Been away a few days
Friday, June 10, 2011 by mrs_starkers | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Hi all I just want to let you all know I haven't been well and still have a way to go I spent 5 days in Hospital and now I am in restpite care for a week can I please ask for you to keep me in your thoughts and prayers please I still have a long way to go at getting better, while I am here at least I still have contact with my family here at WC . I am suffering Depression and I have Bi Pola and it has hit me hard I will go now as it is dinner time I am not sure if I can get back on here tonight we will see how I go
Reply #2 Friday, June 10, 2011 4:35 AM
Looks like you are having a hard go of it ...
You have my best wishes ... get well soon.
Reply #4 Friday, June 10, 2011 5:09 AM
Sending me bonzette nothing but good thoughts and hope for a speedy healing.
Reply #5 Friday, June 10, 2011 6:24 AM
Hi Shaunna. Sorry to hear about your difficulties. Just know that we all here are still here. So you get better quick so's we can get back to some serious partyin'. Be well mrs. starkers.
Reply #6 Friday, June 10, 2011 7:39 AM
It never rains it pours aye Shaunna? Hope your feeling better real soon. Good thoughts are coming your way.
Reply #7 Friday, June 10, 2011 9:37 AM
Yeah, it's real quiet around here...... so quiet, in fact, I'd even welcome a good bellowing to say I'm in trouble... again.
Anyhow, mrs, here's hoping you're getting the right treatment and support this time... and those idiot doctors up there got your meds right this time as well.
Besides, the respite unit is a much nicer environment and a darned sight nicer than that hospital ward, so hopefully you're feeling a lot more comfortable there as well. I believe it will aid in your recovery not to be in the hospital ward anyway. It's a pretty morbid and depressing place at the best of times, and when you can hardly tell the difference between staff and patients because they have long, depressed faces and some are in strait jackets as well, it is a worry.
Seriously, I'm glad there was a vacancy and you could get in today... it will hasten your recovery and you'll be back in the comfort of your own home before you know it.
Reply #9 Friday, June 10, 2011 7:32 PM
thank you Jack loveing you too.
and many thanks to everyone for their well wishes and thoughts, and yeah mark least I can get on the internet here and still be able to keep in contact with you all
and a HUGE thank you to Doc I love you too bonzamate
Reply #12 Saturday, June 11, 2011 1:21 AM
Yup, that's the staff, mate. Each time I visited I noticed how the staff have mindless, blank faces that reflect little but depressed states. For the most part, they wander around the corridors like they're lost... walking to and fro like they've no place to go. Oh, and ask a staff member something... takes anything up to 20 minutes to get a reasoned response to your query.
I stood at front reception to be taken to Shaunna [visitors are required to wait to be escorted] and waited 15 minutes before anyone acknowledged I was even there. Several staff members looked directly at me, yet it was like I was invisible until I called out: "HELLOOOOO, I"M HEEEEERE!" Even then it took another 10 minutes for someone to locate her. It ain't that big a place... but the "follow my nose until I hit something" seems to be the rule of thumb among staffers. Frankly, I am surprised... no, astounded that they even found their way to work, such is the vacant look in their eyes.
At least I know where to look to find me when I get lost. .... in trouble.
Reply #13 Saturday, June 11, 2011 1:52 AM
wow you've been having a bad time of it lately... hope you're well enough soon to be getting back home to keep that pirate in order....
when you get home.... there'll be a new Frontier waiting for you..... literally....
v's new Frontier blind below.. in case you haven't seen it... I gather you've been preoccupied trying to get well...
just pm v when you get home, Mrs S...
take care...
Reply #14 Saturday, June 11, 2011 7:22 AM
yes its been a hard road and many a rocky too thank you syd for you lovely comments they are very much appreciated I just wish I could get to everyone personaly to give you all a huge hug to let you all know how happy I am to be a part of this beaute community
that mighty pirate Ill have to have my whip out ready
that is a lovely blind V awesome colors I love it I am in love with it
well on on it too
Reply #17 Saturday, June 11, 2011 12:35 PM
Promises promises. But as usual, you'll drop the hint to have me drooling at the mouth in anticipation... and all I'll get is a slap across the buttocks with a wet kipper.
Oh well, I suppose I can always dream about it... that cat o' nine, and getting my lashes bathed in milk and honey.
And I have no idea where they get that: "When the Cat's away the mice will play." from.
There have been two orgies here so far this week... and I didn't stay up real late for either of 'em.
Nah, I was real good. Like when we... er, [ignore that slip of the tongue] they were making too much noise and I called the cops to get 'em to keep it down.
Must admit, though, it was a bit embarrassing answering the door to a six foot six copper in just a pink tutu and fishnets.
Yeah, he had 'something' hanging out of his frilly knickers, and frankly, I'm glad he left without a fuss
I just didn't fancy having to call 000 and tell 'em I've got a trespassing cop who's trying to gatecrash a private party.
Yeah, I can see it now... every cop in the vicinity turning up in hooker costumes, transvestite gear and everything.
Anyway, I've told them all here that there will be no more orgies .... despite the new washer I can't keep up with all the dirty linen.
Nah, seriously, it has been so quiet around here I can hear the tap dripping.... 3 doors up.
[quote who="mrs_starkers" reply="14" id="2949919"] that is a lovely blind V awesome colors I love it [/quote
Yep, one of your absolute best, John, and the colours are totally spiffing, old man.... totally spiffing I say.
Reply #18 Wednesday, June 15, 2011 8:35 AM
Thank you navigatsio
[/quote[quote who="vStyler" reply="15" id="2949926"]All the Best... Mrs S !
Thanks vStyler
I will be home tomorrow 16th june and be in my own bed, nothing beats your own bed. many thanks to everyone for all their support it means so much too me I love you all and you all have a special place in my heart , and no one can take that away from me
Reply #19 Wednesday, June 15, 2011 9:21 AM
Look out starkers Mrs. S is comin' home. YES! Hide all the breakables.
Welcome back Shaunna.
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Reply #1 Friday, June 10, 2011 3:33 AM
Sorry to hear your under the weather..
My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
stay strong, come back/drop by when you can..