New Hard Drives May Force XP Users to Upgrade to Windows 7

Thursday, March 11, 2010 by natas2 | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Your computer won't smack you in the face and force you to upgrade, but poor performance might.  Hit the link.

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Reply #1 Thursday, March 11, 2010 7:20 AM

Interesting....had to happen, I suppose....

Reply #2 Thursday, March 11, 2010 8:07 AM

yep had to happen, technology marches on

I.R. Brainiac
Reply #3 Thursday, March 11, 2010 10:02 AM

10% performance hit...or a forced move away from brainer.(or just dont buy one)

Also creating a market for old,unsold,or used hard drives.

7 isnt too bad,dont hate it...but it still dosnt do anything XP dosnt on a 5 year old PC...might be more excited about it if I had the hardware to take advantage of it.

Fuzzy Logic
Reply #4 Thursday, March 11, 2010 2:50 PM

Even with a 10% hit XP is still faster than Vista

I.R. Brainiac
Reply #5 Friday, March 12, 2010 11:32 AM

Even with a 10% hit XP is still faster than Vista


Reply #6 Friday, March 12, 2010 3:15 PM

Yeah world of techology matches on. Someday the only way to run xp will be in emulators.

Reply #7 Friday, March 12, 2010 3:18 PM

[begin rant]

You know...I'm really tired of this "must upgrade" mentality just because some "claimed" better thing comes out...what the hell is it with people? Doesn't anyone think for themselves anymore?  Is everyone becoming a bunch of lemmings.  I must upgrade... I must upgrade... I must upgrade... What a bunch of shit!

Oh...I I'm smarter than you! What a bunch of goobers! 

XP work works perfectly! Deal with it. I don't have to ask it for permission to do anything...I click on something and it just does it. No UAC or anything else stupid like that. Go figure!?

Actually...they should just do this with everything....each year you should buy a new car...doesn't matter if the old one works...everyone is doing it and so should you! Same thing with tv's...cellphones...microwaves...basically everything electronic. OH....and your yard is looking a bit worn...time for a new yard....why...because everyone is doing it!!!!

Well...if this is the route the powers that be are going to take...time to stock up on hard drives.

[End rant]


Psssst....    Don't tell anyone  because you know you want to be the first one to get it...but...they are going to come out with something that will really blow away Vista & 7  That heard it here first. It will make Vista & 7 look like a black & white tv compared to this! It won't work as well as XP...but so's the next best thing! And you know you just gotta have it!   

Ok...I'm better now...the meds are kicking in!

Reply #8 Friday, March 12, 2010 3:46 PM

Oh my! A breath of fresh air--somebody actually told the truth for once You vote with your wallet, if you wanna keep making Bill Gates rich keep buying every little revision of his operating system he comes out with, I won't. I might add, hard drive technology's time is limited as well, I'm running XP very well off a 512 gb SSD drive and it's a lot faster than my son's windows 7 machine and runs better to boot.

Reply #9 Friday, March 12, 2010 6:11 PM

I'm running XP very well off a 512 gb SSD drive and it's a lot faster than my son's windows 7 machine and runs better to boot

Anything would run better on a 512gig SSD.

Anyone who thinks XP and/or Vista is a better OS than 7 is living in Lala land.

Reply #10 Friday, March 12, 2010 8:58 PM

What a bunch of goobers!

    WG I don't know how long it's been since I saw the word "goobers"!  I didn't think anybody used it anymore

Reply #11 Friday, March 12, 2010 9:59 PM

I'm running XP very well off a 512 gb SSD drive and it's a lot faster than my son's windows 7 machine and runs better to boot

Anything would run better on a 512gig SSD.

Anyone who thinks XP and/or Vista is a better OS than 7 is living in Lala land.

Better for who? Neither Vista or 7 run half the emulation programs I use or the old games I play, even on "XP" mode. That's why I dumped it off the brand new machine I bought and reinstalled XP. I don't insist you use it, but don't insist others are idiots because they don't subscribe to your own prejudices.

Reply #12 Friday, March 12, 2010 10:26 PM

I've said it before and I'll say it again... XP looks like crap, behaves like crap, is crap.  Since the advent of Win 7, anyone still using XP is a froot loop and should be penalised.... except Webgizmos.  He has a peculiar and unfortunate mental condition and he can't afford the only meds that truly help control his wacky ideas, idiosyncracies and cravings for Fisher Price facsimilies (XP).  Anhow, we forgive him and hope one day his alternative choice of 'med' becomes legal  Howver, I digress.

