

Monday, April 9, 2012 by neone6 | Discussion: Everything Else

Is it Always THIS dead here @ the Easter holidays ?

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Reply #1 Monday, April 9, 2012 6:28 AM


Reply #2 Monday, April 9, 2012 6:31 AM

At least you´re still around.... oh that reminds me... the links for the rainy and dockie

Edit: Fixed.

Reply #3 Monday, April 9, 2012 6:32 AM

too many people eating easter eggs.. and not enough lamington cake and cups of tea and cigs...

what can ya do eh babeh?.... what can ya do?

... can i go for a ride in your tardis??  ill behave i promise!

Reply #4 Monday, April 9, 2012 6:35 AM

Kitty.....Sure, why not.

Reply #5 Monday, April 9, 2012 6:40 AM

Long Easter weekend and the cobwebs have yet to clear. People should be up and about soon. Could be some Easter eggs had some extra calories in them. 

Oh....and good Monday morning to you guys.

Reply #6 Monday, April 9, 2012 6:44 AM

Happy Easter  Kitty and andrew hope you guys had a great day, starkers and I had a quiet one, but will have my stepdaughter and her 4 kids Thursday till Saturday oooh fun I love kids lol

Reply #7 Monday, April 9, 2012 6:44 AM

too many people eating easter eggs.. and not enough lamington cake and cups of tea and cigs...

what can ya do eh babeh?.... what can ya do?


get ye to the kitchen girl.....   link...   

Reply #8 Monday, April 9, 2012 6:49 AM

Happy Easter  Kitty and andrew hope you guys had a great day, starkers and I had a quiet one, but will have my stepdaughter and her 4 kids Thursday till Saturday oooh fun I love kids lol

actually we had a good 4 days, cake, fun, cigs, painting, lasagna, movies.... skinning.. xrated stuff  hahah!!

Reply #9 Monday, April 9, 2012 6:50 AM

Quoting Vampothika, reply 3too many people eating easter eggs.. and not enough lamington cake and cups of tea and cigs...

what can ya do eh babeh?.... what can ya do?


get ye to the kitchen girl.....   link...   

lol have you ever made a lamington cake syd?... insane heaven i tells ya.... i cant get enough of them. but of course you gotta wash it down with either coffee, tea, or milk followed by a good cig...

Reply #10 Monday, April 9, 2012 6:54 AM

Tosca iz Da´thang !

Reply #11 Monday, April 9, 2012 7:44 AM

lol have you ever made a lamington cake syd?...


yep....  bit fiddly..dipping and tossing the squares..... but worth the effort...  


no cheating with packet cake mixes now....  

Reply #12 Monday, April 9, 2012 7:52 AM

Tosca iz Da´thang !

actually.... that looks pretty nice.... will be giving that a go..... link...      

Reply #13 Monday, April 9, 2012 7:53 AM

Quoting Vampothika, reply 9lol have you ever made a lamington cake syd?...


yep....  bit fiddly..dipping and tossing the squares..... but worth the effort...  


no cheating with packet cake mixes now....  

Quoting neone6, reply 10Tosca iz Da´thang !
actually.... that looks pretty nice.... will be giving that a go..... link...      
You Won´t be dissappointed !

Reply #14 Monday, April 9, 2012 10:10 AM

I just had a look at the Tosca. It looks so yummy!

Reply #15 Monday, April 9, 2012 11:11 AM

I just had a look at the Tosca. It looks so yummy!
"Chewy-Crunchy-nutty, Insano-meter goin´  busted cake" = Tosca cake

-I didn´t even know it was Swedish

Reply #16 Monday, April 9, 2012 11:20 AM

Tosca iz Da´thang !

Reply #17 Tuesday, April 10, 2012 12:07 AM

@ Andy & Kitty......It's such a shame that we live such a large ocean away. You all sound like such good friends to hang out with. I could just see me rumbling up to your house on Matilda to come in and have a cig and some coffee and a good chat.........awww,,, that would be so awsome !! But....sadly, since I won't ever get on an airplane, I don't see that visit ever happening.....sad really......oh well, at least there's Wincustomize !!

Reply #18 Tuesday, April 10, 2012 12:52 AM

actually we had a good 4 days, cake, fun, cigs, painting, lasagna, movies.... skinning.. xrated stuff hahah!!

That's the way to go,  I did make some rock cakes, and some chocolate crunch ( chocolate  brownies)  as the American's  call it  lol. they were yummy .

.It's such a shame that we live such a large ocean away. You all sound like such good friends to hang out with

Ace , I met Kitty and she is an awesome person she came  to our house  a few times  and we had the best fun ever. 

I am proud to have met her in person

Reply #19 Tuesday, April 10, 2012 6:21 AM

There's a camaraderie here that IMO would be hard to match anywhere else.

Question. This is the Everything else forum. Where might the Universe and Life forums be? lol

Reply #20 Tuesday, April 10, 2012 7:16 AM

@ Andy & Kitty......It's such a shame that we live such a large ocean away. You all sound like such good friends to hang out with. I could just see me rumbling up to your house on Matilda to come in and have a cig and some coffee and a good chat.........awww,,, that would be so awsome !! But....sadly, since I won't ever get on an airplane, I don't see that visit ever happening.....sad really......oh well, at least there's Wincustomize !!

i TOLD you to book a ticket on the love boat to come and see us....

jokes aside..that would be cool... and shauna is right, kitty is a nice person, insane....but nice 

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