Master Skin prices skyrocket!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 by PixelPunk | Discussion: WindowBlinds

Why on earth are master skin prices going up?  The other day the were mismarked at $20.  that is SCARY!

Funny thing when a skin for a Stardock Product costs as much as or more than the Stardock product itself.  That is bad news for the community and will diminish the Windowblinds product brand and value.

Looked at it again and at $9.99 it is still high.  Any master skin should be priced the same price as a song on itunes...   $.99 .   Same amount of work as a song and you would get a LOT more sales.  Master skinners are selling a consumable here for another purchased product.  Is it better to have 2 sales at $5 or $10 or $20 each, or 100 sales at $.99 each. 

Kind of miss the community that created windowblinds and stardock when everyone did this for the better of the community?







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Reply #21 Saturday, January 17, 2015 8:42 AM


This morning i came across this topic and i think the pricing that was going on here has to do with it seems silly to me though.

Are you trying to provoke or somethings??  You stand on your points,skinners make their decisions,then "kindly" lowered prices,so what's wrong and sensitive about ??  

Reply #22 Saturday, January 17, 2015 9:59 AM


however if you fire 2 skins a week

slightly unrealistic with a chance of not probable.

Reply #23 Thursday, January 22, 2015 4:00 PM

At under $5.95 Skins are impulsive, unnoticeable purchases.  Does it need to be said; most people don't need Windowblinds or Skins to work and or use their computer.  Raise the price, any rational mind with limited income has to reevaluate, not only 'the' price, but the accumulated price for all skin purchases over a year.  At that juncture, it wouldn't surprise me if the money goes elsewhere. 

Currently, I have about 30 skins, of which five cost no more than $5.95.  For kicks, I change them about every 3-5 days.  But, if the price goes any higher, given what they are to my day, I will no longer buy.  Even if that means I settle on what's free or opt back for what Windows provides.  Volume should be the name of skin game... However, if someone hopes to make an actual living off selling skins, good luck with that.

Reply #24 Thursday, January 22, 2015 4:10 PM


However, if someone hopes to make an actual living off selling skins, good luck with that.
Thank you, No need to worry

Reply #25 Thursday, January 22, 2015 5:48 PM

 If they work hard on a skin, the master skinner is looking to get paid, but not all master skins are equal. I personally have not bought a master skin yet (I'm on disability so they are not in my budget.) I have seen many free skins IMHO that are far better than many a master skin. Even the Master skinner would say they have at least 2 or 3 that they know are better than the other 10 they have produced. I have also seen where some older Master skins that we're no longer priced, but were being offered for free.

 That being said  if the price was reasonable I probably would purchase some of what I CONSIDER the best ones out their. After all we are talking Eye-Candy. For my money Object Dock is far more functional, and important to my desktop than any of the other programs. 

 I am a Chef by trade,(retired.) VOLUME of SALES is the name of the game, not OVERALL PRICE. If you've never lowered the price on some of the Master skins then how would you know if they would really sell or not. Yes I understand everyone has to have their cut on the final sale. But again NEGOTIATING over the pricing and who gets what everybody should win.  I don't know what kind of sales the Master skins generate, but if you really want to get paid increase your volume of sales. These figures have already been pointed out to  you, but you need to think of the bottom line.

  $9.95 x 5 = $49.75 (can't really see anyone paying that much, no matter how much the skinner's ego says "this is better than the light bulb" (by the way just bought 2 LED light bulbs for $11.95, we'll see if they last the 10 years they are advertised as.) It's not about ego it's about the "Benjamin's."

 $4.95 x 25 = $123.75 Simple business plan, lower price = higher volume of sales.

 $1.75 x 300 = $525.00 For those looking for a cut isn't it better to do business with $525.00 than $123.75 I consider this to be the best reasonable price where everyone wins others may consider another dollar amount

 $.99 x 1000 = $990.00  How many of you could use that money right now.