So, back to the penalties for still using XP now that Win 7 is available.  First off, I think Windows Update for XP users should include pop up ads for Win 7... initially small ones from the taskbar and getting bigger as users click them off/ignore them.  If after a while the slightly bigger ads are ignored, then the next phase should be large ads popping up all over in Internet Explorer, Office applications and even Firefox, just in case.  The third stage would be at boot up... as in prior to Windows XP starting, they get a 30 minute infomercial on Win 7 by their most annoying TV/film personality.

But wait, there's more!!!  XP users who avoid the 30 minute infomercial by going to make a cup of coffee will be further penalised by constant Win 7 nag screens with their mother-in-law on it.

Anyone who thinks XP and/or Vista is a better OS than 7 is living in Lala land.

Except Webgizmos!!  His condition goes way beyond Lala land... and it's not his fault.  As a kid he fell into a toy box full of Fisher Price stuff and the lid slammed shut.  He's had a complex ever since, and now XP is his constant companion/comfort zone cos owning/cuddling Fisher Price toys at his age is too embarrassing. 

Seriously now...

I'm running XP very well off a 512 gb SSD drive and it's a lot faster than my son's windows 7 machine and runs better to boot.

Hardly a fair comparison/true indicator when your son's Win 7 is on a regular HDD.  It's like comparing apples and oranges! And then you have to consider the other hardware as well. I seriously doubt that your XP would put-perfom your son's Win 7 if both were put through their paces on SSD drives and the same or similar hardware (CPU RAM, etc). 

According to several industry experts/critics, Win 7 is up to 20% faster than XP... and at the same stage of development, considerably more stable and reliable.

Bebi Bulma
Reply #13 Friday, March 12, 2010 10:28 PM

I love 7. Upgraded because my XP crashed on me (and/or the harddrive, one of the two). I don't miss XP whatsoever.

Reply #14 Saturday, March 13, 2010 1:52 AM


Reply #15 Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:31 AM

I guess you're entitled to your opinion, I seem to recall spending 28 months in South Viet Nam fighting for your right to drivel all you want, That 35 yo son likes win 7 because he makes his living as an IT guy for a large organization and they probably wouldn't need an IT guy if they didn't upgrade their machines every couple of years. I'll stick with my own opinion "if it ain't broke don't fix it."

Reply #16 Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:50 AM

I like Xp and Win 7  ... But Win 7 would be Better if I could have 3 things from XP

1) to move a file, folder, ect. where I want it, in the window a.k.a. the thumbnail Icons... I don't always want it to be alphabetized

    or have to hold down CTRL to highlight more then one item

2) space to the right of an open window... top and bottum of the Icons  

3) to be able to open .gif in Windows Photo Viewer and NOT Internet Explorer...

oh had to add a 4th one

4) to be able to change the boot skin


If anyone would tell me is their a program like Aida 32 that will work on 7 64bit...


But over all I WOULD NOT GIVE UP MY Win 7 but I still like XP pro  it's the 2nd best OS




Reply #17 Saturday, March 13, 2010 8:15 AM


Reply #18 Saturday, March 13, 2010 8:26 AM

Neither Vista or 7 run half the emulation programs I use or the old games I play,

If they are that old they need emulators....why use XP then?

Win 98....95....heck use the C64 if nostalgia is your thing.

OK, so I have DosBox on my Win7 run some vintage tin..... but I've otherwise had precious few proggies that would work on XP but didn't on 7 64bit ....other than specifics of the 64bit.

Win 7 is the first OS MS has made that even has passing success at preventing me from breaking it.  2K was touted as 'rock solid'.....I broke that one on average 3 times a day.

It got that bad I used the hack of the BSOD to skin the bloody thing....saw it almost more than the damn GUI.....

Reply #19 Saturday, March 13, 2010 8:55 AM

It got that bad I used the hack of the BSOD to skin the bloody thing....saw it almost more than the damn GUI


The point that no one has pointed out is the newer hard drive tech would increase the speed over an old drive on XP by about 20%.

That woud be reduced by 10% because of the block size.

End result: By replacing a 5 year old drive on an XP machine with the new tech, you would still see a performace increase of 10%.

Reply #20 Saturday, March 13, 2010 10:06 AM

Nobody rants about XP better than WebGizmos.

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