Should Stardock build computers?

Thursday, April 2, 2009 by Philly0381 | Discussion: Personal Computing

ShelbyGT and myself were having a discussion about computers and updating them when we hit on the idea of how cool it would be if Stardock were to have computers sytems for sale. Think about it now, they could be pre-certified to run Stardock software/games and preloaded with Impulse for those folks that all ready have purchased software or have subscriptions to ObjectDesktop, just sign in and download.   It should take care of all the 'Stardock software won't run on my system' threads in the fourms.

Hmm, wonder if this idea has ever seen the light of day at Stardock?

As you can imagine any venture like this would have to be thought out before attempting it.

1.  It would have to make a profit. 

2.  Who builds it, Stardock or do you out source it?

3.  What OS is loaded on it?

4.  Do you offer a 'Good', 'Better' and 'Best' system configuration?

5.  Would the existing Stardock support structure be able to handle it?

6.  Would anyone buy a computer from Stardock?

So what do you think folks, should Stardock look at this?  Would you be interested?  What would you like to see in a system (Good, Better, Best). I have no idea if this is even possible or even being thought about at Stardock but lets see your comments of what you think.  It would be great to hear from some SD reps or even the Frog himself.


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Reply #1 Thursday, April 2, 2009 4:09 PM

which OS? Doesn't Impulse only run on windows? I guess you might mean xp, vista, or windows 7 when it comes out?

It seems like a plausible idea, but I don't really know other distributors or developers that make their own computers. Its certainly a thought though.

Reply #2 Thursday, April 2, 2009 4:46 PM

3. What OS is loaded on it?


Whatever the OS, if Brad is involved ya know it will be 64 bit only

Reply #3 Thursday, April 2, 2009 4:47 PM

they could be pre-certified to run Stardock software/games
Since Stardock would have no control over what software is installed after the sale ,I would think the end user could quite easily run into compatability issues afterwards.There are simply too many possible software/OS/configuration variables to take into account.

Other  non-Stardock customizing apps ,AV /Security software,and even cracks would be more of a headache to deal with than it would be worth. That's my thoughts on it anyway.

Reply #4 Thursday, April 2, 2009 5:07 PM

Just a little point to be made here with this idea.

"Sure there are to be ups and downs to any OEM manufacturer." But what the real question here is ... Would you yourself look at buying such a computer and what is it that you would want in it? Myself and Philly kind of gandered over the idea. With so many possiblities it was hard to figure without some other input. Thus Philly has asked that we suggest to the community whats what to you as such.

Granted this is only our idea at the moment and has nothing to do with anything actually happening at Stardock. But we want this community to put it's best foot forward at looking at the firm idea and what it could mean for the future.

Myself I see it as one hell of a good idea and yes I'd buy a system from Stardock in a second flat being it was what I have in mind. But that is me...

How about you and what do you really want and can afford! Now lets keep it together people. This is a some what serious subject and one never knows what may really become of such a thing. I don't, but people at Stardock would surely be interested in your thoughts.

Thank you and lets here it for Stardock!

Reply #5 Thursday, April 2, 2009 5:12 PM

I don't think it would be wise if a software company would sell hardware too. Remember Microsoft! It is as bad as if a software company starts to sell vegetables. You need to employ new people for it (specialized to hw (or bananas ). It is expensive and the company may not have any profit at all. 

Reply #6 Thursday, April 2, 2009 5:16 PM

I don't know, guys.  You ask a software company to design consumer hardware solutions and you get the Xbox 360 - (which has a what, 70% failure rate within 2 years?)

I like the games and I like the people who play them.  But I'll probably stick to established boutique builders or build my own and leave it to SD to design what comes in the box.  

edit: !

Reply #7 Thursday, April 2, 2009 6:12 PM

Internally Stardock does have what we call template PCs which we demonstrate to OEMs th show what is possible with Windows.