 Here is the REAL BOTTOM LINE ---- 10% of something is better than 0% of nothing

WIN, WIN, WIN for the Master Skinner, the Consumer, and for Stardock.

Reply #26 Thursday, January 22, 2015 6:18 PM

Sounds reasonable...


I'd buy a lot more skins if they were < 2 $


$9.95? Never ever, it's insane.

$4.95? Sometimes, if the skin is REALLY good.

Reply #27 Thursday, January 22, 2015 6:56 PM


$9.95 x 5 = $49.75 

 $4.95 x 25 = $123.75 Simple business plan, lower price = higher volume of sales.

 $1.75 x 300 = $525.00 For those looking for a cut isn't it better to do business with $525.00 than $123.75 I consider this to be the best reasonable price where everyone wins others may consider another dollar amount

 $.99 x 1000 = $990.00  How many of you could use that money right now.

And where did you get those demographics/volumes from?? Can you guarantee those 25/300/1000?? And how long it's going to add that?? When you really obtain that numbers or people,then you talk to authors regrading the price,or its naive simply made that up. 

Reply #28 Thursday, January 22, 2015 9:31 PM

to Gaspershooters.


 The numbers are there to just show the possibilities, who said anyone guaranteed any results. Again with ALL Master skins, not all are equal. Some I have wanted to purchase at the going rate, other I wouldn't pay a dime for. The only way to know is if every Master Skinner picks one of his skins for sale at $1.75, all of the rest would stay the same price. My guess that master skin should theoretically outsell all of the others combined. Just a thought!! 

 Does anyone know the total numbers of members for Stardock, I certainly don't know. I can only imagine that there are quite a lot across the globe. If more members know there are certain Master skins available at a new rate, if they are WORTHY OF PURCHASING, sales should go up.

THEORY --- Master skinner says I've just created what I consider to be one of better fantastic skin. I'll try to sell it, let's say anywhere from $9.95 to $19.95 It's worth it.

FANTASY --- Master skinner says this skin is going to take off like hotcakes. I'm sure I'm going to see sales in the 100's if not 1000's with as many Users Windows Blinds has. The money will be pouring in.


 Besides you shouldn't be asking me where demographics, numbers, volumes, and sales, you should ask the master skinners what their volumes and sales are after weeks, months, and years on this website. They don't have to reveal anything. If they are satisfied with the effort vs. the reward, then nothing will change. It just depends if they want MONSTER sales, MODERATE sales, or NO sales. 

 I'm on the side of the Master Skinner, to see they get more money for their efforts. MORE VOLUME = MORE MONEY.

 One other suggestion would be to separate ALL Master skins from the free skins, to be able to find what you want faster. Going through pages and pages of skins is stupid and tedious. To say the site needs some streamlining is an understatement.

Reply #29 Friday, January 23, 2015 3:10 AM

Those skins aren't ordinary skin.Respect the price.If you cant take it just leave some other master skin they are lots of them here in wincustomize..

Reply #30 Friday, January 23, 2015 3:16 AM


 The numbers are there to just show the possibilities, who said anyone guaranteed any results. Again with ALL Master skins, not all are equal. Some I have wanted to purchase at the going rate, other I wouldn't pay a dime for. The only way to know is if every Master Skinner picks one of his skins for sale at $1.75, all of the rest would stay the same price. My guess that master skin should theoretically outsell all of the others combined. Just a thought!!  

Does anyone know the total numbers of members for Stardock, I certainly don't know. I can only imagine that there are quite a lot across the globe. If more members know there are certain Master skins available at a new rate, if they are WORTHY OF PURCHASING, sales should go up.

All of presumptions which meant BS. Sorry being rude. 


 Besides you shouldn't be asking me where demographics, numbers, volumes, and sales, you should ask the master skinners what their volumes and sales are after weeks, months, and years on this website. They don't have to reveal anything.

But you're the one who made the calculations. 

They don't have to reveal anything. If they are satisfied with the effort vs. the reward, then nothing will change. It just depends if they want MONSTER sales, MODERATE sales, or NO sales. 

