95% Packed & Ready to Move Saturday.
and no correspondence shall be entered into
Tuesday, July 1, 2014 by starkers | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Orright, so it's not what I wanted, I like it here, but I gotta move... different house but the same suburb prior to moving here.
I can't tell you the reason why cos I'd have to send a hitman to silence everyone who read it... and seeing as none of ya wanna send me broke, you're not gonna ask, right? Let's just say the bus stop is closer to the next house... and there's a bigger, nicer shopping centre nearerby {if that's not a word, so what} with more shit than the one down the road from here. The pub's closer too... so I won't have to go so far outta my way to avoid it.
As much as I like it here, and the view of the mountains from the back verandah, not to mention the nice neighbours - 'cept the dickhead next door - the next place is all on one level, and that's going to be a blessing as I'm finding it harder to climb the stairs here as the weeks, months progress. My hips and knees are not what they used to be, so I won't miss the stairs... or the dickhead next door. He's an ornery SOB who likes to play his only 3 albums up loud for hours on end some days, so I won't miss Elvis Live, Wayne Newton or Barry Manilow anytime soon, either.
Played him at his own game once. Now I don't recommend following suit and doing this to your noisy neighbours cos it's childish and petty [though I must admit it was fun] but I placed my somewhat powerful speakers next to the fence - some 20 feet from his loungeroom - and cranked up my somewhat powerful hi-fi to volume 40 while Robin Trower's Bridge of Sighs was vibrating the palings off.
Anyway, I digress, as usual, and find myself off the beaten track yet again, but I think it worked. Hehe, haven't heard Copacabana since. The other thing I won't miss about him are the palm leaves. Shouldn't matter they grow on this side of the fence... if they fall on his side he should dispose of them himself, not throw them back over here.
One good thing about moving is I won't have a big yard to mow... I'll be able to get my 82 y/o mother to do it. Oh, I didn't mention I'm moving in with her? So I'll correct that before proceeding any further, I'm moving in with my mother. It's more a financial thing cos neither of us can afford to rent alone, and pooling our resources means we have a bit more change in our pockets after the bills are paid. It's a win win situation... and NO more mowing.
What's more, I'll have a man cave all to myself again. I'm converting the spacious garage into a PC room, come office. come loungeroom... and with the spare time I save not having to mow I can get stuck into building a couple of PCs from spare parts I've accumulated. One I'll give to my mother, so that if she has some spare time she can check the emails I send here. Yeah, she remembers to put out the bins the night before if she has it written down that it's refuse collection in the morning.
She's a spritely old bird for 82, but fortunately we don't have to worry about yard maintenance or refuse disposal. The landlord takes care of all that, but I'm sure I'll be able to find her something to do once she's finished the housework, cooking, etc. LOL!!!! Nah, we'll have a fairly leisurely life together, like going for walks along the new river bank park and walkways... and that's just across the road so we don't have to go far to get there. Moreover, it's all level ground, so a slow walk each day [hips and knees permitting] shouldn't be too difficult.
The big bonus, however, is that I'll be getting off this 8 mbs broadband and connecting to 28 mbs d/l on the NBN network at the new place. Speed to burn, but I'm gonna have to be careful what I say in future... cos at that speed it'll be up there before I've written it. Apparently my Foxtel will also be delivered though the same cable system, so that'll be excellent, no more satellite dropouts during the colder weather.
Yup, I'm looking forward to Saturday... and NO more stairs, palm leaves or dickhead.
Anyhow, dearies, 'tis 5.40am and I'm knackered after doing a marathon packing session, so it's bed time and good morning from me.
Reply #2 Tuesday, July 1, 2014 7:35 PM

Reply #3 Tuesday, July 1, 2014 7:47 PM
Or would that be "packer"? Best of luck on your move,Cap'n. I agree on the stairs thing. At our age it's best to get in on the ground floor......and stay there.
Reply #4 Tuesday, July 1, 2014 10:22 PM
C'mon, Doc, make up yer mind. So's I know which pill to take.
I got a free sample of the 'little blue' one, but the only reason I'd have to take that these days is to stop rolling out of bed.
The one for the stiff upper lip is a bit more complicated. Get the dose even slightly wrong and I can't close my eyes.
Now I don't wanna exacerbate the insomnia, do I! Moreover, if my tongue sticks out inopportunely after taking the pill....
Well you get the picture.
Thing is, you bin spying on me again? Like how do you know some of my boxes are marked that way?
I have several marked with 'crap' cos I couldn't think of anything else that wouldn't draw the movers attention to my Playboy collection.
I also have a box marked 'Not Illegal Contraband'
Well I had a heap of crap I didn't know how to get rid of... and figured that was the best way to offload it.