I should show you a picture of the PCs as they don't look like standard PCs (they're small, quiet, subtle, but powerful) with the initial boot up being Windows as if Apple (or to be fair, Microsoft too) had control over the hardware and sofware.

Reply #8 Thursday, April 2, 2009 6:21 PM

I build my own PCs, and no matter how much I love stardock, I would likely continue to build my own.*   I get a sense of satisfaction from dealing with all the monkey business of getting the system to actually post and then getting drivers and such to work out.  I would recommend it to friends though.

Reply #9 Thursday, April 2, 2009 6:22 PM

Internally Stardock does have what we call template PCs which we demonstrate to OEMs

I should show you a picture of the PCs

This is very interesting point and really is something I'd like to see there Brad!

Reply #10 Thursday, April 2, 2009 6:24 PM

I think selling hardware would detract from their core business. Diversifying is only good up to the point where sheer diversity keeps you from focusing on what you're doing.

OTOH, running some promotion through (insert favorite hardware seller here) to sell the "stardock recommended gaming machine" might not be a bad idea.

Reply #11 Thursday, April 2, 2009 6:25 PM

Cavan1, without a doubt.

Wizard you are correct, but then it's no difference than buying most things.  It will do as stated unless you change something.  In this case though you would have a starting point to work out the compatibility issues/problems.  

mrakomo, that's why it would have to be well thought out.  Selling probably wound't be the problem, building could very well be. 

Ke5tre, leaning from other's ventures or misadventures would be crucial.  


Reply #12 Thursday, April 2, 2009 6:26 PM

Internally Stardock does have what we call template PCs which we demonstrate to OEMs th show what is possible with Windows.


If I recall, you got your start building computers in your dorm for faculty.  Things would come full circle for you then, eh?   I'd love to see what your template machines look like, specs, etc...

Reply #13 Thursday, April 2, 2009 6:28 PM

6.  Would anyone buy a computer from Stardock?


if they build customers will come.

I would not be one of them though. Nothing against Stardock as I love SD software. I just refuse to buy prebuilt systems. 

Reply #14 Thursday, April 2, 2009 6:30 PM

Keep your comments coming folks. 

Frogboy I too would like to see pic's of a templete PC.

Reply #15 Thursday, April 2, 2009 7:23 PM

id say no.  stardock should NOT have a pc for sale. 

SD PLEASE OH PLEASE dont waste money in to the evil BTO hardware pit! (i know you wont)

now, maybe thru impulse they sell software that is "certified with impulse" or something which would indicate that the apps all run happy with each other.  as for hardware, it would be cheaper and more effective for SD to again "certify" a wide range of hardware and then sell off the used goods through impulse or w/e medium they want.  Impulse fans could buy up the hardware or get discounts when buying apps + the used test hardware.

frogboy, email me if you need a professional tester certified hw guru to head up this project.  im willing to relocate.


Reply #16 Thursday, April 2, 2009 7:34 PM

Interesting concept DauntlessAnsible.

Reply #17 Thursday, April 2, 2009 7:55 PM

they could probably make a decent os to go with it too!

Reply #18 Thursday, April 2, 2009 8:10 PM

Tell you what, Philly: While it's fun to toy around with that idea (and I enjoyed doing that), I'd like to see SD perfect the software it's already put out and work towards a unified, single piece of software which would have modules you could buy and add with the already purchased modules "fitting together" to complement eachother. Sort of like a jigsaw puzzle. Right now, there's software that works and some that doesn't.

Anyhow, I enjoyed the question...

I also agree...How about I.D. putting together a photo/video tour of SD? Might be nice to meet the folks that make the software, maintain and develop it and see where they work....hey, lots of businesses do that.

Reply #19 Thursday, April 2, 2009 8:22 PM

Your idea sounds very interesting also DrJBHL, hope Frogboy (Brad) pays another visit here and read the replies.

Reply #20 Thursday, April 2, 2009 8:38 PM

Do one thing, do it well.  Software companies that jump into the hardware market are asking for trouble.

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