The A.K.A thread! Who's who?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 by mickeko | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Ok, I see so many threads where people are referred to by other names than their current username.

Please post your A.K.A's (Also Known As), and I'll try to compile a list with different names.

I will not add someone elses names posted, only those that are used to refer to *you*. Some may not wish to be part of this kind of list.

Starting with myself, adding in alphabetical order as we go:

Primary names:

2of3 (Tim, Timo, Timmeh)
ALMonty (AL - Monty - What's his face - Dude)
angus1949 (Ed)
CarGuy1 (CarGuy - Mike - Boss - Cars)
Divyasugar (divya - anamika)
DrJBHL (doc - Doc)
Fuzzy Logic (Mick - Mike - Fuzzy - Fuzzeh - FL)
ImStein (Immy - Jen)
jazzymjr (jazzy - MJ - Mary Jane)
k10w3 (Karen)
Lantec (Dad - hun - jackass - hey you!) (Ambiguous lot, these names)
messiah1 (steve - mike - m1 - munkeh)
mickeko (mick)
Mike b1954 (Mike)
Mirsguy (Mg - Mirs - Brian - Bry)
RedneckDude (RND - RedneckJim - PDJ - PuterDudeJim - PegsBro - Peter(lol) - The Artist Formerly Known As PDJ - ChubbyHusband - Jim - Dude)
Skinhit (Jack - Skinny)
starkers (Mark)
superman (supes - vij)
snowman (Snow - Snowy)
TheSkinsFactory (Jesh66 - TSF Jesh - Hyperdesk - TSF - Jeff)
voidcore (void)
vStyler (v)
Winmodify (Roeland - AdminWM - Dice - Dicey Dogg - Double D - D - Bezem049)
Wizard1956 (Wizard - Wiz - Gumby)
Xiandi (Cyn, Cyndie, X, Lady X)

A.K.A Names:

AL - ALMonty
Doc - DrJBHL
Dude - ALMonty or RedneckDude
gumby - Wizard1956
Jim - RedneckDude
Karen - k10w3
m1 - messiah1
mick - mickeko
mike - messiah1
Monty - ALMonty
munkeh - messiah1
PDJ - Redneckdude
Peter - RedneckDude
RedneckJim - RedneckDude
RND - RedneckDude
snow - snowman
snowy - snowman
steve - messiah1
supes - superman
v - vStyler
vij - superman
What's his face - ALMonty
Wiz - Wizard1956
Wizard - Wizard1956

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Reply #1 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 12:40 PM

DrJBHL - Doc/doc

Reply #2 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 12:50 PM


You got the Bleeding Heart Liberal part of the Doc's name wrong



Reply #3 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:01 PM


Lantec....aka Dad, hun, jackass (my wife's favorite by the way), hey you! ....mailman thinks my nick is Occupant.......I've got a few more I can't think of right now.....

Reply #4 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:09 PM

superman supes vij

Reply #5 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:18 PM


You got the Bleeding Heart Liberal part of the Doc's name wrong

Ooops. Will correct that.


I did intend this thread to contain the alternate names people use for you on this particular forum. But I will add whatever you claim, because I don't really feel like checking up on everything you say.


** Updated 'til this post **

Reply #6 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:21 PM

vStyler - v. - The Pork Shack - Flash - goofball - wee possum - pup - honey - John - Yawn - Dad - Son - Boss.


but on here... v.

Reply #7 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:29 PM

ok, honey errr... v. 

Reply #8 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:52 PM

messiah1 - steve, mike, m1, munkeh, a$$hole, hun, dickhead, jerk...I'm sure there are more.

Reply #9 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 2:01 PM

ALMonty - AL, Monty, What's his face, Dude

Reply #10 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 2:04 PM

*** updated to here ***


Reply #11 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 2:10 PM

ok, honey errr... v.

ok.. after that, my aka would be: he that throws up in own mouth a little"

Reply #12 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 2:14 PM

RedneckDude, AKA:  RND,  RedneckJim, PDJ, PuterDudeJim, PegsBro, Peter(lol), The Artist Formerly Known As PDJ, ChubbyHusband, Jim, Dude.     

Reply #13 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 2:20 PM


AKA: Wizard, Wiz, Gumby

Reply #14 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 2:20 PM

You can call me anything but late for dinner.

Reply #15 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 2:56 PM

Winmodify aka:

Roeland / AdminWM / Dice / Dicey Dogg / Double D / D / Bezem049
I would like to keep some dignity so I cannot tell you what my girlfriend calls me haha 

Reply #16 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 3:11 PM

k10w3, a/k/a Karen.  At home, a/k/a, Ma, Mom, and by my husband, Baby -- which also happens to be the dog's name...I think he just likes calling that name out and watching both his bitches come running.

Reply #17 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 3:23 PM

*** Got you covered up to here, for now... ***

Reply #18 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 4:45 PM

I think he just likes calling that name out and watching both his bitches come running.


Reply #19 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 4:49 PM

I think he just likes calling that name out and watching both his bitches come running.

My reaction as!!

Reply #20 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 5:16 PM

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