Wallpapers in progress
For those wanting serious critiques only!!
Saturday, October 23, 2010 by teddybearcholla | Discussion: Wallpapers
Thought I would start this thread in the hopes that there will be good and serious critiques. I can be your first *victim* IR or whomever wishes to give me direction!!!
This is in progress....it is a photo I took and then added the little ghosties...which may or may not work.
Reply #2 Saturday, October 23, 2010 8:49 PM
Thank you tazgecko ( love that mental combination of the tazmanian devil and a gecko!) ....but fun or not...will it work as a wallpaper?
Reply #3 Saturday, October 23, 2010 9:14 PM
Its a wallpaper which does not take itself seriously. The hue creates atmosphere.
The bunch of ghost start your eye to the left and follows through to the one on the right. Making you to look around the picture. They are nicely placed.
The backdrop has a pathway get a feel that you are walking along and the stumble across some ghost blocking your journey. A story
Perhaps ... The second ghost has smudged out the third and might need a touch up . Maybe some ghost need to be more transparent lower down.
There is to much blank space on the upper third of the picture, an old ruin in the background?
Does it work? ... For me yes. Because its fun and something I would smile at on my desktop on Halloween
I am sure others would disagree.
Reply #4 Saturday, October 23, 2010 9:32 PM
Thank you very much for your thoughts !!! This really helps me!!
Reply #6 Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:42 PM
I'm going to compare Po's wall with yours.....
Honestly, I like Po's version better. Only for the reason that it's a bit more 'mature' (cant think of a better word). I guess it depends on your audience, and who you really want to appeal to. Your's, TBC, is more of a fun look at ghosts, and Po's is a more realistic looks at them....which I personally prefer.
On a more technical note, Po's wall has a better background, because it has better lighting. I'm not knocking your photo in the least! There is just more contrast between the background and foreground in his, which I think is a bit more interesting. There is more depth to it.
Also, I think your ghosts should vary more in transparency from each other, Which would also give it more depth.
Reply #7 Sunday, October 24, 2010 6:38 AM
Just kidding Po!!!
...Thank you Xiandi for your thoughts!!! On the technical side, I know mine needs more contrast among other things, but in comparing mine with Po's, mine has more room for all the bright colorful Halloween icons...more *empty space*. I can *throw out the ghosts* and just leave the foggy photo with a bit more contrast.
....I really hope others will post their *in progress wallpapers*!!!! Well could even be a dock or icon....I know there is a thread for Windowblinds already!!
Reply #10 Sunday, October 24, 2010 1:09 PM
Teddy...I think if you added some sort of structure...such as an old house or something along those lines in that empty background area it might add to the wall...I think thats whats missing...that background area looks a bit to empty.
Reply #11 Sunday, October 24, 2010 1:25 PM
This is one I've been having some problems with. Notice the tree center of the wall. My mistake was making them too dark and taking away the detail. Comes from not knowing enough about photoshop's add fill layer or whatever you call that thing. Any suggestions?
Reply #13 Sunday, October 24, 2010 2:27 PM
I don't know how you have it layered. Is the shadowing a layer?
Try Brightness/contrast.
If you can't salvage them, try here for some brushes to start over with on the trees. DA TREE BRUSHES
I start with black paint...add some effects..then for perspective use gaussian blur. Or smart blur for subtle blur at 3 and 24
Reply #14 Sunday, October 24, 2010 2:45 PM
AV, on that second wall, I would kill the graininess on the 'frames'. Make 'em glossy or matt. To much 'grain' for me. Needs some contrast. IMHO
I hate 'em. I have been tweaking them forever and getting nowhere.
Reply #15 Sunday, October 24, 2010 2:49 PM
I Have been working on this wall
This wallpaper is actually a tweak/update of an the wallpaper I did in 2008: http://2of3.deviantart.com/art/Assimilation-Wall-Pack-79566115
It's based on the main DVD menu of the Star Trek TNG episode The Best of Both Worlds
Reply #16 Sunday, October 24, 2010 2:58 PM
It looks better than the menu
Reply #17 Sunday, October 24, 2010 3:58 PM
The dark patch was the result of applying one of the adjustment layers. I tried following the tut but somehow the values called for gave a different result. I think it was the levels adjustment layer. I had tried brightness/contrast but as you can see it messed up even more. I dl'd the brush tree sets plus some others. I'm going to start it from scratch. Here is the image I started with.
Reply #18 Sunday, October 24, 2010 4:15 PM
This is one I've been having some problems with. Notice the tree center of the wall. My mistake was making them too dark and taking away the detail. Comes from not knowing enough about photoshop's add fill layer or whatever you call that thing. Any suggestions?
Honestly, Uvah? OK... I'd make the bats more 'realistic' and detailed. Resize the grave marker. Spider web and foreground tree more detailed. Use some fog in between the trees and spiderweb. Just my 2 cents.
Reply #19 Sunday, October 24, 2010 4:39 PM
You could do it all with brushes. Everything in this one (yeah, I know, it's one of my older works) is either brushes or free hand.
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Reply #1 Saturday, October 23, 2010 8:41 PM