uploading forum pics

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 by gmc2 | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

While WC/SD are making BIG changes to our site experiences I was wondering if they would consider making it easier to upload pics to the forums. My understanding of the current process required, to which I've never been successful, requires the use of third party vendors, creating off site secondary accounts and making changes to my current security settings to allow access via third party cookies. Not sure how this compliments my WC experience as I have yet to have a positive experience with the process.

Possibly just an explanation why not?, would be helpful???

Reply #1 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 7:08 AM

Possibly just an explanation why not?

I'm pretty sure it's due to the amount of storage space required for something like that. By having them "linked in" Stardock doesn't have to provide all those terabytes or the extra servers to handle the traffic from them when they get linked offsite.

Reply #2 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 7:09 AM

I think you need a Stardock account, and possibly, to be logged into that account when attempting to upload, via the forums.. not sure buddy

Reply #3 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 7:29 AM

I'm not sure such big changes are being planned for the Forums (not that your suggestion doesn't have merits because it most certainly does) as an 'all at once' thing but as an 'as we go' thing.


Reply #77 (Zoomba) to Angus

Same Thread reply #80 (Zoomba) clarifies further:

"Now, does this mean no forum love is upcoming? Not necessarily. We have been rolling out fixes and updates to the forums continually over the last year that have added considerable functionality and speed improvements. When we have spare dev time, we take a crack at the forums again. My earlier point was just that this major rework is focused first and foremost on the main site (and personal pages) and not the forums. I apologize if it came across as anything else." (last paragraph only)

Actually, maybe if we had a separate Post (I haven't seen one) listing the problems we currently see and the changes we'd like to see and kept it short, sweet and on topic it would make things easier for the Admin people than sifting thru many posts all some good and less good ideas. Maybe just a list without cross commenting on others' ideas?



Reply #4 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:28 AM

I'm pretty sure it's due to the amount of storage space required for something like that.

here is where I get a little confused. I would think that if an image was imported that regardless of source that the image would be stored here??? It sounds like you're saying that the link is embedded in the post and the external site is called upon to post the image each time the thread is opened??? AND I guess that you are all comfortable allowing these third party vendors access to your system in this manner.

Maybe just a list without cross commenting on others' ideas?

straight and to the point, I like this idea.

Reply #5 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:49 AM

It sounds like you're saying that the link is embedded in the post and the external site is called upon to post the image each time the thread is opened?

Yes that's how it works.......as an example open the monthly screenshot thread and watch the status bar in your browser......


I guess that you are all comfortable allowing these third party vendors access to your system in this manner.

I can't speak for the owner.........I imagine the forums are compartmentalized from the rest of the Site(s)........... but I'm not aware of any jpg/gif/png attached viruses floating around out there and since it will only link graphic formats it should be pretty safe.

Reply #6 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:58 AM

I'm pretty sure it's due to the amount of storage space required for something like that.

here is where I get a little confused. I would think that if an image was imported that regardless of source that the image would be stored here??? It sounds like you're saying that the link is embedded in the post and the external site is called upon to post the image each time the thread is opened??? AND I guess that you are all comfortable allowing these third party vendors access to your system in this manner.

Maybe just a list without cross commenting on others' ideas?
straight and to the point, I like this idea.


Reply #7 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 9:09 AM



Greg,I've been using ImageCave for a long time now and have no troubles.  I am paranoid schitzo when it comes to security and I haven't had any problems in that area either.  In some posts you'll notice a place holder where a graphic used to be.  Well that is usually caused because someone move the graphic from it's original place at the third party site.

Use google to find a funny pic, do a copy, paste it in a folder on your hard drive, go to imageCave and upload the picture to them, then you copy the url listed and past it in the forum thread.

I always keep tabs open for ImageCave and Google.  You never know who lurks in the forums ready to pounce at any moment.

Good luck buddy, and be assured that many of us use these third party sites with no trouble.  Image Cave is free and has a pretty god amount of storage.


Island Dog
Reply #8 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 9:22 AM

Something like uploading and attaching pics to forums is on our "notes", but I really can't say when or whether or not this functionality will be integrated.  I think at the very least this is something that should be made available for the support forums. 


Reply #9 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 9:51 AM

I think at the very least this is something that should be made available for the support forums.

absolutely a worthwhile consideration, hope it makes the cut.

I've been using ImageCave for a long time now and have no troubles

thanks Angus, if I find the need again I'll look into it. I'll bookmark ImageCave for future reference.

Reply #10 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10:02 AM


good work, thanks.

Reply #11 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:45 PM

Island Dog
Something like uploading and attaching pics to forums is on our "notes", but I really can't say when or whether or not this functionality will be integrated.  I think at the very least this is something that should be made available for the support forums. 


Ohh, I thought gmc2 was talking about avatars lol

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