Dreamscapes not cooperating.

Saturday, March 12, 2011 by IROKONESS | Discussion: Community

My Dreamscapes is not playing nice. I have gone hunting for these elusive codecs. But, to no avail. I wonder if anyone can help me? It's been like this for a while. I can only use random dreamscapes. That works fine. I just can't control which dreams are on.  I tried to download the beer dream this morning but, I could not. I use Windows 7, 64. I have uninstalled with Revo, and reinstalled with Impulse. No dif.


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Reply #1 Saturday, March 12, 2011 5:38 PM


Neil Banfield
Reply #2 Saturday, March 12, 2011 7:10 PM

Is the problem they preview ok but do not apply to the desktop?

Reply #3 Saturday, March 12, 2011 9:33 PM

Just the Disable Desktop doesn't work.

 Unable to play dream because info box pops up. It says I do not have the codecs. I have looked for them but, as yet haven't found them. 

I can play dreams on random background.? They work fine. I get a different dream every time I start my pc. Works great. 


Reply #4 Sunday, March 13, 2011 6:48 AM

telecharger Dreamscene puis sur l'application click droit apres,,,random background... on peu literalament telecharger et envoyer en format wmv tout type de film sur l'ecran 

Reply #5 Sunday, March 13, 2011 7:17 AM

dreamscapes reconnait les video en format wmv...Convertir

Reply #6 Sunday, March 13, 2011 7:38 AM

I'd suggest opening Impulse, selecting Dreamscapes3 and "shift+rightclick" then choose verify installation. If it's not installed correctly, do as the software suggests (update, whatever).

You might also try uninstalling through Impulse, rebooting and reinstalling, rebooting and checking to see if it works then.

If not, the fault might be the Codecs.

Read this post:


Try reading through the post completely, IROKONESS. The software mentioned is free and does a great deal. Don't install Codecs without advice of say, CarGuy1 or Neil.

The software might be able to tell you what's wrong.


Reply #7 Sunday, March 13, 2011 10:07 AM

I will try these right now.

Reply #8 Sunday, March 13, 2011 10:25 AM

I think that's it.

Reply #9 Sunday, March 13, 2011 11:24 AM

I uninstalled through Impulse. Then reinstalled. Didn't make a difference. It says it is locked and cannot reactivate. Also deleted from C:\prgrams86..  Now Impulse is saying it is having probs. I will send this to Stardock support.  Thank-you.


OK, I was able to download and install on my desktop the beer dreamscape through Winzip. Go figure. Still can't through Dreamscape though. ?  


Reply #10 Sunday, March 13, 2011 12:58 PM

I think (since I've never seen that problem) I should really just say, "Shoot off an email to support@stardock.com", and wait for an answer from an actual person before replying.

I wonder if "taking ownership" of Deskscapes and/or "running as Administrator" might not solve it.

Iwould try uninstalling Dreamscapes through Impulse, then resetting data through the left side blue tab, then closing, rebooting and reinstall, reboot.

Make sure all antivirals and firewalls are off, though until the rinstall is finshed.

You never told me what the results of 'verify installation' revealed.

Reply #11 Sunday, March 13, 2011 2:40 PM

Doc, I checked out the verify installation and my putor crashed. Verified all was good though. Started it back again in safe mode, recovery. It restored successfully.  

And I just thought it better to contact support when Impulse started acting up. Not sure what's going on. 

Will try opening with Admin rights though. 

Reply #12 Sunday, March 13, 2011 5:03 PM

OK, I did the Admin throught Impulse, uninstall,reset data,rebooted,reinstalled Dreamscape. The same. 

Thanks Doc. 

Reply #13 Sunday, March 13, 2011 5:08 PM

Sounds like something's corrupt. You might consider start menu>cmd prompt> "C: sfc/ scannow /f /r" (without the ""marks) .

You might end up having to uninstall your current Impulse and stardock apps and then rinstalling everything...but I'd wait for support to tell me to do something that drastic.

Another solution might end up doing a system restore to a point in time when you are certain everything was running correctly.

Also... get rid of any politicians on your computer.  

Reply #14 Sunday, March 13, 2011 5:09 PM

sorry, double post.

Reply #15 Sunday, March 13, 2011 7:27 PM

Also... get rid of any politicians on your computer.  [/quote]     

I'm thinking corruption to. Maybe with my reg keys????


Saw errors there while poking around. I don't want to reinstall window 7.  OMG  

Reply #16 Sunday, March 13, 2011 7:34 PM

Saw errors there while poking around. I don't want to reinstall window 7. OMG

Do you have a registry backup (recent- before the trouble started)? Do you have a restore point from before the problems started? Do you have an external backup from before the trouble started?

Reply #17 Sunday, March 13, 2011 8:27 PM

Nope. Like I said this has been going on "foe" awhile.  Before my Acronis.

It's gonna be a long March.   

I'm not doing it now. I will Malware, RegDefense, DriverRobot,Defrag,Norton360 and whatever else to try to straighten this out. 

Fingers crossed!

Just the odd thing here and there, I can deal with that.  It seems to be increasing...  In weird ways. Like my dreams are working except for disable desktop. I installed the Chrome browser, apparently it is not installed correctly. It's my best browser. Until Chrome acts up, I'll leave it. And it's funny stuff like that. 

Silverlight is installed, but didn't recognize it. But, it did before. Had to do the whole uninstall reinstall or no Netflix. haha

Couldn't access my internet once. Contacted my subscriber. I don't think he fixed it. He just sort of rerouted me. Wonder bout that now.... 



Reply #18 Sunday, March 13, 2011 9:11 PM

I think you should visit hijackthis.com and read, and do a scan. When really weird things happen, there's a virus/trojan somewhere.... sorry to hear about the lack of backups. I don't know what your ISP has to do with it, but I'd make good and sure that no virus is involved.

After that, if there's nothing, then wait for support, since there are no restoration points.

I'd also think that since there are registry errors, they should be corrected. iolo system mechanic regular or pro are excellent for system maintenance and registry stuff.

Reply #19 Sunday, March 13, 2011 11:28 PM

Your wonderful Doc. Thank-you. And I will try those also. 

Virus/trojan aye? There is weird stuff like that yes. It says cannot install. I click Ok. Then it starts running.?  

I would rather Trojan than reg keys though.

Reply #20 Sunday, March 13, 2011 11:43 PM

See if it can Identify what the problem is, then, it's easy enough to research how to fix it...if you can...

The question is, how to repair the damage. Gonna be difficult without a backup of your original software, Irokoness...

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