This is why I am not voting for this Idiot
Monday, August 9, 2010 by mrs_starkers | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Yes its that time of year again for us Australian Aussies, I came across this video and I think it says it all
Reply #2 Monday, August 9, 2010 11:29 PM
you are opening a can of worms mrs starkers.
I am not voting for the mad monk anyway
Reply #3 Monday, August 9, 2010 11:59 PM
He'll likely make bible-bashing compulsory....whilst outlawing homosexuality and abortion.
AND he gives cyclists a bad name....
And of course he can those Budgie-smugglers....all he has to do is flap his ears.
He missed the chance of a be in 'power' when Costello was around....
They'd make a great comedy duo.....
....if they weren't so sad and pathetic.
OK, so my sis knows Julia quite well [I met her once too]....but then over the years I've also met Whitlam, Fraser and Hawke as well ....2 of them while PM. - something probably impossible/unlikely with the US Pres....
Reply #4 Tuesday, August 10, 2010 12:45 AM
hehehe lets hope he is not PM omg this could be bad .... I could not help it I just had to add this one
Reply #5 Tuesday, August 10, 2010 1:01 AM
nah, I am not opening a can of worms, the can was already opened, I just made the hole bigger
Reply #7 Tuesday, August 10, 2010 1:24 AM
and the snakes will come out
Had a go at Hawke when I was a kid. He went down to Queenstown talking about the Franklin Dam. Everyone was working at the time and only me and a few mates told him what we thought. He came on over and laughed it off and asked us why we were not at school. A good bloke, I have a lot of time for him. Could drink a ton as well.
Reply #8 Tuesday, August 10, 2010 1:44 AM
After seeing him in those, how on earth could anybody take him seriously? I mean, come on...
Let's not tempt fate here. We've already had one (very unfunny) comedy duo in Canberra... Howard & Costello.
The last thing we need is Abbott cnd Cost... er, Hockey.
Reply #9 Tuesday, August 10, 2010 1:49 AM
I saw a Bio on him the other night and that was a real eye opener, it gave you an insight of what he was like . I enjoyed it Then after that they did an interview with him and that was good too ...... my mum and dad and I went to the Longford show once and Mr Robin Gray was there he walked passed my dad and Mr Gray went to shake my dads hand and dad told him to "f*ck off you libral basterd" , and me being a" kid said who the hell are you" I didn't know who he was at the time hehe... His wife once told my sister-in-law that she had to work as well cos they couldn't live off Robbin's wage
Reply #10 Tuesday, August 10, 2010 8:28 AM
Australian Aussies? What is that? Isn't Aussies slang for Australians or are you using it like African American, or Irish American? Just curious.
Reply #11 Tuesday, August 10, 2010 9:23 AM
just wanted to see who was paying attention lol , nah just a typo lol
Reply #13 Tuesday, August 10, 2010 11:49 AM
The one we have is doing enough damage, we don't wan't any more...
Reply #14 Tuesday, August 10, 2010 2:50 PM
Obama's not the one who went in with the largest treasury surplus in history and left with the largest treasury deficit in history. That would be the Penguin and the Joker.
Reply #15 Tuesday, August 10, 2010 3:15 PM
Might wanna re-think that one.
Reply #16 Tuesday, August 10, 2010 4:11 PM
Reply #17 Tuesday, August 10, 2010 8:13 PM
Ah....the process of government.
Step 1. Fuck up the country/economy.
Step 2. Get voted into opposition by the unhappy constituents.
Step 3. Blame the new government for not fixing/unfucking the country/economy.
Step 4. Rely on voters' short attention span to return you to power.
Step 5. Continue with the fucking of the country/economy.
Step 6. Get voted into opposition by.....
Reply #18 Tuesday, August 10, 2010 8:54 PM
Well, if you're giving 'em away, well take two (in case we wear out the first one) and a Homer Simpson for deputy PM.
Well it couldn't be any worse than Abbott and Cost-Hockey. God help us if that pair get in.
Step 1. Fuck up the country/economy.
Step 2. Get voted into opposition by the unhappy constituents.
Step 3. Blame the new government for not fixing/unfucking the country/economy.
Step 4. Rely on voters' short attention span to return you to power.
Step 5. Continue with the fucking of the country/economy.
Step 6. Get voted into opposition by.....
And let's not forget:
*The gratuitous and insincere kissing of babies while on the campaign trail...
*The shaking of peoples hands they wouldn't be seen dead with at any other time..
*The badmouthing of opponents rather than explaining their own policies...
*The promises aplenty that they never intend to keep...
*And once in office, the minders they employ to prevent you ever gaining access to your representative.
Oh and let's not forget the huge cleaning bill to clean up all the bullshit.
Reply #19 Wednesday, August 11, 2010 2:22 PM
Starkers I'm surprised you didn't mention all the spam. The television spam, the radio spam, the poster spam, the telephone spam. Marketing saturation in its full glory. Enough to test anyone's sanity. I know how you love that
Reply #20 Wednesday, August 11, 2010 9:07 PM
I know how you love that
Well! Now that you've got me started, yeah, I fucken hate all the political spam before and after elections. It's every fucken where... on the telly, on radio, on the internet, on banners in peoples front yards... every fucken where.
Yup, I just mute the TV when the polly ads are on, and I don't bother turning the radio on during election periods. I can't do much about the banners in peoples yards, but a good pair of sunnies helps a little.
And on election day, when the party faithful are handing out their 'how to vote' leaflets, I thank them for the toilet paper... "cos we keep running out due to the GST and high taxes!"
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Reply #1 Monday, August 9, 2010 11:27 PM
Tony Abbott would have to be the biggest waste of space to ever pull on a politician suit in the history of Australia... er, the World.
I disliked lil Johnny intensely, but this maniacal dweeb is more than despicable... reminds me of a dictator from another era, and he certainly would take us back to the Dark Ages.
Hopefully Australia wakes up before he is PM.