A-Drive 50 gigs Free Online Storage
Thursday, July 29, 2010 by G3mpi3 | Discussion: Personal Computing
Hey everyone,
I was looking at the gadget and gear deals of the day over at Lifehacker.com and one of the free deals was 50 gigs of storage on a site called ADrive. I just signed up, and I wanted to share it with the rest of the community because 50 gigs is a really good amount of storage for free. I was using box.net, but they only allowed me to use 1 gig for free.
I would suggest signing up, it's free, and you can check a box so they don't heckle you with emails.
Reply #2 Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:49 PM
Having additional storage for data is good, especially for back ups but I'm not sure I would feel safe doing it where it is out of my control.
Getting addtional storgae is not really that expensive anymore and you can choose from internal to external drives.
Reply #5 Thursday, July 29, 2010 2:20 PM
The free one sounds good...
Holy Hard Drive Geek-Man (Note NOT the OP)
Premium 1TB: $131.95/month or $1,319.50/year Are they ate up or what you can buy a NEW 1TB HDD for less than they want for one month not to mention
You might even be able to get a 2TB HDD at or a little more the one month...
Reply #7 Thursday, July 29, 2010 3:11 PM
Premium 1TB: $131.95/month or $1,319.50/year Are they ate up or what you can buy a NEW 1TB HDD for less than they want for one month not to mention
You might even be able to get a 2TB HDD at or a little more the one month...
I thought the same thing, but that's why I signed up for the free one. I don't know of anyone in their right mind that would pay that.
Reply #8 Thursday, July 29, 2010 3:16 PM
Oh wow! haha I didn't notice that "premium" package. No one would ever pay that much! That's just ridiculous! haha
Reply #9 Thursday, July 29, 2010 3:46 PM
The aDrive is for a lot of people that share files. If you are a large company that you have download links to software the pro is the way to go. Its outsourcing.
The one thing about sharing files on aDrive is the almost direct link but the off side is those files are only shared for 30 days on a free account and will have to be re-linked every 30 days.
Reply #10 Thursday, July 29, 2010 4:43 PM
I'll keep my SkyDrive it's free but only 25GB but then again I have 4 E-mails with MSN/HotMail/Live
and I can tell anyone the link and it's good till I remove said link. and Can give them/or one access to upload to it to..
Does anyone Know what MSN stands for is it MicroSoft Nagging or Net
Reply #12 Tuesday, August 3, 2010 5:19 AM
I wonder how long it will take before some moron starts filling his 50 gigs with pirated games and movies lol?
"Kid A" comes home from school. Logs in to his free 50 gigs and uploads all the games he downloaded via torrent the night before. He emails the account and pass to his buddy, "Kid B", who logs on and grabs those games, then changes the pass and gives it to another buddy, "Kid C", or he just leaves the pass what it is and hands it out to "D-E-F-G", you get the idea. Thanks for the free piracy internet!!!
Than again these guys probably check to make sure pirated stuff isn't being uploaded, right?
Reply #13 Tuesday, August 3, 2010 6:21 AM
they say they do and will cut you off and send the info with of the pirated stuff to the cops.
I read on their aDrive site that they have the right to look in your storage space any time for any reason
Reply #14 Tuesday, August 3, 2010 12:04 PM
they say they do and will cut you off and send the info with of the pirated stuff to the cops.
I read on their aDrive site that they have the right to look in your storage space any time for any reason
Which is exactly why I wouldn't use something like this. What I store somewhere should be my business. By storing files on someone else's hardware you give them the legal right to browse through it any time they want. While I agree with that and agree with it being used to fight Piracy, what's to stop one of their disgruntled or dishonest employees from browsing through any financial files someone might put in there because they think it's "secure" ? Because they say they won't? RofL....Because someone might try to sue them if their bank account info gets stolen because they chose to store it on a online website? Hahaha...both of those cases would get laughed out of court and the person who put their bank account info in there would be blamed for putting his or her bank account info there in the first place.
It's a very handy service, don't get me wrong. I think it's really cool the site/company would do something like that for free. Sites like this can be used for backing up important files that you don't want to get lost or deleted by accident or want to have duplicates of, but I'd highly recommend NOT putting any "sensitive information" onto any site like that. This leads to a slight problem. Why even use it if you can't keep sensitive information there safely? What about the customers privacy? Privacy becomes irrelevant once you upload something to a companies hardware. People should keep that in mind.
Reply #15 Tuesday, August 3, 2010 12:14 PM
One word....encryption.
Reply #16 Tuesday, August 3, 2010 3:05 PM
what's to stop one of their disgruntled or dishonest employees from browsing through any financial files someone might put in there because they think it's "secure" ?
One word....encryption.
Good point! I didn't think of that honestly as I wouldn't think it would be necessary on a "secure" server. Most normal uses don't think about it either I would think. When I say normal I'm thinking about some little old lady who would want to use it to save pictures or old financial records or medical records or something. Then again I also don't see there being a lot of users like that anyway.
Reply #17 Tuesday, August 3, 2010 5:07 PM
I've got it! MassiveSpyNetwork

Reply #18 Tuesday, August 3, 2010 6:44 PM
I would NEVER use or rely on a website for file/data storage.
Reply #19 Tuesday, August 3, 2010 9:47 PM
Well isn't that easy for a Stardock employee to say.
I suppose all us modders should use our own computers to host mods?
EDIT: Isn't Impulse a website for data storage, HOLY CRAP am I glad I bought physical media.
Reply #20 Tuesday, August 3, 2010 9:58 PM
I am 10,000 miles away from Michigan so any connection with Stardock is about as remote as it can get....
The reality is that no online reliance on data accessibility is totally within your OWN control.
If a site/host/web-based storage 'system' goes down...or goes bust totally....you are hosed.
Storage [as in data/backup/whatever] should be on STABLE physical media.
The Internet and its accessibility is guaranteed NOT to be stable.
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Reply #1 Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:48 PM
Thanks, Glen! 50 gigs is a nice freebie!