oh darn
Friday, May 13, 2011 by gmc2 | Discussion: Community
Hi guys and gals, I think I may be a little more grumpy/testy than usual. I quit smoking a little more than a month ago, I've been housebound for about a month with a foot injury and my son, who's ten, will have surgery in early June on his hip to correct a condition known as developmental dysplasia.
While not apologizing or making excuses I think the plate is a little full and sometimes the stuff drips over. I'm not known for taking guff in the first place and don't have a problem mixing it up some. Unfortunately, it would appear that I'm posting what I'm thinking and not thinking about what I'm posting,
I'll make more of an effort to ignore those posts that get my blood pressure up. thanks
Reply #3 Friday, May 13, 2011 6:21 AM
Know what you mean bud. Hang tight and let the problems solve themselves. Sometimes it works and sometimes ya gotta use a little persuasion.
Smurf baseball bats come to mind. you can beat on stuff without hurting them.
Reply #4 Friday, May 13, 2011 10:36 AM
thanks for your understanding, I do hope that those that just check out the post go down the same path. I have a lot of respect for the people here. it does mean something.
Reply #5 Friday, May 13, 2011 7:51 PM
Figured as much....but we're all often guilty of that....
Reply #6 Saturday, May 14, 2011 3:46 AM
awwwwwww babe!!!!!! i hope yr doing okay, ( i totally get the non smoking thing, i turn into mr hyde if i dont smoke!)
i truly hope your sons opperation is a sucess, and i hope your foot gets better.
you have a ton of my love from down under
kissies and huggles for my favourite Greg
you know, you can take up knitting now that yr housebound. hehhee, oh and buy the way, i like chocolate cake, so get baking boy!!!
Reply #8 Saturday, May 14, 2011 2:30 PM
I had actually wondered, Greg. Your posting on one thread in perticular was kinda........not like you!
Sorry to hear of your woes.
Your friend
Reply #10 Saturday, May 14, 2011 4:17 PM
If anyone can do this, it's you Greg. You must feel so much better already.
Not the grouchiness though. As they say.... this to shall pass. And I promise it does. I in fact, find life Less stressful without my ball and chain.
Can't run out, where's my lighter, can't smoke here? How much? And the list goes on. It's a good thing gmc2. Be proud!
And Congrats.
Reply #11 Saturday, May 14, 2011 7:20 PM
haven't seen you around much Anna, thank you and I hope all is good with you.
Reply #12 Saturday, May 14, 2011 7:33 PM
Thank-you much. Yup, I was moving. Gonna move again. They are painting, new carpeting, and such in the RM apartment. The previous owners smoked,,, and had 2 cats for 16 years. cough,cough,cough. It was bad. By June,1rst it should all be good. Can't wait.
And congrats again.
Reply #13 Saturday, May 14, 2011 7:44 PM
Listen up. I can prove life gets better. Fingers crossed I'll be back to work soon. See....better already. Worry not gmc2 you and your son will be A-Okay. Okay.
Reply #14 Saturday, May 14, 2011 10:09 PM
good for you Uvah, fingers crossed.
we're all looking for things to turn out okay and hopefully they will. circumstances getting there sometimes is stressful. thanks for the encouragement.
Reply #15 Saturday, May 14, 2011 10:21 PM
we all have those times when things just all happen at once.... and it all gets a bit much... seems to be a lot of it going around at the moment... you're not alone, that's for sure...
keep your chin up...
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Reply #1 Friday, May 13, 2011 5:56 AM
gmc2... kinda figured something was crowding your plate. Sorry to hear about troubles... with time, hopefully they'll resolve. I'll hold good thoughts in that direction... if that does any good. Scientific evidence says no, while life says "Your friend needs to know you care." - which does have a positive effect on healing. Venting helps... and telling us some things are stressing you helps us understand you and offer support. I'll skip the 'blessing'.
Turns out women have it right about communicating. I hate admitting that, though.
Take a deep breath and limp away from it.