Come'on let's see your real desktop....
Saturday, January 17, 2009 by Robbie_Boy | Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
well here's mine.
And here's my son's
Starting him off with my old rig...
Reply #2 Saturday, January 17, 2009 9:54 PM
Robbie_boy...that's just way too clean to be a desk...........
The office......
Reply #3 Saturday, January 17, 2009 10:12 PM
I know mate...... Im sad like that. i'm a neat freak!!!!!!! (every thing in it's place)
Love the pic's guy's
keep them comming.....
Reply #6 Saturday, January 17, 2009 10:53 PM
Lantec, your Office is still tidier than my sons room
Tailsgirl gives up on getting Phil to clean his room..
Reply #7 Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:26 AM
I see a back massager and what looks like 2 bottles of hydrocodone...back problems?
Reply #8 Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:35 AM
What's with everybody (except TG) having both a laptop AND a desktop? (....mumble, mumble, rich bastards, mumble, mumble).
Here it little slave corner in the world. This is where I work 10 hours a day, play maybe 2 hours a day, and grow old.
Reply #9 Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:41 AM
2 Bulging disks. Not too bad. Physical therapy helping. Back scratcher, maily, I don't use the massager Thanx for asking! If you look closely, you'll also see diabetes meds, RLS meds, High Blood Pressure meds, the list goes I am falling apart since I quit smoking and No shit, really!
Reply #10 Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:46 AM
A desktop, and 2 laptops. And a 26" HDTV as my PC is sweet! Oh, did I mention 4 GB RAM on the PC, and 2.5 GB on the Laptop? And a cable connection that gives me 16MB/sec. download speed?
Yours looks nice, nothing wrong with it.
Reply #11 Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:57 AM
Yeah, why would I need a laptop hehe, It will be a decade before I can upgrade the thing I have
Reply #12 Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:59 AM
I know the feeling...fractured L4...too dangerous to operate until I get to the point where I can't deal with the pain any longer. It's funny how much pain you can put up with when the choice is limited mobility. On the bright side, at least you get the good parking.
Here's mine...
Reply #13 Sunday, January 18, 2009 1:13 AM
A desktop, and 2 laptops. And a 26" HDTV as my PC is sweet! Oh, did I mention 4 GB RAM on the PC, and 2.5 GB on the Laptop? And a cable connection that gives me 16MB/sec. download speed?
Must remember, the Zen master tells me to shun personal attachment...ownership is a burden. <--------BS I tell myself when I'm totally green with jealosy. Why, oh why, where the stable men never interested in me?
Oh, please! Quit patronizing me!! It's just one step up from Robby_Boy's kid's setup! If I didn't have the 6-gallon aquarium just out of camera's view on the left, I'd be suicidal or borderline postal--the Beta fish sends me bubble messages that say "Remain calm. All is well."
I could use a laptop so that when hurricane season happens again, I can take the laptop, make a trip up to either my DH's relatives in Oklahoma or my relatives in Wisconsin, and keep working instead of having to deal with that dip in my income because I can't work when the electricity is out.
Could be worse, I least I have my health.
Reply #14 Sunday, January 18, 2009 1:41 AM
We work for it. I used to think the same thing several years ago when I saw people who had multiple computers and I only had one slow POS. Now I have the desktop, laptop, and my old PC that I'm putting back together for my aunt.
Reply #15 Sunday, January 18, 2009 11:31 AM
What's with everybody (except TG) having both a laptop AND a desktop? (....mumble, mumble, rich bastards, mumble, mumble).
We work for it.

I've tried that "working for" things...still am because I really don't have it in my to steal things, but it's not working out for me the same way it's apparently working out for you.
Reply #16 Sunday, January 18, 2009 11:43 AM
I'm with YOU k10w3................... I know how that feels............
Reply #17 Sunday, January 18, 2009 11:44 AM
Please ignore the remodeling mess. It's only been going on for years, since I got My area is on the left, my wife's area on the right. The Swifer is a required bit of technology for the Florida dust.
Reply #18 Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:00 PM
r u suuuuure about that?
Reply #19 Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:08 PM
I'm far from being rich....
it's taken years to get what i have now!!! i started with a $300.00 secondhand comp....
just cos i now have $3,000-$4,000 set up dose not mean i don't have to watch what i spend.....
i've built it up over time (alot of time.... )
Any way the idear i had when i started this thread was to get to know a bit about each other (cos if you are like me you spend alot of time sat infront of you comp, the pic will tell abit about you)
so keep the pic's comming.....
Reply #20 Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:26 PM
r u suuuuure about that?
Yeah, John, I am. Occasionally I'll come over here for a quick post when I've run out of work, waiting for the doctors to dictate some more. Since I get paid on production, if there is no work, I don't get paid, so I wait around to be the first one to get the work queued to them, which means hitting the "get more jobs button" over and over again, so I flip between my work window and the WC window. My DH makes sure it's no more than 2 hours of play because he needs/wants his time with me, too, and there are only so many hours in a day.
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Reply #1 Saturday, January 17, 2009 8:22 PM
Terrible shot though.
..............Don't make fun of my non cordless optical mouse
Cool, my Scarface game is in the shot!