I mean, somebody's gotta steal it on Saturday, right?
I'm keeping all my good stuff in the box marked 'Good Jokes' Like nobody's gonna want to pilfer that.
I'll just tell a couple of really bad ones at the get-go and it'll be safer than Fort Knox.
Reply #5 Tuesday, July 1, 2014 10:50 PM
Actually? Just mark (hehe) the box with total crap in it "Valuables" and leave it slightly apart from the others at the curb. Make a show of checking it "surreptitiously". I bet it disappears long before reaching your mom's place.
Reply #6 Tuesday, July 1, 2014 11:06 PM
aaaaahhhh..someone still listens to them!!!!
Yeah, but on repeat all day... the same 3 records?
Mind you, things have been quiet from over the fence since rattling his foundations with Robin Trower.
Had that not worked I was gonna blast him day and night with "Shaddupa Your Face" by Joe Dolce on repeat.
Fortunately, that wasn't necessary.
Now I think of it, don't reckon I could've tolerated that myself. Once a year down real low is more than sufficient.
I did think of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up", but I figured he might figure I was trying to be romantic. EEEEWWWW!!!!!
I dunno, you just can't win with some neighbours, and moving away is the best option.
Thing is, I could be jumping from the frying pan into the fire... and I'd never thought of dying my hair before. Until now.
It doesn't matter that I'm 61, my mother still shakes her finger like I'm a naughty little boy, and I probably am, but that's not the point.
The last thing I want is for my 82y/o mother to be shaking her finger at me in the supermarket because I'm throwing a tantrum over something she won't let me have.... I LIKE my choccies. It just wouldn't be a good look. At 61 that'd be highly embarrassing.
So yeah, I have very little grey hair right now, but by month's end... yup, that dye could come in very handy.
On a more serious note, it will be good for us both, for the company and the help, better finances and a bit of spare change, the fact that I've got stuff she hasn't and vice versa. She has been watching TV on a little 20" that's okay for a caravan or a small bedroom, so that'll improve with the choice of a 55" or a 42".... she'll be able to sit back and put her feet up.
Reply #7 Tuesday, July 1, 2014 11:29 PM
Quoting DrJBHL, reply 1Keep a stiff pecker.
Or would that be "packer"? Best of luck on your move,Cap'n. I agree on the stairs thing. At our age it's best to get in on the ground floor......and stay there.
Thanks, matey, hopefully it'll go off without a hitch and be as smooth as a baby's bum.
Yup, for sure! The stairs were beginning to be a problem... well moreso of a problem. My hips and knees just aren't coping with them anymore.
Thing is, I'll have to find some other form of exercise to try keeping in trim [trim? now that's a laff]
Not quite as big around as I am tall... yet, but I should try to do some exercise to prevent it... even if it is chasing some of the local women.
There again, that could get somewhat frustrating... I'm not likely to ever catch one.
As for the house, it is all on one level and there are no steps to speak of. Even the walk-in shower has just a sliding door track to step over, so it's all good.
At the end of the day, it is an upheaval and hard work having to move, but I'm not sad about leaving. What I lose on the roundabout I'm gaining on the swings, and while I lose the mountain view I'm gaining some nice river bank walks that mother and I can take at our own speed.
Reply #8 Tuesday, July 1, 2014 11:35 PM
Quoting starkers, reply 4Well I had a heap of crap I didn't know how to get rid of... and figured that was the best way to offload it.
Actually? Just mark (hehe) the box with total crap in it "Valuables" and leave it slightly apart from the others at the curb. Make a show of checking it "surreptitiously". I bet it disappears long before reaching your mom's place.
Hehe, yup, that might be just the enticement. However, knowing people the way I do, something the think is contraband is probably the bigger lure.
I mean people steal valuables all the time. It's not every day they'd get to steal contraband... which could also be valuable.
Hehe, if I was in the States I'd just mark the box 'Cuban Cigars'.
Reply #9 Wednesday, July 2, 2014 1:24 AM
That's justifiable homicide...
Reply #10 Wednesday, July 2, 2014 2:35 AM
He's an ornery SOB who likes to play his only 3 albums up loud for hours on end some days, so I won't miss Elvis Live, Wayne Newton or Barry Manilow anytime soon, either
That's justifiable homicide...
Yup, pretty much! I even argued that with the cop whose gun I wanted to borrow to carry out the execution, and he agreed, but he said that he'd still have to take me in... for unlicensed use of a firearm and unlawfully discharging a firearm in a built up area.
He said I'd get 18 months but be out in 6 with good behaviour.
Good behaviour? Yeah, right!
