unauthorized skin post
Friday, November 1, 2013 by doortech1 | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
It would appear I was successful.Thanks everyone.
Reply #2 Friday, November 1, 2013 4:35 AM
My 2 penny's worth. I guess the best way to look at is, is flattery, but knowing how hard you worked on it, I understand, about not getting the recognition here on WC. But at least your art is getting to a wider audience. As Benmanns said different if it was a master skin.
Reply #3 Friday, November 1, 2013 4:48 AM
they stole artworks and making money using adfly?i don't know if this is true.
Reply #4 Friday, November 1, 2013 4:55 AM
My 2 penny's worth. I guess the best way to look at is, is flattery, but knowing how hard you worked on it, I understand, about not getting the recognition here on WC. But at least your art is getting to a wider audience. As Benmanns said different if it was a master skin.
Sounds good to me, and my first reaction was a good feeling oddly enough!..
I did work hard too..! That Maverick really pushed me to my limits at the time. He was brutal, but it came out so nice I was glad he was so finicky.Thanks everyone for the input'
FYI, I did try that info@ thing with no luck.DT1.
Reply #5 Friday, November 1, 2013 8:26 AM
There are tons of sites all over that illegally post WB's, especially Master Skin's. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about it if the scum that allows it to be posted does not give a damn.
Reply #6 Friday, November 1, 2013 8:59 AM
There is a DMCA form that Jafo posted (somewhere in Forums) and it should be submitted to the person responsible for posting skins at that site.
If the site is in America, and no action is taken to remove your IP there are further steps you can take.
If it's a foreign site, you're SOL.
I'd try writing a nice note to the site owner first. If unanswered, then send the form. Find out where the site is and who's hosting it: http://www.whois.net/
Good luck, dt1.
Reply #7 Friday, November 1, 2013 9:08 AM
Reply #8 Friday, November 1, 2013 9:38 AM
I see it like this. As Tom said if it's a Master skin try and get it removed. If the actual author is getting credit post away. In your case where you said it was listed as admin I would have a problem with the and try to get ahold of someone. Maybe it's another place for one to upload and get the correct name credit if you upload. There is a lot of work that goes into making a WB and if you or us are going to have our screen name listed than why not. Maybe upload one of your skins to the site and see if you actually get the name credit. If you do than the work you put into making it gets recognized by more people.
To upload a skin that you get no credit for is just plain stealing. Most cases you will never be able to do anything about it and get no results when trying. You have me thinking now that I may take one of my older skins and upload it to see if I get the credit. Wincustomize will always be my home but after a month or so of uploading here I see nothing wrong with uploading in other places even thought I have never done it.
My view on this may not agree with everyone and that is why it's only my view on the subject and I respect all other views and thoughts.
Reply #9 Friday, November 1, 2013 10:11 AM
After more review I see a lot of skins from WC on this site. A very few you can see the name of the author most you can't. Even found a couple that the link takes you back here to WC.
Can't find one place that would allow a person to upload if they wanted. So it's just another site that takes others work to use as they wish. I don't worry about this crap because if it isn't this place it will be another and not much if anything one can do to stop it. No lost sleep from me over this.
Reply #10 Friday, November 1, 2013 12:52 PM
As I mentioned above, personally I have no problem that skins from me get uploaded and people can download them ... thats a good thing and the reason why I upload them in the first place.
The problem i have with that site is that it uses adfly therefore it makes profit like destrohel mentioned not only that- adfly is known to occasionally lead to malicious crap! NO wait-let me change that statement so it is more fitting "Adfly is crap!"
1.The reputation of the skin author "if listed" will be lowered if someone gets infected through a download – that´s the main problem I have with it. One single comment can trash weeks of hard work.
2. It was not the intention of the original author to have people sit there n look at Adfly and waste 16 seconds just to download the skin.
