Scary enough for a halloween theme?? WIP thread

Tuesday, September 30, 2014 by bluedxca93 | Discussion: Skinning


is something like that scary enough:!?

Or does it have to be even more crazy. ??

Wallpapers seem to have such a big concurence. Thats why  i want to submit a blind too.

My goal is to make a theme that a healthy ghost won`t use .

Halloween has also the aspect to scare ghosts , but its not easy to do such a thing. Cause they simply don' t exist.


Started a Work-in-progress post with this 1st comment. At least i hope so. 

Perhaps there will be answers. Or other halloween blind previews from people whor reads this comment.


regards bluedxca93



Reply #1 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 5:23 AM

-Very nice that you want to learn how to skin Windowblinds.

Maybe you should wait a while and practice some more until you upload as it's quite the effort to make it work properly unless you have had some time "Perfecting" it.

-However if you still upload you should probably add some more "Spooky-scary" details or make it in a dark color scheme (everybody's afraid of the dark )

Reply #2 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 5:34 AM


Yeah! my other current nearly finished theme is awaiting some testing.

Adding more sppoky scary but also abstract details is my current prefernce. A coffin like  prgressbar etc. Did now start with basics. 


Maybe you should wait a while and practice some more until you upload as it's quite the effort to make it work properly unless you have had some time "Perfecting" it.

I am not that a beginner to theming, but new to window blinds. So i do know that i need approx 20 hrs left to make it to nearly master skin quality.

And we do have that time left. Working 2 hrs a day and the skin is done in ten days .

regards bluedxca93



Reply #3 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 6:10 AM


So i do know that i need approx 20 hrs left to make it to nearly master skin quality.
Been here 4 years now and I'm still not a Master so...20 hours you say

Reply #4 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 6:33 AM

Its Nintendo halloween!   

20 hours for young feople.I can only make  skin 8-12 or 13 hours a day.if i do 20 im dead for sure.

Reply #5 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 7:15 AM

Now, now, we shouldn't put him down.

-Bluedxca It's great you're enthusiastic !!

Reply #6 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 7:59 AM


Working 2 hrs a day and the skin is done in ten days

So i have 20 hrs in total, but not 20 hrs at 1 day.  I mean 2 hrs a day for 10 days. as written before .

20hrs at one day ?? That would be like torture. Did skin 16 hrs for a linux theme set once. that was horrible enough.

Now i do say that more than 10 hrs is not always  recommended. However sometimes you can use a pencil and paper and shut your computer down. And than you do really sometimes 12 hrs. but not 12 hrs in front of the screen. Thats a bit too much sometimes.

regards bluedxca93

Reply #7 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 8:12 AM

um, I am scared, what is that?

sorry, no sugar here, because I have seen what you Can Do! That is not halloween in any way, more like Barney world.

Does not have to be scary, but something with a halloween theme for sure, some pumpkins or spider webs or something.

My wip, and I hope it inspires you to Re_create your current wip, still time. DresdenX

I have a ways to go still myself, buttons and much more, but getting there.

Reply #8 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 8:34 AM


My wip

Looking good Brian.

Reply #9 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 9:13 AM

bluedxca93,your skin is fantastic the window frame is like Nintendo whos say that Nintendo style cannot be halloween?,just add more scary stuff would also help the skin much better.



Island Dog
Reply #10 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 9:43 AM

Sorry, I just don't see how that theme is in any way related to Halloween.


Reply #11 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 11:00 AM


um, I am scared, what is that?

sorry, no sugar here, because I have seen what you Can Do! That is not halloween in any way, more like Barney world.

Does not have to be scary, but something with a halloween theme for sure, some pumpkins or spider webs or something.

My wip, and I hope it inspires you to Re_create your current wip, still time.

Reduced 58%
Original 1024 x 640

I have a ways to go still myself, buttons and much more, but getting there.


Great looking skin DT! 

Reply #12 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 11:05 AM


I am not that a beginner to theming, but new to window blinds. So i do know that i need approx 20 hrs left to make it to nearly master skin quality.


Sorry Frieder, but no one can do a quality master skin that quickly, it takes me at least 8 hours a day for 2-3 weeks to do a Master Skin and I am sure it takes other Master Skinners that long at least.. You just need to keep working on this one though, it's not scary at all, bright colors are not scary. 

Reply #13 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 12:06 PM

Tom, don`t misunderstand me. I do know that you do really work hard for  your skins as well as other master skinners.

I did only write nearly not exact. And you do know why.  

Would be funny to know how much time you think i worked on my last themes.

Do took the warning from island dog seriously this time and modificate my existing theme concept to fullfill the nearly unspoken  Halloween contest rules.

A nintendo like theme as started in this thread is an interesting skin i won`t forget that easily but improve it. 

Thx for screenshot doortech. Now i have more an idea how the whole contest thing is meant. But my skin will be really different of course.  

And also a big thanks to Destrohelix. Now i do now how to improve this theme . However i' ll make that after halloween contest.


regards bluedxca93

Reply #14 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 7:07 PM

I sincerely hope it would be different, individual style makes a skinner unique!

You are doing well, you are off to a good start since arriving here, keep it up, we are only trying to help you get where you obviously want to be, at the top of the skinners charts! So do we all, well , me anyhow,lol. But, so much talent here, it is a challenge every skin.Look forward to your finished work, help here if you need any!

Destro, that is a cool idea, get busy!

Reply #15 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 7:10 PM

Thanks for the thumbs up to guys, I will get it more in tune with Halloween, already got some cobwebs mixed with the pumpkin vines, and some spidies, will keep at it and see what happens!

Reply #16 Wednesday, October 1, 2014 1:40 AM

Keep it up the deadline is near.. 

Reply #17 Wednesday, October 1, 2014 2:02 AM


My wip

I agree. Looks real good!!

Reply #18 Wednesday, October 1, 2014 3:09 AM


My wip

Cool dude. Waiting to see the finished WB.

Reply #19 Wednesday, October 1, 2014 3:27 AM

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