Besides, I wouldn't survive prison.... got haemhorroids and soap-om-a-rope ain't provided to 1st timers..
Reply #11 Wednesday, July 2, 2014 12:22 PM
I read the title to this thread and immediately wanted to know why moving Saturday was so important to you..........I happen to like it right where it is, between Friday and Sunday.
So does this move now mean we can your ask mum about you and find out some interesting tidbits from your childhood or are you not going to allow us to talk with her? Just wondering, mums do have away of remembering all the things their children have forgotten.
Reply #12 Wednesday, July 2, 2014 12:34 PM
I read the title to this thread and immediately wanted to know why moving Saturday was so important to you..........I happen to like it right where it is, between Friday and Sunday.
So does this move now mean we can your ask mum about you and find out some interesting tidbits from your childhood or are you not going to allow us to talk with her? Just wondering, mums do have away of remembering all the things their children have forgotten.
Saturday was put there for a reason. Don't know what it is but oh well.
And yeah...some tidbits from your mom might make a really good read.
Reply #13 Wednesday, July 2, 2014 1:05 PM
I'm so jealous I'm busting. You are very fortunate starkers. Sounds like a good match with furniture too. lol Congrats on a grreat score. And give her a hug for me.
Reply #14 Wednesday, July 2, 2014 2:56 PM
It's there to keep payday from slamming into prayday.
Reply #15 Wednesday, July 2, 2014 3:10 PM
The separation of Church and wallet is a good thing.
Reply #18 Wednesday, July 2, 2014 8:17 PM
I read the title to this thread and immediately wanted to know why moving Saturday was so important to you..........I happen to like it right where it is, between Friday and Sunday.
So does this move now mean we can your ask mum about you and find out some interesting tidbits from your childhood or are you not going to allow us to talk with her? Just wondering, mums do have away of remembering all the things their children have forgotten.
I assure you that we will leave Saturday exactly where it belongs - between Friday and Sunday - once we're done. Now that you mention it, though, I rather like Saturday where it is as well, though many a time during my working life I wished it began on a Monday morning.
Mother would remember heaps of stuff, some things I may have forgotten about and others not, but there's not much she could tell you that I'm ashamed of. I openly admit that I was somewhat a 'terror' as a child - mischief had a knack of finding me willing participant - but I was never mean spirited, just full of youthful exuberance and curiosity, wanting to see the reactions to my actions. Sometimes it was a whooping across my backside, but for the most part my parents used other means of discipline to [try] keep me in line. There were times when I didn't think so back then, but I had a pretty good childhood and have very few regrets because mum and dad were the best.
That's obvious, it's to stop Friday night's drinking and subsequent hangover clashing with church and the Sunday sermon.
Reply #19 Wednesday, July 2, 2014 8:43 PM
Friday is the kickstarter. Saturday is the Banger Balls and Sunday is the "I wish I hadn't done all that" day to repent.
Reply #20 Wednesday, July 2, 2014 9:11 PM
I'm so jealous I'm busting. You are very fortunate starkers. Sounds like a good match with furniture too. lol Congrats on a grreat score. And give her a hug for me.
Don't be so quick to be jealous, there's still alot of hard work here to be done. I'll be glad when I'm actually at the other house and not feeling so rushed, etc. Once there I can take my time setting things up the way I/we want. Furniture and everything will work out great because we each have things the other doesn't, and those things which are duplicated will either be handed to other family members or used in different rooms, etc. As for the hug, I won't get the chance... she will be all over me the moment I rock up at the door and smother me for a few minutes to catch up on lost opportunities.
Quoting Uvah, reply 12Saturday was put there for a reason. Don't know what it is but oh well.
It's there to keep payday from slamming into prayday.
Hehe, when I used to go to church back in my youth, and they passed around the collection plate, I'd say "yes please" and immediately get a slap across the hand before I could 'collect'.
Good luck moving, Mark.
Thank, matey, it's all pretty much in hand and should go smoothly. I've got a few people chipping in, including Shaunna, her new bloke and a couple of his brothers, so with my sister and a couple of nephews it'll help lighten the load for me. I'm not able to do any of the heaving lifting myself, doctors orders, so I'm extremely grateful for all those pitching in to help do the stuff I no longer can. I used to do moving people for a living, but years of doing that took its toll and my old bones [back in particular] just aren't up for it anymore.
That'll be like Fryday.... I'll send out for fish n' chips cos I won't be fussed cooking anything after finalising everything here before the big day, which I hope nobody turns into Satireday.
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Reply #1 Tuesday, July 1, 2014 6:38 PM
Keep a stiff pecker...err...upper lip. Weird pommie expressions, anyway.