ObjectDock 2.0 Beta Feedback

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 by Island Dog | Discussion: ObjectDock

ObjectDock 2.0 beta went out today to customers who have pre-ordered.  To keep some order in the forums, lets try to consolidate some of the feedback into this thread.

If you are posting an issue please be as descriptive as possible so we can address it if possible.  Thanks for your feedback and enjoy!


March 30:

Beta Release


July 29th:

Beta v1.98 released



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Reply #1 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:15 PM

1) Cool reflection effect "sticky" only seems to work on a dock on the bottom of screen

2) Trying to create a decent taskbar - "Start Menu" is on the right of  "show all open programs", can't seem to change that. Can't just drag it to  the left of the open programs.

3) Still no weather docklet....


Reply #2 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:32 PM

In the fianl release will the interface be able to be skinned by WBs?

Reply #3 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:34 PM

Well im still messing with it, but i find it to be a great improvement over the original especially its 64-bit support. It has a nice and sleek user interface. And i really like the fact that some of the backgrounds are design in 3d, but that can bring a problem when docking to the top of the screen as in the case of the Sliver Fox background.

Good new is that it still works with stacks docklet, although i would have like to seen that option built in.

The only problem that i found with its functionality is the system tray option, where you can only sure all the active tray icons, because if you choose only show a few icons, it wont work, unless thats just a 64-bt issue.

And one thing that i miss is the ability to open new instance of a program by double clicking it if you have it set to only bring that program forward  if it was already running.

I give this beta a 4.5/5

Reply #4 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:34 PM

Two Questions:

1) Where do you go to change the running indicators?

2) How do you save your current docks, and load saved docks?

Reply #5 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:38 PM

Could be please consider implementing an option for either common (ie all users) or individual storage of dock configuration. I have a family computer and, while each family member has their own login in order to access individual email accounts and documents, they all share the same basic screen and program options and it'd be much simplier if I didn't have to copy the object docks configuration files to each user's AppData location, everytime I make a change. On this computer, I'd prefer a single copy of the dock configuration files located at C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Stardock\ObjectDockPlus instead of 5 identical copies located at C:\Users\[Individual User Name]\AppData\Local\Stardock\ObjectDockPlus where [Individual User Name] is replaced by the name of each of the 5 individuals who share this computer. I realize that other people may want to customize dock settings for each individual user on a multiuser computer so that this possibility should be an option as well. Thanks.


Reply #6 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:41 PM

Well, it loaded my previous monster 6 dock three monitor config just fine, only breaking on the stacks docklet custom icons...which have always been touchy.  8)


The ghost effect is very interesting.  Not sure if I am going to use it or not, but...very nice new feature.

Reflections need to be added to default zoomers, of course.  This would also allow them to be dialed in separately from the background.  For example, I have configs where I'd like to keep the reflections but turn the background dock 100% transparent/completely invisible.

There's a new bug with my multimon setup, in that the monitor selection for zoomers breaks.  Even though all three monitors show up in the popup menu, only the 1st (primary, graphics card 1) and the third monitor (graphics card 2) can be assigned to zoomers.  When I try to select monitor 2 (secondary, graphics card 1), the zoomer pops to the third monitor.

Interestingly, since my config was created with the previous version of ObjectDock Plus, all of my monitor 2 zoomers are currently still on monitor 2 and work just fine.   It's just that I know I won't be able to move them off and then on again.

The same bug exists with tabbed docks, but since you can drag a tabbed dock, you can workaround this to get everything in the right place.  Since you can't drag a zoomer, this option doesn't work yet.  The only other workaround would be editing the .ini file, I assume.

And the old bug for multimonitor setups is still here, re: if my mouse is on the primary monitor, everything loads fine, but if my mouse is on any other monitor, any tabbed docks on the primary monitor appear on the secondary monitor.  The workaround is to immediately quit objectdock and reload it, this time with the mouse hovering over the primary.

All in all though, I like the new config, the program seems to be much faster, reflections are pretty (looking forward to dialing them in), etc. etc.  Well done!


PS I am on Windows 7 x64.

Reply #7 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:44 PM

There isnt an option for either of those from what ive seen

Reply #8 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:53 PM

Wow your right, i can get my zoomer to go to other monitor, but ill never see a reason to move it from my primary so thats not a really big deal for me

Reply #9 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:56 PM


While thats would be a great idea for people your your circumstance, i dont think theyll create something like that kinda seems like a lot of hassle

Reply #10 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 5:16 PM

Suggestion: Consider adding a 'close' button on each icon in the OD taskbar, just like Window 7 has.

Reply #11 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:01 PM

Here's a biggggg hug for the creator(s) of this version!!!

The one thing I really wanted for Objectdock is now possible - ICON TRANSPARENCY!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


How do you save your docks?

How do you center tabs on a tabbed dock?


Reply #12 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:09 PM

Some essential questions:

- Where is ObjectDock V2 installing itself and sub-folders like "backgrounds" and so ?

- Are previous themes done and save under ObjectDock Plus V1 compatible ?

Reply #13 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:10 PM


I'm running Vista 64 and I have a Windows Home Server. 


The issue that I have is whenever I left click or right click on the Windows Home Server icon from the ObjectDock sys tray, I get an error  saying "windows home server connector failed to satart. Please reinstall the WHS connector software" and then the icon disappears from the OD sys tray.  If I exit ObjectDock then and run WHS from the Windows sys tray it runs fine.


Is there a way to have windows digital clock on a dock?  I know that there are some add-ons online for that but it would be great if there was an option to turn the default analog clock docklet into a digital one.

Great updates overall by the way!


Reply #14 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:11 PM

Wow! Nice touch on the Ghost Mode

Reply #15 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:26 PM

- Where is ObjectDock V2 installing itself and sub-folders like "backgrounds" and so ?


C:\Program Files\Stardock\ObjectDockPlus2

Reply #16 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:32 PM

Wow! Nice touch on the Ghost Mode

I saw it but I don't see why someone would need this. Anybody?

Reply #17 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:36 PM



While thats would be a great idea for people your your circumstance, i dont think theyll create something like that kinda seems like a lot of hassle

Why is it a "lot of hassle?" Most programs that I install have an option to install for "all users" or the "current user" and I hope that one of the goals in rewritting OD would be to make it easier to revise to support future needs of the users.

Reply #18 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:53 PM

Would it be possible to have different icons if there's several applications with same named .exe?

e.g. two games that both use Launcher.exe to start. Now they both use same icon.

Reply #19 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:55 PM



Two issues...setup screens do not scale withWindows font choices other than 100% font size in windows 7.0 64 bit.  It would be nice if they a) automatically scaled with font choices or would allow manual resizing in both vertical and horizontal mode.

Second, Word Web, a sys tray dictionary/thesaurus breaks into two windows (rather than single window) when started from the systray extension on an OD Dock.

Is there going to be an address we can send beta problems to other than posting in this particular forum?  Screen shots would make this alot easier!

Finally, thank you for your work, OD 2.0 looks like it is worth the wait!


Reply #20 Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:57 PM

double post...sorry


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