Exactly,you don't have resources to negotiate and talk to but presumingly it will/should work the way you "suggested".   


One other suggestion would be to separate ALL Master skins from the free skins, to be able to find what you want faster. Going through pages and pages of skins is stupid and tedious. To say the site needs some streamlining is an understatement.

Child,it has master skins filter in gallery already,just no filer out as one asked though. And I think it's understatement you want faster finding free skins but to pay you may like. 

Reply #31 Friday, January 23, 2015 8:06 AM

Price formation n price policy is part of marketing. There are studies to be made to obtain information to pick a fitting price.

How? There several ways to do so, one could be paying attention to the competition, adjusting the price to the market or asking the end user for example what they would be willing to pay.

Unless you overshoot the price you will likely sell your product. 
As was mentioned before there is a chance with only a small risk, in advertising with a low price.
But since we are talking about "A" skin nobody will die or suffer from a “single” failed test, unlike a company with a program/software or product on a larger market.

It just seems worth testing in this situation, it is highly unlikely to end in a lower income but more likely it will “fail” with “only” a little more profit.
Surely this decision is entirely up to the developer designer skinner.

If you want to raise your price, finding the golden spot is the tricky part, having the right price where you earn enough money and where enough people are still interested in buying is key.

By lowering your price so that it is fair for almost everyone that is not living in a country where he/she must fight to survive your chances to success are big.

Trying to do so may end in increased sales, a lower price may even result in eliminating certain groups from transferring/sharing certain data, mostly if the price is reasonable and in relation to the platform/program pricing, people are more tempted to make a purchase, in this case it is also easier for some to obtain it rather quickly.
Unless he/she is a Pirate to the bone he will spend 99 cents before waiting for someone to upload it.

Take an APP for example that has a 1 year subscription like WhatsApp.
Nobody that isn’t fighting to survive actually cares about 99 cents. 
Why do you think most games have micro transactions rather than a full pricing to them?

Reply #32 Friday, January 23, 2015 8:53 AM

So basically,you are comparing customized skins with Apps?? Test the water with lower price tags and sale will/should up?? Do you know any APP that Stardock is selling skins based on that?? Are you a skinner?? Have you ever sell any skins in here?? Do you know about the demographic users in here?? Did you know how many users pay master skins in here?? It seems you have just joined in this month,therefore I have to ask all of "irritant questions".



Trying to do so may end in increased sales, a lower price may even result in eliminating certain groups from transferring/sharing certain data, mostly if the price is reasonable and in relation to the platform/program pricing, people are more tempted to make a purchase, in this case it is also easier for some to obtain it rather quickly. Unless he/she is a Pirate to the bone he will spend 99 cents before waiting for someone to upload it.

I can tell you what:people who tends to pirate,they always do regardless the temptation of low prices. 


Reply #33 Friday, January 23, 2015 9:50 AM

 If I was a Skinner I would negotiate with Stardock over a percentage of the price and sell my skins at a level that would generate volume sales. If I was a Skinner with a collection of at least 10 or more Master skins, I might offer a 5 for $20.00 deal just to generate sales. The user picks the 5 they like the best,(in some grocery stores you can pick out a 6-pack of different brands of beer for one standard price) or their entire catalog of Master skins for $29.99, or 10 for $40.00 or BUY ONE, GET ONE SALE for say $6.95.

 There are many ways to market products, in the Skinners case, it is Artwork. Like I said if the Master Skinners are pleased with the Status Quo - nothing will change. If they see a different way of doing business.... well if you don't try you don't know what will happen.

And to Gaspershooters --- Man chill out, it sounds like your about to blow a blood vessel. It seems we're all adults here having an adult conversation, except for you. I haven't seen you come up with any ideas or numbers, I'm sure we're all waiting, holding our breath, to hear some of your marketing strategies. If you don't, you're not really contributing to the conversation to achieve positive results.

