DeskScapes 3 Beta 1 Released

Object Desktop subscribers go grab it!

Thursday, August 20, 2009 by Island Dog | Discussion: WinCustomize News

We are excited to announce the release of DeskScapes 3 – Beta 1 to current Object Desktop subscribers.  DeskScapes is an application where users can apply animated backgrounds, also called .dreams, to their desktop.  DeskScapes 3 introduces a variety of new features, the most obvious being the completely new user interface.  If you are trying out the WindowBlinds 7 beta, you will certainly recognize and be familiar with it.  It’s much cleaner, and easier to navigate.

8-20-2009 4-46-35 PM New User Interface

Another new feature is Effects.  These effects can be applied to a .dream to change and enhance the look.  This particular feature is only available to Windows Vista and Windows 7 users. 

8-20-2009 4-56-48 PMEffects

The last feature I will talk about today is live previews.  Now you will be able to view the .dream in action in the preview windows without having to apply it! 

Object Desktop subscribers can download the DeskScapes 3 Beta via Impulse.  We also have a forum thread open to allow users to report any issues.  For more information about becoming an Object Desktop subscriber, please visit

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Elsius Saint
Reply #1 Thursday, August 20, 2009 5:44 PM
Reply #2 Thursday, August 20, 2009 5:54 PM
Will this ever work on XP?
Reply #3 Thursday, August 20, 2009 5:59 PM

Will this ever work on XP?

yes it works on XP but without the effects

Reply #4 Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:18 PM
really cool app   
Reply #5 Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:18 PM

Very nice update .

After telling me the PC needs a reboot for Deskcapes installation to be finished, I just can't reboot my PC anymore even in safe mode with an error "can't load d3dx9_40.dll" when programs trying to launch

What am i supposed to do at least to be able to uninstall Descapes to get read of that silly error ?

N.B: running french XP SP3

Reply #6 Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:21 PM

The new interface for DeskScapes being the same as WBs is great.  Will this be the same for the other programs as well?

Neil Banfield
Reply #7 Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:39 PM

Very nice update .

After telling me the PC needs a reboot for Deskcapes installation to be finished, I just can't reboot my PC anymore even in safe mode with an error "can't load d3dx9_40.dll" when programs trying to launch

What am i supposed to do at least to be able to uninstall Descapes to get read of that silly error ?

N.B: running french XP SP3

Download and install this :

Reply #8 Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:40 PM
The effects are really cool, my 3 molecules dream plus the rainbow effect is how I wanted the Dream in the beginning, the effects are stunning and give increased versatility to Dreams. Thanks Stardock     
Neil Banfield
Reply #9 Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:48 PM

The effects are really cool, my 3 molecules dream plus the rainbow effect is how I wanted the Dream in the beginning, the effects are stunning and give increased versatility to Dreams. Thanks Stardock     

The rainbow effect only works on some dreams, but on some it really works well.

Reply #10 Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:15 PM
well this is amazing....i had hacked windows 7 to force it to run deskscapes, now not only does it run without the hack, my performance is 10x better.... i thought i had a faulty part to be honest considering im on a core i7 955 with 12 gb ram and 2x gtx 285 2gb in sli
Reply #11 Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:16 PM
It's not even coming up in Impulse for me. Still have v2.5? So how do I get the new version?
Neil Banfield
Reply #12 Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:22 PM

Show prereleases enabled?

Reply #13 Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:24 PM

Angus click the ORB and update there on the menu and have prerelease checked!

Your computer has a Windows Experience Index base score of
Your Windows Graphics Experience score is 7.9

Deskscapes appears to be activated on this PC
Deskscapes engine appears to be running
(Generic PnP Monitor) 1 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT 
(Acer H243H) 2 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT 

Deskscape.dll                  2009/08/20 13:26:27
Deskscapes.dll                   2009/08/20 13:26:06
DreamControl32.dll                 2009/08/20 13:28:24
DeskscapesConfig.exe                  2009/08/20 13:28:49
UI\Deskscape.dll                2009/08/20 13:28:36
UI\DeskscapesVideo.dll         2009/08/20 13:28:54
Activate.exe                     2009/08/20 13:28:32
DreamTasks.exe                   2009/08/20 13:28:57
DeskscapesVideo.dll              2009/08/20 13:26:54

I slowed the Desktop Earth down a bit on rotation to get a better cpu usage here - but as far as that goes it is running very well! Nice addition for Win7

Neil Banfield
Reply #14 Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:28 PM

Slowing down desktop earth should have almost 0 impact on cpu usage as that dream uses almost none to start with.

Reply #15 Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:13 PM
Every time I install Impulse I get blue screen and have to reinstall my whole Vista Ultimate Do I really have to install Impulse to get deskscapes 3? I dont use Object desktop, even though I bought it (in november)
Reply #16 Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:18 PM
It won't launch!!!   
Neil Banfield
Reply #17 Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:21 PM

RedneckDude: There is an update being staged right now which may deal with that for you.  When it shows up please install it and let us know.

Neil Banfield
Reply #18 Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:22 PM

Every time I install Impulse I get blue screen and have to reinstall my whole Vista Ultimate Do I really have to install Impulse to get deskscapes 3? I dont use Object desktop, even though I bought it (in november)

Betas are not provided in standalone form.

You should not get a BSOD from installing Impulse as it is just a user mode app.  It doesn't install any drivers or anything nasty like that.

Reply #19 Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:26 PM
OMG Gorgeous interface! Only one thing I wish I could find: A speed control. But as is it's fantastic...and, it matches WB7... Very cool work, Neil. Veeeery cool.
Reply #20 Thursday, August 20, 2009 10:44 PM
I can't even get it to install. I click deskscapes in Impulse and it shows "Deskscapes v2.50 Updated: 8/20/2009" and when I hit install it says "This program is not compatible with your current operating system". I have a legit install of Win 7 64-bit RTM.

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