How time flies. Five years at WinCustomize.
Has it been that long?
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 by Wizard1956 | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
I want to take the opportunity to thank each and every Member, Admin, Moderator, Support guy, Developer and the Head Frog for making my time spent here worthwhile in many, many ways. Some of you have been here forever, others have come and gone. Each one of you make up the family atmosphere here and I hope WC always remains the "user friendly" site that it is. Over five million members says something must be being done right.
When I stumbled in here, I didn't know squat about skinning....and not much more about modern computers....I still don't but I can fake it pretty good. What I do know is that a finer bunch of people doesn't exist on the planet. It's a pleasure being a contributing member here and an honor to consider many of you my friends. With it's odd blend of camaraderie, controversy, community, compassion and comedy*, and some really great art and talent being shared with us all, WC is a unique place. (Some may say "odd")
Thanks again for tolerating me and here's to the next five.
And a special secret handshake to my good friend RedneckDude for putting up with me the most.
* OK, so it's a slightly dysfunctional family.
Reply #2 Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:01 PM
Strangely..... accurate inspiring words, from the Wizard of Odd: Here's to another 5 years (at least).
What's an anniversary without a card?
Only 5 years... amazing. You're a great Community resource, Wiz... and I'm happy to be counted among your friends.
Reply #3 Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:09 PM
Hope you hang around for another five wizard!
Reply #4 Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:09 PM
Congratulations on five years at WinCustomize Randy. It wouldn't be the same place without you.
Reply #5 Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:10 PM
It's a bit that way...
Reply #6 Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:27 PM
Holy Smokes! That's almost like lookin' at me. Almost........................................................................................................
but no cigar. Happy first 5 years Wiz.
Have some dis
and some dis
and some.................burp! 'Cuse me.
Reply #7 Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:37 PM
Five years. WOW. Keep it going Randy.
BTW: What are you going to give all of us for putting up with you that long.
Reply #8 Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:55 PM
More of the same of course.
Reply #10 Wednesday, January 16, 2013 3:15 AM
Happy five WIZARD,any person on this site for even a short while can see you are a great asset to this site. Hope in five years I am around to congratulate you on ten.
I knew that photo was uvah, you could see the Peace Bridge in the background!
Reply #11 Wednesday, January 16, 2013 6:00 AM
What can I say......when you grow up with hippies these things happen. Tie-dyed t-shirts, bell bottoms that sweep the sidewalks as you ditty-bop down the road, protesting in Times Square as the girls burn their bras and guys burn draft cards while hauling ass for Canada to avoid Uncle Sam's "We Want You" turning into Gotcha! Conscientious Objectors (not me. It turned into a lottery and both times my name was way too high on the list). Not going to get into that because some might object to my views and I do respect that.
Rambling button off.
Reply #14 Wednesday, January 16, 2013 8:35 AM
[quote who="DPCloud" reply="12" id="3308855"]
That's about right.
Reply #17 Wednesday, January 16, 2013 12:14 PM
Nice to be here with such good companion ! Happy Wiz !
Reply #18 Wednesday, January 16, 2013 12:53 PM
@ RND. I got my karma the old fashioned way, I paid for it. And btw, some of the attention I draw isn't very good either.
@ Doc, thanks for the card, you showed my good side in it.
@ Philly. Thanks John. I wouldn't be the same without WC and its members.
@ Jafo. some days it's a lot like that.
@ Uvah. I'll pass on the beer ( I quit drinking in 1991) but pizza is my favorite round meal.
@ DaveBax. Thanks, I intend to give it my best shot.
@ willistuder. Thanks, I suppose one won't hurt, as long as the wife drinks it.
@ doortech1. Thanks and I hope you are too.
@ DPCloud. must have seen some of my woodworking.
@ Zubaz. Thanks Aaron, I'm happy to be here and know that my efforts are appreciated.
@ frankell. Thank you, and keep on rockin' our docks off!
Reply #19 Wednesday, January 16, 2013 1:41 PM
Wiz no offence but I just thought it was a cute comic and that you might get a kick out if it, I really don’t want to know anything about you having wood.
Reply #20 Wednesday, January 16, 2013 2:45 PM
Those splinters must be agonizing!
I'm sorry.....I couldn't resist.
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Reply #1 Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:38 PM
Five years? Five years!! Damn, it seems like 15.
How in the world did you get so much more karma than me in 5 years?
Five years puts you at 2007/8. I just got here in 2009, according to my profile. How did you .... nevermind.
Glad you hung around, Wiz. 5 years and one wallpaper later all you really have in the way of art is the ability to draw
You've been a great tester, if a bit testy at times.
You've been a great friend to me, and to a lot of WCites. Hope you make it for 5 more.