Reply #34 Friday, January 23, 2015 10:59 AM


 If I was a Skinner I would negotiate with Stardock over a percentage of the price and sell my skins at a level that would generate volume sales. If I was a Skinner with a collection of at least 10 or more Master skins, I might offer a 5 for $20.00 deal just to generate sales. The user picks the 5 they like the best,(in some grocery stores you can pick out a 6-pack of different brands of beer for one standard price) or their entire catalog of Master skins for $29.99, or 10 for $40.00 or BUY ONE, GET ONE SALE for say $6.95.


Well, said I would not comment any more, but evidently some clarification is needed. Stardock's take on sales averages to about 35%, which is very fair, there is no negotiating.

Reply #35 Friday, January 23, 2015 11:02 AM

Skinners do not set the business parameters that govern the sales of skins, Stardock does. I believe that skinners can set the price they want their skins to sell for however Stardock takes a hefty percentage of that for the handling of that process. So far it seems that the suggestions offered would make that process more difficult.

It would seem that people sniveling about the original cost of $20 helped to reduce the price. I agree with those that mentioned that all the extras (xion, icons, cursor, etc.) should have been free and separated from the windowblind purchase. This was Andy's first masterblind, I'll assume that this whole process has been an eye opener for him.

ref: section 9 of the terms of service: I believe this to be the appropriate documentation regarding sales of product.

Reply #36 Friday, January 23, 2015 12:16 PM

Thank you Lighstar, if you say it is fair which, I agree (it is their software that makes this all possible) then we will go from there.

These numbers are random projected sales - no research behind them just what if... trying to find the sweet spot.

$9.95 X 5 = $49.75 - 35% for Stardock gets $17.41 Skinner gets $32.44 (to the skinners who created these - so far how many have you sold - honestly???)

$4.95 x 25 = $123.75 - 35% for Stardock gets $43.31 Skinner gets $80.44  lowered price increased volume, more cash flow.

$1.75 x 300 = $525.00 - 35% for Stardock gets $183.75 Skinner gets $341.25 Again no stats on how many skins would be sold. Also this doesn't reflect what you could make in a day, but rather the lifetime of a Master skin that may have been here for a long time, but sales have dried up on the higher price.

$.99 x 500 = $495.00 - 35% Stardock gets $173.25 Skinner gets $321.75

$.99 x 1000 = $990.00 - 35% Stardock gets $346.50 Skinner gets $643.50

 Again the Master Skinners, and Stardock are locked into 35%. If you lowered your price to something in the middle, and Stardock lowered their % to say 33% .... give and take negotiations.

$2.75 x 400 = $1100.00 - 33% Stardock gets $363.00 Skinner gets $737.00 With middle ground price and possibly high sales projections (lifetime of the Skin not just 1 day) my guess is that Stardock and Skinners would rather work on this model rather than the $4.95 or $9.95 model. 

 Again, only the Master Skinners know what their sales have been in the past. I'm not a Marketing genius, but I definitely work with the possibility to increase my volume. Anything to put more money for my work is better than it sitting stagnate generating nothing. 10% of  something is better than 100%  of nothing.

Reply #37 Friday, January 23, 2015 12:29 PM


I can tell you what:people who tends to pirate,they always do regardless the temptation of low prices.

The statement that a Pirate will be a Pirate forever is so basic and bios.

Instead of believing and faithfully repeating everything the weatherman said I suggest doing some research in the field or using your own brain, be creative open for both sides bringing in a little fantasy and establishing your own opinion about it.

It is more productive and essential to provide options or tips rather than to say no all the time and foot stomping and repeating something that you are told that isn’t working as promised it would, or something that is not appropriate to our time.

To get back to my position, the exception is a real to the bone pirate, while most of the time the others are the consumers that simply can’t afford it or think that a product is overpriced and would rather like testing it before. These people tend to buy for a low price, instead of waiting about two weeks until it gets uploaded onto a warez site or seeded on a torrent, and a skin for under a dollar could trigger exactly that.

