Second Revisions
What if I feel strongly about a wllpaper
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 by skyzyk | Discussion: Community
I wanted to know if there are provisions to ask for second revision of wallpapers submitted that we/I feel it wasa severely underated. I've already been threatened with exile because I submiited the same work three times by mistake. I know the standard line of "Well you can always go expose your work elsewhere." But tha's part of my post. I don't think those are ways to respond and I thought surely there must be a way to do this properly. Is there?
Reply #2 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 8:58 PM
No, that's been standard procedure for quite a while now.
Ever since some (not mentioning names) kept reuploading (without alterations/improvements) because their submissions had been sent to their Personal Pages.
Optional action to PP'ing submissions is exile, which we only do if any of the rules have been broken.
Reply #3 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:00 PM
I presume you viewed the wall. That's just the point. I don't see why I should have to. I do also expose my works at DA, Renderosity and Skinbase. I know it does not need changing. I'm just trying to understand why it was not accepted, that's all. Thank you for replying sydneysiders, most kind.
Reply #4 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:15 PM
So the answer would be, No there are no provisons f we think it's good enough? unless we change it. Am I underestanding corraectly Snowman. I thank you in trying to help me understand.
Reply #5 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:15 PM
I checked out your reminds me of a freaky looking bug, antennas and all.
Most people have a phobia of bugs, I know I do. Since the mods are just average folks, it could be they feel the same.
Take this as constructive criticism; it's not your best work.
Reply #6 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:20 PM
I didn't know.....I've never seen it written...then again...a long time since I read the guidelines. I gather it's in there, to make people aware..or perhaps they are given an email warning after the second......I suppose you have to keep the queue lengths under control somehow...
skyzyk...this complaint has been made so many times over the years...the best advice always ends up being...cut your losses..and move on to another creation....people will always view art differently....and the time you spend stressing on it...could have another goodun underway....
Reply #7 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:30 PM
If im being honest... It's not something I would use as a wallpaper, its too busy and does kinda look like a praying mantis or an earwig in a subliminal way.
Id suggest going in a smoother more minimal, less distractive direction, typically folks like a wall to accent a desktop, not overpower it.
Keep on trying and good things will happen and as far as walls go, don't submit it until its done.. final, your happy with it.
Reply #8 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:39 PM
Id suggest going in a smoother more minimal, less distractive direction, typically folks like a wall to accent a desktop, not overpower it.
Keep on trying and good things will happen and as far as walls go, don't submit it until its done.. final, your happy with it.
Thank you vStyler that's about what I wanted to know thank you.
Reply #9 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:40 PM
Been there.
Here is what the Mods accepted for my 'Snow Angel'.
Here is what was accepted for 'The Last Rose of Wicklow'.
I went through MANY different versions of each before they passed. Here is a link to my DA gallery that shows the other versions.
I was frustrated and confused and a bit miffed. But it just made me try harder. Use the rejections as a tool or motivation. Take advice and/or criticism from some others who have been at it longer. It get's better. Not every wall will make it. I had a few rejected that I didn't even bother to go back and try to change. I just moved on.
This 'particular' wall may be one you need to just 'let go' and move on to something else.
Good luck!
Reply #10 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:42 PM
Per Pixeling? Pixel Pirating? Powder Puffing? Pistol Packing? PoSmedley-Photoshopping?
Your welcome.. good luck.
Reply #11 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:44 PM
another suggestion would be to offer more sizes skyzyk....just the one is a bit restricting...perhaps put in a 1920x1200 and a 1600x1200 for good least... Check out the sizes others are offering that are increase your audience then....
Reply #12 Wednesday, October 7, 2009 10:45 AM
Thank you for your comments. That's what makes this site great. I've already cut my losses and moved on. Life is too short and there are still many more to make. Thank you sydneysiders, vStyler and PoSmedley. I guess I have to learn that not all "Art" will make good wallapapers and from a business point of view I can understand. Oh well I gotta go, got one in the oven now
You guys are great. .
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Reply #1 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 8:45 PM
that's a bit severe.....
I think everyone has a little something in their private gallery....and the more you churn out...the more chance some will end up there....through selection.....
if you really like it/them that could do a screenie of it and put in the monthly screenie thread....and screenshot gallery....and link to it....
or...keep working on it...and submit again after you have done some changes perhaps...
bottom line is...with the volume that come through...they just can't take every one....gotta be some selection...