RIP my dead XP system

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 by Philly0381 | Discussion: Personal Computing

I was hoping to get a new computer when Win 7 went public later this year but on Monday my old XP system decided to suddenly die.  Power supply bit the dust and sort of messed up the motherboard and video card.  Oh well, such is life, it lasted almost 5 1/2 years.  Would still be using it today probably if I would have been paying attention. 

It was an older Gateway 500 series, P4 2.6Ghz, 2GB ram (came with 512MB), 80GB HD CD and DVD and a diskette drive.  Would you believe it sold as a Gaming PC.    Well it was replaced yesterday with what you might call an upgrade.  Got another Gateway, LX6810-01.  Check out the specs, it isn't the latest, fastest or best computer out there but for the money, which is less than half of what I paid for the one it's replacing, it's not bad and I get a whole lot more computer.

So now that I have a Vista Home Preimum 64 bit system wiith lots of memory and a good processor to play with how about a few pointers on what I should look out for.  I turned of UAC.  How about it working with Stardock programs, anything I should be aware of?  I spent last night getting the ObjectDesktop Ultimate programs downloaded through Impulse.  Sure glad they came out with Impulse, made setting up the new system very easy.

I guess now those Theme Manager Suites I've been doing will be set up for Vista.

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Reply #1 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 12:54 PM

Very nice Philly.   What an upgrade. I just bought a HP Touchsmart laptop with 64bit. The start button in ObjectDock dosen't work (I don't use it anyway) and I have to apply an Iconpackage maybe 3 times to load all the icons. I blame that on the 64bit but everything in ObjectDesktop works fine. Vista is a little different then XP if you have any questions about Vista PM me I'll be glad to help.

Reply #2 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 12:56 PM

Have a break... Kitkat

Wish you play a lot with your new replacement.... and wish it lives too long...

Happy computing skinning playing........hehehe I don't have more words......

Fuzzy Logic
Reply #3 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 12:58 PM

Sad to see it go, but after 5 1/2 years maybe it was time.

Congrats on the new pc. You should be fine. Although I'm mostly in XP I have Vista 64 as a dual boot and haven't had eny problems with my OD stuff yet.

If you've turned off UAC that's a good start. The only other thing to look out for is folder permission. For some reason Vista likes the 'everyone' group set to deny, which means you can't always access your own folders...!

Fuzzy Logic
Reply #4 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 12:58 PM

and I have to apply an Iconpackage maybe 3 times to load

I get that in XP too.

Reply #5 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:18 PM

It depends on whether the icon's program was busy or not...

Reply #6 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:32 PM

I get that in XP too.

I don't have to do it on my Vista Ultimate 32bit desktop or my 32bit Vista Home Preimum laptop or my 32bit XP MCE desktop. 4 computers too much for 1 person. and the funny thing is I don't even work in an office.

Reply #7 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:38 PM

Man what happened to the diskette drives?!?!


I probably would keep using xp till they don't support it, I don't really like win 7 or vista, each time they release a new one, it gets larger to install with not that many features I care to use, just look at the live photo gallery, I have photoshop why would use an inferior product

Besides there are so many bugs and defects with the products

Reply #8 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:42 PM

Man what happened to the diskette drives?!?!

I probably would keep using xp till they don't support it, I don't really like win 7 or vista, each time they release a new one, it gets larger to install with not that many features I care to use, just look at the live photo gallery, I have photoshop why would use an inferior product

Besides there are so many bugs and defects with the products


To each their own.  I've been using Vista 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions since it's MSDN Beta releases..  I have no complaints..  My system runs perfectly.   Don't be too afraid to upgrade..  Eventually you'll have to and you won't know what to do lol..  Better to just give in.  Or, use Ubuntu or something.


Well sorry for your system dying Philly..  But, your new one looks pretty good.  Enjoy!!

Reply #9 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:47 PM

Besides there are so many bugs and defects with the products
And I take it Ex-P was perfect when released?

All software has bugs,it's the nature of the beast. Vista has been perfectly functional for me. It had some glitches before SP1 was released,but aside from that I have had no problems with this OS. I have SP2RC installed now and everything is working fine.

Reply #10 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:48 PM

I have a whole pile of floppy disks I won't ever use. I also have a box of 8 track tapes too.

Reply #11 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:57 PM

I have a whole pile of floppy disks I won't ever use. I also have a box of 8 track tapes too.

I have no floppy disks. I had few but I cut their belly to see what was inside. Aw! man there was no juice...

.......just a magnetic film with metallic disk in centre and some pin-ups.


Reply #12 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 2:17 PM


Besides there are so many bugs and defects with the products And I take it Ex-P was perfect when released?
All software has bugs,it's the nature of the beast. Vista has been perfectly functional for me. It had some glitches before SP1 was released,but aside from that I have had no problems with this OS. I have SP2RC installed now and everything is working fine.

sure I could wait till service packs comes out, and turn off auto update, But why upgrade when xp works just as well like the saying goes "If it an't broken don't fix it"

Reply #13 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 2:45 PM

So now that I have a Vista Home Preimum 64 bit system wiith lots of memory and a good processor to play with how about a few pointers on what I should look out for.

Here's a useful tweak:

Run services.msc. On every service set on automatic, try to set them to automatic (delayed start). Most will display an error, but a bunch of them will not. It'll reduce diskload on bootup a bit, and reduce the time it takes before the system gets responsive at boot.

I've never noticed any side effects by doing this. The effect tend to be more dramatic on systems that has been used for a while, but I prefer to do this proactively.

Reply #14 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 2:54 PM

Congrats on your new system. Hope you didn't loose anything (had backups?). I would expect the new one is much more responsive, but I understand Vista has a steep learning curve. Have fun and make some pretty thingss!

Reply #15 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 3:11 PM

I understand Vista has a steep learning curve

Vista has everything XP does. Somethings are just in different places. But basically it's the same.

Reply #16 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 3:29 PM

personally for that price i would go with a custom built PC...maybe im biased but after owning 2 dell's an HP and a gateway i will never own another brand name computer...they add too much CRAP into thier systems...i know you could find a custom built PC better than that...and i see no monitor comes with that?...a nice comp but im sure you could find something better from ibuy or cyberpower pc or even tiger direct

Reply #18 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 3:41 PM

I was hoping to get a new computer when Win 7 went public later this year but on Monday my old XP system decided to suddenly die. Power supply bit the dust and sort of messed up the motherboard and video card. Oh well, such is life, it lasted almost 5 1/2 years.


So will there be any memorial service and where do we send the flowers?

I.R. Brainiac
Reply #19 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 3:45 PM

On every service set on automatic, try to set them to automatic (delayed start)


good suggestion

Reply #20 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 6:59 PM

Thanks ever so much jojo25, you really know how to make a person feel just wonderful.

I am very happy and satisfied with the computer that I brought, only a few trial progams on it.  Didn't need a monitor since I have two, a 22in Samsung WS LCD and a 37in WS LCD TV.  I'm not a person who plays games on their computer so this system should handle what ever I need to do.

I am equally sure that you will feel the same as I do with your next computer purchase.

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