While some may not like this way, because they are of the conviction that the price distinguishes the quality of the product.
A song for example has equal if not more work put into it while it sometimes sells even cheaper than only 99 cents and that with success. I say this because I saw that the comparison between skin and app triggered some bad feelings.

All I wanted was to proposal something that could potentially benefit both sides of the story, however it is not up to me to test it.

To answer the other questions quickly.
Yes this account is new.
No I have not sold skins, but I sell other things with success and my life is not as grey as you might think.

Do I know any App that Stardock is selling skins based on that. You mean the principle about selling skins? Stardock sold premium skins/Themes in the past.
Mostly on Apps like windowblinds Iconpackager or Mycolors.
I’m also aware that Stardock gets a certain fee for the sold skins, I already mentioned this in my previous text with the platform and that the price of the skin has to be in relation with the platform= windowblinds or iconpackager.
Have I ever sold any skins here? NO and I have no intend in doing so, but I already bought some skins if this helps.
Do I know how many users are paying for Master skins? I think we can shake hands on this one since you and me we both can’t know since even by knowing sales of WC we would be missing the sales generated on the personal Webpage of the skinner (btw dear Masters can you avoid the SD fee when selling the skin over a private page?)

This text or my previous text has nothing to do with the OP or the individuals others here refer to.


Island Dog
Reply #38 Friday, January 23, 2015 12:30 PM

There really is no specific "sweet spot."  A lower price doesn't necessarily mean more sales, there's too many factors.

The quality and style of the skin.  Yes, Master skins are all high-quality overall, but not always appealing to everyone.

Amount of Master skins.  There's weeks where there are several new skins, and lets be honest, not everyone is going to buy all of them if they have limited finances to spend on these things.

And just to be clear, the split between Master skinners and Stardock is 70/30.  Also, skins cannot be sold for $0.99 here.  We have a minimum amount that they can be sold at for various reasons.


Reply #39 Friday, January 23, 2015 1:40 PM

 Thanks for sharing info Island dog. I respectfully disagree with some of your assumptions. Too many factors - what could they possibly be?? Please enlighten us.

 The other view is true too, that lowering prices COULD increase sales, but you'll never know until you try. It never hurts to talk and test the waters before you jump.

 If all Master Skins are high quality then why are some given 4 to 4 1/2 stars instead of all 5 stars. Is that because of their overall appeal?

 There are a good library of Master Skins many very old and more new ones coming on the way. So you post them on the board for the going rates, with no incentives to buy, and they just sit there waiting for a buyer waiting, waiting, waiting...

 By incentives I mean a program like a society or a club where let's say you buy 9 Master Skins from say Lightstar, he in turn gives you the next one for free or half-price. We generate collections you both generate profits. (By the way PROFIT and INCENTIVES are not dirty words).

As for percentages, in my line of work, banks don't give a hill of beans for your percentages, or profits - all they care about is CASH FLOW. That's what I would concentrate my efforts on.

 As for the $0.99 anything can change at anytime. I've worked with plenty of people who've said "It can't be done - I won't do it  - I don't know how - I can't, I won't etc, etc, etc... I tend to stay clear of negativity in it's many forms. Yes, I'm an optimist who thinks of possibilities. So the minimum amount is what??? and are the reasons valid enough to hinder possible sales. 

Island Dog
Reply #40 Friday, January 23, 2015 2:16 PM


 Thanks for sharing info Island dog. I respectfully disagree with some of your assumptions. Too many factors - what could they possibly be?? Please enlighten us.

Fees, processing, etc.


 The other view is true too, that lowering prices COULD increase sales, but you'll never know until you try. It never hurts to talk and test the waters before you jump.

I've been monitoring the sales and price differences for years.  As I said, pricing isn't everything and lowering a price doesn't equal more sales in all cases.


 If all Master Skins are high quality then why are some given 4 to 4 1/2 stars instead of all 5 stars. Is that because of their overall appeal?

Those are user ratings, and they will get low for several reasons.  One being competing master skinners rating them low, having their friends rate low, just people doing drive-by ratings.  


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