I am Back
Friday, April 2, 2010 by mrs_starkers | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
I am back after being away for 7 weeks on Holidaying in Tasmania Australia, and in that time my daughter gave birth to another beautiful baby boy he was born by caesarean section on the 7th March and weighed 4 pounds 15 and 1/2 ozs and was 3 weeks prem Zabia Gefery Leigh Murfet he is a gourgus little man and it was hard to leave both boys behind when it was the time to come home yesterday 1st april. unfortuantally I did'nt get to see my sister Joan due to the fact that the Birth of our second Grandson was born and it was a scary time at that , Bianca had a Hemorrage behind the Placenta and that was causing the baby to stress so an emergency ceaser was done and both are doing well and baby and mom are home.
Decon had to show off his new wig lol so cute, BTW we did'nt buy this for him we let him try it on for size hehehe
Reply #3 Friday, April 2, 2010 9:51 AM
Thanks Philly
I blame Zubaz
Reply #6 Friday, April 2, 2010 11:39 AM
Yeah...and tell ceaser...nice job! ...mumbles to self..."who the hell is ceaser?...must be the dad!"
Reply #7 Friday, April 2, 2010 12:34 PM
although just a little too much detail, cute baby, congrats grandma.
Reply #8 Friday, April 2, 2010 2:21 PM
It's good that you're back home so that you can supervise starkers. Did you know that he went to Subway instead of eating beans? The horrors!
Reply #11 Friday, April 2, 2010 8:20 PM
Damn!!!! That means no more wild orgies.. and I'll have to tell those 'maids' I hired that their services will no longer be required.
Believe me, I"ve tried to rectify that problem, even went to the trouble of getting her a Macquarie dictionary, but she said there was no way she'd read it. When I asked as to why not, she replied: "Cos it's got no plot and a shithouse story!"
Just don't mumble that too loudly.... it'll just add to the confusion. As far as them down in Tassie are concerned Caeser is a bloke in the history books... and it'll just befuddle the buggery out of 'em even more to discover that's the name of the milkman as well.
Reply #13 Friday, April 2, 2010 8:34 PM
sounds vegetarian to me. or some twit in a toga. whatever...dead as a door nail. heard his buds didn't like him much...could be Ides-le rumor, though.
Beautiful little girl, and the catch with the placenta was a good one. for the OB.
oh yeah...the heck with the spelling. I understand what you wrote.
I'm happy you're home, Pyrate Girl.
Reply #14 Friday, April 2, 2010 9:57 PM
Thanks Doc, but Zabia is a little boy he is so cute I wanted to put him in my pocket and bring him home, his mom and dad said I could'nt
hehe, but everytime Decon was naughty I would say to Decon come home with nan
ahhhhh the joys of being parents
..... Thanks everyone for the warm welcome home
Reply #16 Saturday, April 3, 2010 9:09 AM
welcome home mrs starkers, gorgeous pics by the way
Reply #17 Saturday, April 3, 2010 10:14 AM
Thanks Doc, and Loukeeya, they are my 2 handsome babies I miss them so much after being home for 2 days lol
Reply #18 Saturday, April 3, 2010 8:10 PM
They are beautiful children mrs starkers. I am glad mum and baby are fine.
Great photos
Reply #19 Saturday, April 3, 2010 11:14 PM
Caeser is a bloke in the history books
Yeah, you're right to sigh, They'd only know about Caesar from TV, cos none of them wots involved actually read books... history or otherwise. In fact, a couple of 'em would only pick up a book if it wos full o' pichers .... cos plain text to them is like heiroglyphics to the rest of us.
Reply #20 Monday, April 5, 2010 2:35 AM
Here is Decon wearing my sunglasses, we were on the bus going home from shopping
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Reply #1 Friday, April 2, 2010 9:41 AM
When it's tiem to eddykate the rug-rats...find someone else to handel speling....