All welcome .. pop in and say hi ! !
Monday, January 19, 2009 by mike b1954 | Discussion: Community
It is with the greatest of pleasure ( and just a little hint of trepidation .. ) , that I declare that :
The Skinning Suite is OPEN FOR BUSINESS !!!
Xiandi , 2of3 , Cliff ( Pinchecl ) , and myself have spent the last few months putting this little site together for you all ....
We would like to think of ourselves as fun and friendly , with an emphasis on both of those words .. and like here ,
we are all on a first name relationship so do please log in and say hello ...
Please remember that the site is STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS , so please bear with us as we continue improving ...
In the meantime , pop in and say hello ..It would be great to see you there ...really ...
POP IN .. Register .. and say hi !
Come on in and have a look !!
Kind regards
MIKE ...
Reply #6 Monday, January 19, 2009 10:06 PM
hehe ~ You're on ...
Reply #10 Tuesday, January 20, 2009 9:01 AM
Great to be part of your site, mike...and thanx for the help!
Reply #12 Tuesday, January 20, 2009 9:49 AM
Mike .... very nice looking site.
I registered, but mistyped my email address.
I'm hoping you can fix it (it's obvious).
Probably why I can't log on.
Reply #13 Tuesday, January 20, 2009 10:18 AM
Welcome everyone to our little place!
I'm available most of the time to assist in any way!
Reply #14 Tuesday, January 20, 2009 10:45 AM
Brewman, Your email has beed fixed and you can log in now!
Reply #16 Tuesday, January 20, 2009 10:56 AM
Cool site. It's always good to see the skinning community expand (after so many years of consolidation).
In an effort to let you toot your own horn (and with no disrespect) . . What makes TSS a skinning destination?
Reply #17 Tuesday, January 20, 2009 11:52 AM
Nice site to everyone. I've been registered for awhile. Of couse I like the desktop sidebars Mike. I'd love to see so many more out to match some newr WB's. I really like the integrated chatbox on the front page. Keep up the good work.
Reply #20 Tuesday, January 20, 2009 5:07 PM
Our admin are really, really nice....
Our skins gallery is expanding very day. We have added more galleries for even more skins. So get over there and start uploading your work! (or download to your hearts content).
Exclusive content is planned for the near future.
We have an active shoutbox ...c'mon over and have a chat!
We have a jukebox that we are adding songs to. It will pop out in a new window too, to allow you control over it while you brouse.
We have a few site themes to make everything pretty, and plan to add more (if you have a special request for a new one, let me know)
We have a very short moderation time...
Each user has their own page, they can blog, put in articles they like, add pictures and images, really whatever they want to.
Registering with us is easy and free...and pretty much instant.
So get on over there, register, upload your work, but most of all, have fun!
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There are many great features available to you once you register, including:
- Richer content, access to many features that are disabled for guests like commenting on the forums and downloading skins.
- Access to a great community, with a massive database of many, many areas of interest.
- Access to contests & subscription offers like exclusive emails.
- It's simple, and FREE!
Reply #1 Monday, January 19, 2009 9:54 PM
nice site mike!
i'm On now!