3. It would not be too much work to simply redirect to WC for the download, the page could still make use of crapfly to maintain its cost
Reply #11 Friday, November 1, 2013 1:09 PM
What benmanns points out in the above reply about the unsuspecting person downloading a skin and getting unwanted crap with it is really the problem. If I were a skinner that would be the main reason I would want my skins off of that site. It could very well bring unwarranted comments to those skinners on WC.
Reply #12 Friday, November 1, 2013 2:33 PM
Tried to dl a theme and all I keep getting is a 404. Plus still no way to contact so called admin.
Reply #13 Friday, November 1, 2013 4:50 PM
Welcome to the club.
My icon packs are on Chinese and Russian sites. Some have even been adapted for iphone. I did manage to track down one Chinese poster and we actuaslly emailed back and forth for a while but I stopped hearing from him after the earthquake a few years back.
Reply #14 Friday, November 1, 2013 5:28 PM
There is no real process going on with this site. I downloaded 4 skins I knew came from WC. There was actually many more than that.
One had a direct link to WC
One had a zip with an actual wba file to install
Two were in .exe form. These are the ones I would never install that I'm sure has something else attached with it.
So not being able to have any communications with them one can only hope their skins don't end up there. If one finds one of there skins just download it and hope it doesn't end with the .exe. You can find several author names you know and some go back 2 or 3 years even though the site isn't that old. I agree with something that was mentioned above. It's all about making money and stealing these things just doesn't matter to the person posting and owns the site. Best thing at this point is to find the IP address such as I did go on whoswho or something like that and there is a place to add a bad comment about the site. I know for fact they do investigate.
Reply #15 Friday, November 1, 2013 5:45 PM
They have a twitter account you could tweet your displeasure there
Reply #16 Friday, November 1, 2013 5:50 PM
First, thanks Doc and Hankers.All of you.
I got some info and am going to share.
I am very concerned at the quality of this site and the manner it delivers our work with possible attachments and changes that reflect on us skinners.
This site has login and register options that disappear as the page loads, becoming invisible and inactive.
There is no way for a downloader to complain or post any type of response other than a thumbs up or down.
I see many skins from this community and wonder if they all have been scalped.
Not sure what to do next if anything as it appears to be in China.Anyhow, here is an image.
Reply #18 Friday, November 1, 2013 7:51 PM
The ONLY person who can protect YOUR Intellectual Property is YOU.
If you do not care enough to want to protect it then no-one else will do so FOR you.
There can be issues of Legal Precedent if for example, you don't care about one of your wba files being distributed by someone else....and later wanting to complain about a product of COMMERCIAL Significance being distributed by someone else.
It is particularly inappropriate to think 'wow...someone likes my stuff enough to want to steal it'.
Think a bit more.....'wow...someone liked my Porsche so much that they stole it...I'm honoured'.
It's YOUR property. Someone else is benefiting from its unauthorized distribution.
Reply #20 Saturday, November 2, 2013 3:43 AM
Okay, first attempt.
I jusst sent an email to the admin listed on the info I got.
I politely but firmly asked my art be removed. I am not holding my breath.Will see what comes if anything, Thanks again all.
Jafo,you are right, leave my porche{jeep laredo}alone!
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Reply #1 Friday, November 1, 2013 4:20 AM
jupp ditto...by admin aswell
but i do not mind that much, at least they post the about aswell
I found a russian site once that ripped of from wincustomize, it had a wallpaper from my personal page that was downloaded over a thousand times meanwhile on wincustomize i have 3 downloads, i found that page by coincidence while i was looking for a new wall.
The bad thing was that there was someone else claiming it to be done by him... no response from the site no response from the guy who posted it.
I had several cases like this, the thing is you can barely do shit about it sometimes and if we are honest we post these things to be used dont know about you but thats a part of it for me.
its different if you are a "master"and charge for skins. (Its nothing else here i would even say its worse)
I took the time to check out the page, they use "adfly" (that sux) , to link to the download, and if you copywrited your stuff clearly ....they will link to the source.
sadly they do not link to wincustomize aswell so it will only start the download
well up to you i´d say
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