space at a later date this would be the easy way to do it.
Reply #10 Sunday, March 15, 2015 4:53 PM
I have always used JV16 Power Tools to do a registry edit, Find and Replace works fine. And then I have Windowblind Skins where I want them.
Reply #12 Tuesday, March 17, 2015 10:33 PM
I, too, have moved my WB skins to a different partition. It works fine. Thanks, Ed!!
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Reply #1 Saturday, March 14, 2015 9:04 PM
You cannot move the default directory for Windowblinds, or any other Stardock software as far as I know. Sure would be a nice feature for them to add though.